Frage von Sommerregen:
Since yesterday I have my Panasonic 250 and need a tip in relation to a program where I can pull out individual images from the video shoot - so to speak, as the photos--s.einfachsten ....
Where do I start there? I even need a special program for this?
Gruss Tanja
Antwort von WeiZen:

can any video editing program or software DVD player, at least if the AVI first time at the plate.
Antwort von Sommerregen:

Also moin ;-)
ääh, AVI? So it would be very nice of you if you could explain it again in women's language ;-)
Antwort von Sticky_the_Tricky:

Between Moin and Midach;)
The Lord says to wheat, if you already have the movie times on your hard drive (usually stored as AVI's ... so it means the format) of the film, you can them with a software player (WinDVD, Media Player, VLC, etc. thing.) And make it very easy to screenshots. Many players even have extra keys for ne ....
Until späteretäter! :)
Antwort von Sommerregen:

I'd now synonymous understand where .. I'm curious about .. s if I did put in the can ;-)
thanks for the help
and greet
Antwort von Sticky_the_Tricky:

I'd now synonymous understand where ..
And that was not now time women's language;) fun!
Good luck!
Antwort von Benny:

Hello Tanya,
with the screenshots that is true, but the quality is by no means great. Now I do not know what will you do with the pictures, but if you already are working with DV and have such a great camera, then you'd better get the frames from the synonymous editing program.
I myself work with ulead media studio pro 7 and the Paint program, which is included in the packet, I can edit every single frame and save it (as PNG lossless compression).
This is far better than a screenshot.
Antwort von Sommerregen:

hi benny,
then the quality is not so great, I am aware of .. but still quite nice.
I would just like to have a program .. into which you can tuck right in such a multiple raster images.
and a simple editing in the selection of the image. I therefore
can stop and search any sekunde directly irgenwie as this photo and then synonymous (if the printer can print then comes) ..
I once knew a photographer who for a brilliant program. However isser no longer palpable. stupid. so I signed up here to get of "benefit's" to help. I as a beginner. As I said, I cam yesterday ;-) * g *
so I'm thankful for every tip ..
but please not too many technical terms * g *
Antwort von WeiZen:

if you you a picture editing program grow way you can, not just every second they walk through your movie and what you are straight save as Stillimage.
Antwort von Markus:

Hello Tanya,
Print ...?! Then do not expect too much. The classic, digital video image has rectangular one Resolutionvon only 720 × 576 (!) Pixels. If you adjust the picture before printing it to 768 × 576 pixels, do not appear to people as "egg heads" ... well, most at least! ;-)
Antwort von Sommerregen:

Hi Mark,
So I respect even better memories. Sure, not great but it may be having, I think it's 13x18.
Or has changed the way? grübel * *
I think I must have finally closing time ... to deal with a clever program and then I can talk the talk again ....
Unfortunately, the PG are all so expensive ;-(
Antwort von WeiZen:

13x18 goes so straight, an intelligent printer is synonymous impact.
Take this:
Antwort von Benny:

Hello Tanya,
I believe you will not get past s.einem editing program.
Where else for a mini DV. Then You can go to a Photocam.
As synonymous Ulrich confirmed: "Take MediaStudio Pro 7
I myself am over 25 years professional working cinematographer and also still producing DVD's synonymous for the industry.
I am also working with MSP 7 and you can play them every single picture, as you so wished. In addition, you can always put more synonymous edit what I quite often do when it comes to DVD Label Design.
However, if there should be only snapshots to print, then save the images from the tape but at the same DV camera to your card.
This is the lightest of all the variant. Since you can even still Resolutionbestimmen.
I hope you know how to do it.
Gruß Benny
Antwort von frage ^^:

I have a video on windows media player to run and then just break down after that to make a screenhsot too.
But when I paint the screenshot to save him, such as inserting and suddenly the picture is black!
And if I want to cut / rest (before) so I can save just save the picture from the video, then I do not manage to move the image to paint on.
that is, if I show of Cut and windows media player the picture will then have to stand alone, it is synonymous black ...
I do not know why., one can help me?