Frage von alles:
a quick question s.The community
schauts here: is the synonymous of freelance cameramen and directors
sell their own DVD movies by yourself (; burn to sell)?
Antwort von deti:
is the synonymous of freelance cameramen and directors? No, only the respective systems themselves, which are using these codecs to license. Thus, the Manufacturer of cameras and NLEs have already completed the necessary licensing agreements and pay such taxes.
Antwort von alles:

I, as Filmmakers and distributors, which I must note that all?
(, (and I am not, but I'm interested halt))
Does this mean that if I send only what needs to be paid for patents?
(and if such streams into the network, etc. in places)
Antwort von Pianist:
Does this mean that if I send only what needs to be paid for patents?
(and if such streams into the network, etc. in places) No, you have to pay anything for patents, because the already have done the Manufacturer of the equipment you use. You have just as someone who produced the films and published see picture always have all necessary rights and tones in your shooting. But this has nothing to do with patents, but for instance with the copyright law. Perhaps you once you buy a good book on this subject and read you a little.
Antwort von LarsProgressiv:

As far as I know, will (s.einem certain date, due sometime after 2010) a license fee for the streaming of h.264 on the Internet. Whether that make the provider or the operator of the site must, I do not know.
On the fly, I found no matching synonymous Keywords for search engines.
Antwort von alles:

If I own films for free on the net and offering to burn the DVDs I burn (for a small fee, to print, offering post on the Internet), because I have a DVD creator what s.The MPEG2, Flash (etc., s. patent fees) pay?
Or, I'm simply too many thoughts.
- Burn send - done!
Ok, already again, thanks for all the previous answers! ;-)
@ Pianist What can you tell me about the book (; recommend rather uninteresting) about right, etc.?
Antwort von Pianist:
If I own films for free on the net and offering to burn the DVDs I burn (for a small fee, to print, offering post on the Internet), because I have a DVD creator what s.The MPEG2, Flash (etc., s. patent fees) pay? You bet your attention to the completely wrong aspects and neglect other important topics. Next time I repeat myself: You have purchased for example, an encoding software and then of course they must use synonymous. That is meaning and purpose of the thing. To the patent has been taken care of the Manufacturer of the software. You have to take care of you completely different things. Then I get on terms such as "fee" again worry lines ...
@ Pianist What can you tell me about the book (; recommend rather uninteresting) about right, etc.? Since you already make another mistake: the legal field is not completely uninteresting, but the basis for anyone who was released. For everything that makes it wrong can cost a lot of money. There are a lot of books on copyright and media law, but then you'll probably find yourself very quickly as suitable. If you can not search sowas in five minutes, how will you make only sensible movies?
Antwort von alles:
If you can not search sowas in five minutes, how will you make only sensible movies? Nonsense! One has to do with the others, nothing. Make films and publish movies. Done, you can make yourself. I will discuss with you at such a level is not next. (; In this country seems to be a specialty - making others ready, was it? Especially when so forum provides a good platform to do so.)
I have researched very well and found less useful.
So far I had occupied myself with patent issues in streams in the network less. Although the question is stupid, it is nevertheless important.
Antwort von Pianist:
I have researched very well and found less useful. You entered the Amazon, the word "media" and not, for example, the Book "right for the media practitioners - Compact guide to all the questions rechtstypischen" found?
Antwort von alles:

If I had the book, I would have asked any questions. Also, I've flown through several books. Books are old again after some time, since such issues of today are redefining the next. New law here, because pitfalls. It has a reason to ask. I need on the fly only one info to keep it as simple as possible, without studying Manager:
Film finished, burned to DVD, I have to pay any royalties per sold DVD or not, if I burn myself and distributes via the Internet / offering?
Antwort von Pianist:
Film finished, burned to DVD, I have to pay any royalties per sold DVD or not, if I burn myself and distributes via the Internet / offering? And I repeat my answer, which I have already given you quite s.Anfang times: No, you have to pay any fees for patents, if you bring DVDs on the market, but you have all necessary rights s.den pictures and sounds in your movie have. And if you make a profit, you may have to pay taxes and if you do it more often times, synonymous register a business.
Antwort von alles:

So, thank you!
Good luck!