Frage von X-se:Hello,
vll someone could tell me how the files in quick time player format are redesigned so that they are reproduced in the windows movie maker? Preferably for free? =)
Antwort von Gast 0815:
What kind of files do you mean exactly, can indeed play different codecs. The best times to check briefly with Gspot ( or MediaInfo (, then we will see next ...
Greetings from Marburg
Antwort von sportsoccerfoot:
Mhh so I understand somewhat of nich - synonymous with the the gspot unso, nich, I figure it must be what can you do (have the same prob as gast0815, un must necessarily bring files - Quickt time player format - in the windows movie maker nich ? s how I get through it? gibts or even something like movie maker in which you can import such files synonymous? jmd can help me? would very nice, needed quick response dankeschön schonmal ne ..:)
Antwort von Gast 0815:
First time to Gspot: This is a program that shows you which video and audio codec in your clip / movie was used to Kompimierung. To view / play Windows needs need appropriate codecs or DirectShow filters; missing, you see the Media Player "Black" and can only hear the hum of your computer.
The Movie Maker only wants to read video files in several formats, eg. MPEG-2, MPEG-1, AVI and of course, wmf house brand.
In order to give him what he wants, so the data must be changed accordingly. For quality reasons, I would vote to the Avi format and if possible with little loss of quality, but first you should know, of course, as the source material is encoded to recommend a suitable tool, so Gspot ..
Another way to run if the files in Media Player, would be the import of Pseudoavis, where nothing is changed, but the original file serving moviemaker "gets. Ifs interested Darzu times I've written a small program running that should be synonymous with moviemaker (
Greetings from Marburg