Frage von Thomas1:
Hello, I have a question about the Vinten Pro 5DC what I have been a few days.
If I Vertikaldämpfung (Friktation) put on heavy, is the resistance feel for properly strong.
It is different in the horizontal swivel. If I could ask the damping on full pros, then it is indeed synonymous heavier, but more than one third as heavy as in the Vertikaldämpfung.
Eg In my experience with Sachtler but should actually be two-way anähernd equally difficult.
Is it possibly a defect?
Maybe I can someone who has himself the Pro 5, mitteeilen about his experience.
Greetings and thanks in advance of Thomas
Antwort von Markus:

Hello Thomas,
Although I do not use-Vinten tripods, but the facts would seem logical. The vertical attenuation must be compensated so the camera weight, ie, when the camera panned as above, then the tripod head should hold this position after releasing the pivot arm. The heavier a camera, the greater must be the loss to offset the weight of the vertical pivot.
During horizontal rotation is in contrast to (almost) irrelevant whether a consumer camcorder with 500 grams is moved or a studio camera with 30 kg. The damping acts only on the rotational motion and nothing needs to offset next.
Antwort von Thomas11:

Yes, sounds even logical, but for very lansgame pan is properly Horizontaldämpfung already strong sense, as have the Sachtler indeed synonymous.
Antwort von deepcode:

The camera weight / of gravity and can NOT may be offset by the loss!
These so-called Counterbalance (opposing force is used) that prevents the camera tilts when they are up / down swings.
The damping should ideally be the same for Pan and Tilt highly variable. The camera may not optimally adjusted to counter balance even with the lightest cushioning vorkippen not yet spring back when you let go of the pan handle
Gure heads have several settings CB, even as the Cartoni Focus continuously. I gaube Vinten can change springs for different camera weights.
You may have only a few Tilt - Settings for the loss or your head is really broken.
Antwort von Sebastian:

I myself had the time Pro5. A "Counter Balance" it has not, and the Frikrionen are not comparable with those of Sachtler. It's just only a beginner tripod ...
A good Sachtler Tripod (for example, the DV8) is hold for at least 4 times as expensive.
Yet You have made a good purchase, because the Pro5 has been a pretty good price / performance ratio.
With a little practice to get it out very clean pans.
Antwort von Markus:
[Counterbalance] This is) the so-called Counterbalance (opposing force that prevents the camera tilts when they are up / down swings. Yes, that makes sense. ;-)
Antwort von Thomas11:

I worked more in the EB-and Features section, and often with Sachtler Video 18. Of course one can not compare with the Vinten, (it costs only synonymous nen fraction) Nevertheless, I expect for about 500th Euro an approximately equal Frikrionen for Pan and Tilt.
Moreover, had grad mal the JVC gy-dv5001 on it, and she herself vertically tilts at the smallest damping away. (with the DVC Pro does not gings more ;-)
Only in the pan, it is still a little too easy for me.
Maybe I should just send in times of Use.
Antwort von deepcode:

When it comes to the smaller Vinten / Manfrotto Tripods - I think Manfrotto (501 or 503) are identical with Vinten - sold as "Fluidgedämpft," but it ends with a loss by rubbing Teflon disks with additional fluid. For the construction is synonymous with good but not compared to a real fluid head. One needs to have a lot of concentration and practice in order to veer smoothly on-and. On the move but it works very well.
Antwort von Markus:

For the design of the Manfrotto heads 501 and 503 have been reported recently in the following article. Consequently, the 503 a real fluid system, however, the 501 would be equipped with Teflon washers. In view of the data and Prices can get there this.
Antwort von Thomas11:

No idea could be so with their heads. On my only "head PH 5 is on it" and in the technical instructions can be synonymous to find out any more. But the pans can be absolutely disks perform smoothly.
I write grad ne s.Vinten mail and ask for, because of the strength accommodate different pan and tilde.