Frage von FredFr:
Hello, I have the following problem. I have a Panasonic AVCHD camcorder of. This draws on SDHC card. If I have the material in iMovie import and then burn to DVD, the result is very unsatisfactory. The picture is worse for longer than the original picture.
Material will be imported in full HD and converted. Even on the Mac provides the material for the right to import at once bad!
My question. How can I use my material without loss of quality cut and burn to DVD?
I just want to rough cut and simply have no loss of quality ...
Thank you in advance.
Antwort von tommyb:

Is it by chance in a so-called intermediate format to cut? ProRes perhaps? Then it is most likely s.den quality settings before converting eingstellt were.
Antwort von FredFr:

I do not know what iMovie does with the files?
In any case, the result of bad.
Is there a way the raw data without any loss of quality to cut and to burn?
Antwort von tommyb:

Aha, iMovie. Askla! Then wait times until the experts arrive;)
Antwort von WoWu:

must MPEG2 quality losses, because MPEG2 is not on the rudimentary Codiertools has.
Each Intermediate Codec, the DCT based, solves the advantages of a DWT also synonymous again.
The DCT is worse, because image content distorted picture and course changes, artifacts and discontinuities s.den block limits the quality of the image decrease.
AVC - Blu-ray and an intermediate DWT based Intermediate (eg ProRes422) is possible. (Bring a bit but still losses).
-iMovie uses the old AIC
Antwort von FredFr:

Are there any other software or possible, at least the original AVCHD material to burn to DVD without any conversion steps affect the quality?
There must be but any way give his HD material without loss of quality process and secure!
Antwort von WoWu:

DVD is MPEG2, unless you put it as a file from it.
Otherwise, Blu-ray.
Antwort von Bruno Peter:
Material will be imported in full HD and converted. In what, perhaps in an SD format?
Even on the Mac provides the material for the right to import at once bad! Perhaps this is only the preview in your program is not at full Resolutioneingestellt?
How can I use my material without loss of quality cut and burn to DVD? Without loss of quality is the physical garnicht. If you are in HD and edit it in HD herausrenderts, then a down conversion with the help of MPEGStreamclip on DVD format qualitatively highly successful. Even a Down Conversion by corresponding with AviSynth AVS script delivers great results!
Antwort von FredFr:

I have no idea what iMovie with the material makes FullHD. When importing, I simply stated that I still want to work with FullHD.
But as I said, the result on the monitor looks bad.
In iMovie, it is unfortunately synonymous only possible FullHD material in Quicktime format ...
AVISynth is only a converter or a program?
DVD is MPEG2? Does this mean that I even burned to DVD's never normal DVD quality of a DVD purchase to reach?
And another question. There is an external of Panasonic DVD Burner (VW-BN1), with whom I AVCHD files directly of the camera can burn to DVD. How then is the quality on the DVD? Or serves only for archiving (I can not imagine) ...
Antwort von robbie:

Since it is now clear what, or klipp and clear. A DVD is ALWAYS SD, and not HD. Also purchased DVDs are not HD. The movies there are better, mostly because the dual-layer DVDs are (loosely translated ... they are comparable with DL) and therefore a higher average data rate can be used.
You will be on a DVD that you are in a normal DVD player, HD NEVER get synonymous right now if you ask why not. IT IS NOT, if you want the DVD specifications like.
Comparison example Semi-garage ...
If you want HD output, so you remain as possible, a BluRay disc with a suitable player, or one of these great DVD player, for example DivxHD of a DATA-DVD can play. Then you must, but NOT from Final Cut Pro export to DVD.
I recommend you to log in times closely with the basics of video editing abuses.
Antwort von jazzy_d:

There is still synonymous with Mini HD DVD or BD Mini-DVD. The synonymous runs but only in a BD player. Know me but not enough.
Alternatively there is the hard disk player who also can play HD. I have as much joy s.PopcornHour.
Antwort von FredFr:

