Frage von sigrid:
Hello s.alle user,
perhaps you have any advice for me.
I have a video in avi format and would like several passages from this out, because I use these separately on a CD burn möchte.Soll a gift.
Is this possible?
And next, it is possible to isolate the sound?
The video has been rotated on a ship and the engine noise is extremely loud.
Please indicate the answer may simply formulate, since I have little idea of the whole matter had.
Greetings all of you
Antwort von rodi:

Hi Sigrid,
there is a possibility. Cutting with the razor blade that part of the avi's right to have like, click on this part, so it is highlighted (blue).
Click with the right mouse button on the clip and go to copy (now is this clip in the clipboard).
Open a new Project and add this clip on the right mouse button with "paste" into the timeline and save this movie.
Start your new film output, copy in the same way you selected clips and add them on the clipboard into your new movie.
So you pack all your clips in this new film.
The Sound:
Click s.Rand right of the video track on the padlock, the video track is locked and you can now delete the soundtrack.
Or you go to Tools: volume change and prefer the tone of the video track all the way down. Then the sound muted, but remains preserved.
Villeicht it helps you
Much greetings
Antwort von sigrid:

thank Fred, everything has worked beautifully, but with the history of sound, I am still not quite satisfied.
I wish that the film does not quite make dumb but a conversation from the entire filter out noise chaos. Geht das?
Is probably more a question s.einen sound. or?
Do you have an idea?
Greetings and thank you
Antwort von rodi:

Hi Sigrid,
nice that the "Filmzerlegen" went well, but from the sounds the call chaos to filter out, because I see no chance.
Maybe yes a "Tonexperte" an idea, how it is to realize
Many greetings
Antwort von Eugen von ...:

What sounds are there? A steady noise or sums weggefiltert get you more than anything irregular or even other, overlapping conversations ...
Antwort von sigrid:

Yes, it has to do with overlapping conversations.
The filter is for me as a layman is bloody hopeless.
Greetings you all Sunday sigrid
Antwort von Markus:
The filter is for me as a layman is bloody hopeless. That has nothing to do with the fact that you're layman. A professional could not synonymous better, because what should be an audio software (if they are synonymous skillfully operated) know what conversation is relevant content? Also, you can not filter by content, but primarily only to certain frequencies or noise profiles. They are in talks, however, often the same.
When something you have to start earlier and an additional microphone that primarily absorbs what it takes.
Antwort von sigrid:

Hi Markus,
I understand completely that of a priori must be properly planned.
In my case, however, it is more a random Auifnahme, which arose at a meeting.
Again something learned. Thank you for this and
cordial greetings Sigrid