Frage von Insa:
On the debugging my problem I have now all durchgesucht forums. This is my questions only magnified. In this forum: was synonymous times I logged in, but now I can still log in, but do not write more contributions to my next problem to consider.
But now to the point.
Problem: With Pinnacle Studio Pros, version 10.7, I have a project created with menu, pictures, video, sound. After a successful Disc Image creation for DVD, the test with the DVD player (Power DVD): The menu is black. The functions are available, you can click and reach the desired point, the film is synonymous ansich runs correctly. Only the menu is just black.
Facts: With Studio 10 Pros, I have DVDs created in which the problem was. It could be that the problem occurs since I installed the 10.7 patch did. (File: Studiopatch10_7_0_light.exe) This file can I find, however, not in the software directory. I have noticed is that I am next to Studio 10 will have a program "Studio 10 Bonus DVD," the same size, such as Studio 10, which is 3724.00 MB. I now have two programs because of it? And could the error be? Also I have a StudioMenuPatch installed, which I know are not synonymous, where I could find the back to back. (Not available in the software list in any case). How can I use the version 10.7 and the MenuPatch again "reset", delete?
When I go to Studio 10 plus is always an error (the impact on previously never edit or render video quality and I had had so ignored): "Studio Pro has a display adapter detected, the system of Pinnacle was not qualified."
The only thing for me Pros Studio 10 is not more, are the 2D transitions. I have not stop then, because I always do not know how I could eliminate. The reference to the 3D-check tool, I followed, the result will help but not next to me (am only a simple software user and have little idea - certainly not of hardware):
3D-check tool
Didplay Adapter: SIS 741
- General features -
Grapics card: SIS GRV.dll
Graphics driver:
Driver qualification Unknown vendor / HW
- System-rating
- System Validation
On Validation: serious failures have occurred have occurred
In search of answers, what I can do now ready for my Project in an ordinary DVD, are struck with things that make me questioningly. (This answer did not I receive are the result of other similar problems have been mentioned):
Info Forums:
You've unfortunately only one OnBoard graphics card. These graphics cards are s.Motherboard appropriate and have a very limited 3D performance.
Attempts times, specifying the exact graphics card out. You must be DirectX ® 9-compatible and should mindestnes 128 MB RAM. Drivers also should be reasonably current.
I've synonymous an onboard graphics card. Can my problem with that hang together (although it has never made problems, until I had 10.7)?
More detailed information on the graphics card than the aforementioned 3D-check tool, I have not found synonymous.
I have Windows XP. As our motherboard and the graphics card was installed, we have Studio DV (Pinacle our first version) and it installed 10 Pros (we had had previously synonymous version 8, version 9, we had skipped). But as I said, initially there were no problems. If you have further information on the assistance needed, please bescheidsagen (if it's done with info, find out where I - am an absolute amateur)
So I am still on the tube - still have no idea what the problem might be synonymous and no idea what I might try it now and then like.
Can anyone help next, what the cause of the menu is black?
Or is that too good to be true?
Best wishes and THANK YOU ever s.jeden, who tried to help me.
Antwort von Insa:

Supplement yet, I just einfiel:
I had some times when virtual memory is low at 250 - 2800, because for a game my son was necessary. Maybe my problem with this together?
I now have very many opportunities aufgeschmissen, I hope someone here can begin with more than I do. Had super.
Many greetings
Antwort von Hollgo:

The "Black Menu" phenomenon is unfortunately a bug studio of 10.7, which quite often occurs depends on the project.
But he no longer be corrected, because now Studio 11 is out. According to Pinnacle, it is for XP users do not patch anymore for S10, for VISTA users will be to run under VISTA restrict s.Bug clauses will no longer worked.
The "workaround" is so stupid it sounds, is the purchase of a separate authoring program. Synonymous Can an older version, which are cheap to get.
Antwort von Insa:

Tach, Hollgo.
Also interesting. It is s.nix of what I thought. Pinnacle again. Okay, thanks for the hint.
You wrote:
The "workaround" is so stupid it sounds, is the purchase of a separate authoring program. Synonymous Can an older version, which are cheap to get. It sounds perhaps silly, I am in any case too stupid to understand it. What is a "separate authoring program and what has, in conjunction with Studio 10 to do?
Is it synonymous a way to switch back to 10.5? (So uninstall studio, Studio DV and Studio 10 with patch 5.2 plus 6.0 or reinstall)? Or go all Project data recorders?
THANK YOU for the help, I've slowly, hoping that I could once again come forward with my DVD.
Antwort von rodi:

Hi Insa,
to the new Pinnacle forum continues to remain active, you need to have your password longer than 6 characters.
After reading
HERE mfg
Antwort von Insa:

Aha. Then the train for me, well worn, now that I can enter a profile. But na
I have found here synonymous people who want to help me. THANK YOU.
These are my currently still open questions:
It sounds perhaps silly, I am in any case too stupid to understand it. What is a "separate authoring program and what has, in conjunction with Studio 10 to do?
Is it synonymous a way to switch back to 10.5? (So uninstall studio, Studio DV and Studio 10 with patch 5.2 plus 6.0 or reinstall)? Or go all Project data recorders? Insa
Antwort von Hollgo:
It sounds perhaps silly, I am in any case too stupid to understand it. What is a "separate authoring program and what has, in conjunction with Studio 10 to do?
By this I mean the purchase of a specially for the DVD-creation program, imaginary, such as Ulead Movie distiller (version 6 is just escaped, so the 5 to get cheap (Ebay for example)).
For these programs, you need to get ready but then calculated video files (DV-AVI or MPEG 2) as "fodder".
This may be synonymous, for example derived from S10
Antwort von Insa:

Hi, THANK YOU for your help.
Habs I tried with Ulead movie distillery. My studio-ready 10-Project I, as rendered DV-AVI, then with Ulead movie distillery opened. I failed because I could not adjust menus, especially not one, that is not prefabricated. Had no nerve for me now incorporated into the program and have done the following:
The rendered AVI files with the edited material, I have saved the studio did miss was down 10.7 and Studio 10 Pros incl. 10.6-patch reinstalled. The menu of course I had to re-set, but I have now after rendering DVD with menus visible. everything fine.
So simply lags s.der version 10.7, where Pinaccle somehow dung has built (and then so that the user can hang if it does not play 70 Euro has left again for a new version)
Greeting Insa
Antwort von josef123:

Hollgo Hello, I am interested in your experience with the camera model. Can you contact me.
Regards, JP