... because you've misunderstood me synonymous. Mir is already clear that my HD material synonymous only on Bluray or directly on the camera can look in HD.
I am but a question of my HD material in the best possible quality on DVD to banish them to a normal to see Pal Television.
If I were the material of the camera directly on a normal television look, not in HD but normally on an old tube in Pal resolution, I have a razor sharp, fantastic picture.
Now I am looking for a way my films in an optimal or PAL SD resolution DVD quality at to capture.
All of my attempts failed, because the result is really bad.
No Comparison to direct playback of the camera via a cable popel cinch.
So, I do not want HD quality on the DVD. But only approximate in SD DVD quality, as I have DVD's of Purchase bin usual!
Antwort von Markus73:
DVD is MPEG2? Does this mean that I even burned to DVD's never normal DVD quality of a DVD purchase to reach? No, this means that all video DVDs (purchased as self-produced) with MPEG-2 encoding, so it wants the default.
From reading your question I discovered that somehow MPEG2 with "bad" is associated, which is not necessarily the case.
As part of the DVD standards, there are many freedoms, so the data can be widely varied. So the inevitable conclusion is "DVD quality = good" just as wrong as the assertion that MPEG2 as a lossy compression method must necessarily be bad.
And I think that is probably synonymous to solve your problems to look for: games with the decoder settings, choose high quality (which does not mean that you have the data s.den shalt bring upper stop, which creates new problems). A very decisive influence on the outcome has mainly synonymous the quality of the used encoder.
Antwort von Daigoro:

So, I do not want HD quality on the DVD. But only approximate in SD DVD quality, as I have DVD's of Purchase bin usual! You will not be achieved, since the purchase DVDs with a completely different equipment are rotated.
But you can already look at progressing towards better quality by using a high-quality Downscaler and MPG2 encoder and use a maximum of 60 minutes of film with the highest data rate per single layer DVD take.
Antwort von FredFr:

Can anyone because I give a tip, with which program (converter) I use the best possible result to get my Mac?
Antwort von weitwinkel:

teste mpeg streamclip times as you want of Peter Bruno has been recommended
or choose the variant with AviSynth pc (this can be found safe
instructions on its HP) ...
gruß cj
ps. probably all you need for mpeg streamclip nor mpg quicktime
plugin ...
Antwort von FredFr:

thank you ...
Antwort von FredFr:

Follows on directly to the next problem. How do I get my AVCHD files to MPEG Streamclip?
Antwort von weitwinkel:

try convincing the hd from iMovie to feed ...
or hast thou FinalCut with the ProRes codec?
gruß cj
Antwort von FredFr:

If I use the HD material from iMovie suppose, I've already lost quality again, before I even start ...
I like the quality iMovie not already!
FinalCut hab ich leider nicht ...
Antwort von weitwinkel:

I think AVCHD is a codec h264 ...
QT can not read?
gruß cj
Antwort von FredFr:

... unfortunately not.
It must still give some program that AVCHD files into an acceptable quality to DVD burning?
Antwort von Bruno Peter:

Pinnacle Studio 12 or distiller 6 Film Pros with HD Pack, or Adobe Encore CS3, or .... well, a freeware solution is synonymous possible ...
Antwort von FredFr:

Is it synonymous Programs for MAC?
Why do you do it so exciting?
What do you mean freeware solution?
Antwort von Bruno Peter:

Reads you nothing?
I think the solution with TSRemux ...
Antwort von FredFr:

Either I stand properly on the hose or nothing ... I read ...
TSRemux So there is unfortunately not for the MAC ...
And with MPEG Streamclip, I have the problem that I use the AVCHD file can not read ...
And now do you ...
Antwort von Bruno Peter:

With the PC no problem, see my HP ... the way you buy a good piece for the price of this Mac, then get to class PC components and you have no video problems more ...
Antwort von Meggs:
When importing, I simply stated that I still want to work with FullHD.
Wilt thou not at all. As far as I have understood thee wilt thou ne DVD in PAL Resolutionals product.
Have you ever tried, the result looks like, if you specify during the import that you want to work in SD.
Supposedly the effect of downconvertieren on SD FullHD even positive impact on the quality. As it should in all cases was comparable to look through your camcorder on a PAL TV get out. Otherwise, the AVCHD support of iMovie really scrap.
Antwort von FredFr:

... good idea. I'll try out ...