Frage von Moritzk:
Moin Moin love you,
surely you know the problem! Man shoots and shoots and it is more and more, it will create folders in which the video files are packed, but the folder listing decreases.
I eg. does not always know in which folder should I pack which video and how can I correct it ... sort by date, by location, by event? ... and how can I find something again?
Especially with natural shots can use this vllt you for various projects, again this is difficult.
With the Search of Windows, I can not really start with, because you will only filenames, but that's it.
Is it not possible with a program to catalog video files?
Quasi I would like any video files with different "tags marked" (Sea, Baltic Sea, waves, sunset) to then later with entering a search term zufinden again.
I would really help the very next, as it will with time more and more and I want to delete something unwillingly. The Katagolieren of about 1 tb so far will certainly take a while, but if it makes from time to time, it makes life easier :-)
Or how you solve this problem.
Thank you for program and other Hinweiße.
Best wishes,
Moritz from Wismar
Antwort von srone:

the catalog of video files via tags you could help this program