Frage von halbschuh:
I had previously with HDV 50i material to do what I said in Premiere CS2 and CS3 handle. For slow motion, I have the clip from Premiere as an uncompressed Quicktime (Apple, none) and then exported to After Effects 7 with time stretching rendered (reason for QuickTime is not for me funktionerende Import of MPEG2 in AE [error 53]).
Now I have progressive material (25F, Canon) and would like to do the same. If I Ater Effects now in the uncompressed QuickTime to 200% Dehne, I am no longer the new interpolated frames added to the existing, but any existing frame is displayed on two frames. There is therefore no interpolation instead ..?
Danke & Gruss,
Antwort von Lutz Dieckmann:

we have with 24p for a cinema spot made. Since only helps with various Bewegungsunschärfen mess. One can artificially synonymous frames to let.
This happens about PIXEL MOTION. You can do it on your footage, click on the button looks like two movie pictures. The line must be of links below to go right up. You have to be synonymous, but for the composition on. These new images are added. Try out times
Antwort von halbschuh:

Hello Lutz
Thank you for your reply, I try the same tonight!
Antwort von halbschuh:

Hello Lutz
Wanted me once again for your help. I've thoroughly tested, synonymous with the whole-pixel motion-history. Unfortunately, all this produced no change. I go now assume that when Premiere CS3 export uncompressed (no preference, in which containers, if QuickTime or AVI) handles anything differently than it did in CS2. For files, I then exported from Premiere CS2 had "work" at the 200% elongation without any problems, ie, there are new images effectively for the new frame is created. For those of CS3 are simply a kind of blurred picture in the new frame set.
I will probably to the Production Suite CS4 upgrade. Perhaps, the dynamic-link hopefully less or no problems with it ...