Frage von Sibirjan:
Hello, times have an interesting question:
- When I finished models insert into the scenery, but is too small and should be enlarged to the desired ratio in the models to stand forgehensweise which would be better?:
s.ich the scale scenery
b) I scale down the models (in the scenery should be)
second issue related: how do the possibilities a and b on each of the render time?
(if I enlarge the scenery, there are big mega-effective, if I scale models are less precise mini worth - so the question)
grüße sibirjan
Antwort von zwiebel_sondermann:

to render times has no influence size change.
you should objekte unchanged in the
szene imported and possibly again exchanged / altered
be (eg the models).
gruß cj
Antwort von Sibirjan:

I have models in various sizes and scenery synonymous in another order of magnitude in this case
- So it makes no difference s.welchem object I directed the remaining component?
Antwort von zwiebel_sondermann:

that must decide your workflow ...
(yes you can test it)
important is only that the objects are too small scale ....
da cinema s.3stellen (?) after the comma rounds
there can be problems.
gruß cj
Antwort von zwiebel_sondermann:

yes, too young, I often had the problem, it is too imprecise, okay, then I will be upscaling, have fewer problems, thank you, greetings SIBI