Frage von christian31:
Hello could you give me something about the built-in video light, saying it brings a little bit of what happens in dark rooms? (Is it comparable with the video light of the Canon HV20)
I know the NV-GS 80, testing, as does the NV-Gs90 indoors compared to the 80 model it? (Image noise, brightness); remembers man since the values in the inferior lens quality compared to the old Model GS80 1.8 -- 3.7 NVGS90 1,9-4,3
Can the resolution with the 16:9 vote in favor of the new model only 370K compared to 540 from the old model?
From her price would be the Camera only about 20 ¬ apart would still the older model is the better alternative?
Could you give me an alternative might Camera in this price segment till ¬ 300, the call would be comparable?
Thank you for your answer !!!!!!
Antwort von christian31:

None has a tip for me?
Antwort von winx:

synonymous'm on about, you have to hire already become the NV-GS90?
Antwort von Jan:

The built in lamp brightens up 0.5 to 1 m to middling - it is only an Notvariante.
Lowlight is unfortunately a bit worse than it did at the GS 80 - yes a little dark and noisy.
For the GS 90 has the better stability, a built in lens cap and the larger Anglefür Wide Landscape and interior shots.
The Panasonics are still the two best models in the class.
Antwort von christian31:

Hi Jan, you have both cameras had therefore to compare the GS80 and the GS90? Has the GS90 inside a darker picture really noisy and more or did you look at the VIDEO ACTIVE angeshen images? (Would not be great because I found the GS80 inside grad was sufficient). Would you rather recommend the GS80 although both of are the same price? From the size + built lens cap would be the preferred GS90 my Camera!
mfg christian31
Antwort von Jan:

Hello Christian31,
yes I did the test pictures and the report in the magazine 90 of the GS VAD for my answer.
Two clients have confirmed to me synonymous - former owner of GS 80. I have the GS 80 were quickly sold, so the comparison never able alternates. VAD times I trust in the relationship when it comes to consumer testing went, they are often quite good.
Antwort von SchonLuc:

so shots in the dark for up to 2 m very good picture .....
had the camera, and have evening times on the street filmed, has folded :-)
Antwort von christian31:

Hello SchonLuk you with the LED light or without filmed? How do you find the camera on a large and full?
mfg christian31
Antwort von SchonLuc:

[color = darkred] Hi SchonLuk you with the LED light or without filmed? How do you find the camera on a large and full?
Have with the LED light filmed, the color performance is surprisingly good, the color of the LED is approximately Daylight.
Camera Rate?
Is halt ne mini DV, but price performance fully agree. Super Zoom, even has an optical Image Stabilization, others have only NEN digital, the cost and quality.
I'm already happy, except for the fact that they now no longer does ... after 2 months.
But as long as I have warranty on it ...
The light weight can be good with an iron plate, bottom drangeschraubt increase, then it is synonymous great in the hand.
So really good camera for the price. Very satisfied.
Antwort von bloodymark:

hi leute ...
how long does the battery supplied the gs90 and how strong he is =?
Antwort von Jan:

LSS B 0017 (GS 90) is basically a revamped CGR DU 6 (GS 80).
mAh (640) and V are the same. Well you can get it at 45-60 min recording time.
True happiness, the users, that in the GS 90 (at D 50 gehts not) nor the old DU series can use - cheap new foreign VBG Batteries (LSS 0017 belongs to B) there are hardly DU Batteries but very plentiful.
Antwort von SchonLuc:

have last almost 55 minutes managed to alerdings is supplied only with the small 640 mAh while, what's at Ebay with 2400 mAh Knape for 20 Euros, so that what is already beginning.
Antwort von dukebtd:

The two cameras each have a 4:3 sensor (ie not a real 16 / 9), but to ensure anamorphic 16 / 9 mode, which means of switching of 4:3 to 16:9 more Resolutionund more wide impact.
Better than the letterbox (eg GS 60) - just below and above which squeeze or cut off (a lot of old cameras in the 16:9 function) - simply stretched (egg heads).
Because we here at the cheapest camcorder class are - we have been lucky, not the 16:9 letterbox or Squeezemodus to have before us.
Jan Should I be better in the 4:3 full record Resolutionzu get?
And why has the 90's now less pixels? 370,000 to 540,000 effective with 80s. You notice that when one is fussy?
Antwort von Jan:

Good Picture a PAL has 414,720 pixels.
The extremely reduced number of pixels in I can not explain it. That would have at a 16 / 9 letterbox so you can - because there just below and above what will be cut off and still lose resolution. The 90 GS gets even more so now in the Picture than the old GS 80 - the Wide Anglehat improved - just difficult to explain this matter.
Now the GS 90 but the anamorphic 16 / 9 mode.
When testing for video and Active chip, the GS 90 quite easily obtained, when Chip was scarce, with a video asset quite clear to SonyHC 51 and Canon MD 215th If I remember correctly, both magazines have
nothing bad about a 16 / 9 Picture said both were involved in a small but Lowlightverschlechterung agree.
An ordinary citizen sees almost no differences, and then only when in direct comparison.
Who on 16 / 9 sets, and no later rumschnippseln, you should have the same 16 / 9 setting. Since the Anglebei Wide 16 / 9 with the GS 90 increased, many will always prefer 16 / 9 film. All videographers know the problems with their video camera, without Converter rarely anything on the Picture to get.