Frage von F.Platonva:Hi,
I'm looking for a program that's free, obtained from the Internet
download. I would like the videos that I recorded
have, with a free editing program. Premiere does not
into question, because the program is too expensive.
I-Movie with Macintosh running together, and I have windows. Can
miretwas recommend someone. Or perhaps a choice of several
Greetings and thanks
Antwort von Wolfgang Hauser: (F. Platonva) wrote:
> Can
> miretwas recommend someone.
Yes, just the last 2-3 weeks after the group read.
Antwort von Heiko Roschmann:
"F. Platonva"
wrote in news post
Programs cut video free video # # #
> Hi,
> Miretwas recommend someone. Or perhaps a choice of several
> Programmgen.
> Greetings and thanks
I myself do with the Skystar 2 on and work with the following programs
PVA Strumento: the demultiplexer (results in a video and a sound file)
mpeg2schnitt: about advertising, and just the beginning and the end to cut
mplex1: the two files back together again
Simply enter the names into Google and you're on the download pages
While cumbersome, but works flawlessly.
I have tried VideoReDo (crashes with me), TMPEGenc (in the 30
Days as the versions I could not test everything), Magix
Video on CD & DVD (conceptronix lies with the Firewire card in) and the
Trial version of Pinnacle Studio. Did I somehow not all so
liked and after a long Intenetsuchen and Forendurchforsten I og 3
Programs (to my knowledge freeware) and I found with the result very
to peace.