Frage von Jot450:Moin zusammen,
I bought for my pure private vacation video songs from the iTunes music store. Of course, I have come too late, that can not be converted into the Aiff. I use Final Cut Pro 4.5 on Mac. My question is whether there is a workaround. In addition to buying for 10 individual songs 10 whole CDs in the store. The search has not helped me.
Thanks in advance
Antwort von Axel:
... Songs purchased from the iTunes music store. Of course, I have come too late, that can not be converted into the Aiff. I've never bought something from the music store. But I am amazed that you - how much 99 Cent? - Pay per piece, and then can listen to in iTunes and you do not even burn regular CD can. Here is a quote from the iTunes
Help: After purchase, you can burn the individual tracks for personal use on CDs, play on your iPod and play on up to five Macintosh computers or Windows PCs. Quicktime Pro has zickt for some MP3s, but the integrated converter of iTunes offers (under> Settings> Advanced> Importing), AAC, AIFF, Apple Lossless, MP3 and WAV, among which one - admittedly, can herkonvertieren bit cumbersome - any out-and . In short, I can not imagine that you can not convert to the Apple standard format!
I've never bought something from the music store. I make my music with GarageBand itself but I am not a composer, so I take existing music, copy the instrumentation and the sound and just a little change the tunes. In order to choose appropriate music, I hear daily in 10-20 tracks without having to buy each one, what I had not synonymous could hardly afford this expensive hobby, but with even less.
Antwort von BjörnF:
The entire transformation options only work when open files. Yes Were synonymous pretty stupid () for music publishers, when DRM-resistant files into formats might change that did not recognize DRM.
For PC, there are tools that remove the DRM of AAC files - for Mac, it should be sowas synonymous.
Simple circuit: Simply ne audio CD with the purchased songs burn - and then simply back as mp3 or what ever synonymous capture.
While a fresh coding process, but you can get over the fact.
Antwort von Schewardnadse:
Thanks for the replies. It is, in fact, that Apple, of course, tried everything to prevent the duplication of titles. I do not understand synonymous, to some extent. But the platform idea is there still a little incomplete. Why should I buy at IMTS songs that I can not with other Apple products (using Final Cut Pro). No matter. The tip with the burning and re-import functions.
Thanks and greetings