Frage von philadou:
I want to reconstruct a scene as a gag, that is, I'll take the Intro of the Tagesschau (ARD), but I will of course take as spokesperson to another person. My problem now is that I do not know exactly how to begin there.
I have thought of me, I take the background image of the evening news, but there is still the original speakers in it, as I did get away, no idea :-( and a Picture of the news scene without speaker unfortunately I could not find.
I then draw my own speakers in front of a green screen as background so the news is mostly blue.
The problem now is that I have no idea how far away to be my speaker before the green screen and how far should the camera needs to be removed of it, so I can then later insert it into wallpaper.
Can you give me as a person of a tip or proposed solution?
Maybe this is synonymous to realize quite differently.
When editing software I use Adobe Premiere 6.5
Would be very grateful for the help ;-)
Antwort von Markus:

Hello Phil,
You draw better on the new speakers on a blue background, just because the new background is synonymous blue (less visible artifacts when the keying is not so clean).
If you only a DV camcorder available, then take a better punch no Chromakey, but a Lumakey to.
Learn More:
Which camera for blue screen shots? "
Why does a blue box if the new background is synonymous blue?
Antwort von philadou:

Hey Markus,
Thanks for the info :-)
Then I'll take the whole front of a blue screen.
I understand the difference between Chromakey and Lumakey to punch .... not what you mean by that?
Antwort von PowerMac:

"Only a DV camcorder" s.Camcordern does not refer to the quantity, but on the type of camcorder. DV is the shit keyen. But as little clue as you have, as is unfortunately nothing you Read correctly Greenscreen book. Also do you need something better than Premiere 6.5. Everything else brings bad results.
Antwort von philadou:

Well, the whole thing is supposed to become a movie, but simply a short fun video for what I need it.
And my cut enough knowledge.
I know that Premiere is certainly not the best editing program. I even Liquid Silver, is what a lot more but I've ne purchased full version of Premiere and use it for that reason largely synonymous.
And it is precisely BECAUSE I do not know exactly the moment next to this effect, so I ask here, that is, so it would make sense to propose a solution, instead of just telling me that I had little idea think about it ;-)
Antwort von Markus:
I understand the difference between Chromakey and Lumakey to punch .... not what you mean by that? This lot is in the linked contributions. What aspect remained unclear when Nachlesen?
Antwort von Fiesepeter:

So I think the dv will do it for your purposes already. The most important thing for you will be that the room is illuminated gleichmäsig. Diffuse light. In your case, as s.besten ne wall in the room (not illuminating the blue / green screen) if you need extra light at all. When removing just the person trying to take größtmölich. Decrease in the postpro. still good vergößern not possible.
MfG the Fiesepeter
Antwort von Axel:

The news studios of public broadcasters are s.Minimalismus hard to beat. Since it would be better to rotate in simple scenes with the
right light, as something to combine lachhafterweise by keying on. The blue background, table top, "Micro" and Notebook Prop: the scenery is already there. A few Advertisement round out the cause.
Antwort von PowerMac:
The news studios of public broadcasters are s.Minimalismus hard to beat. Since it would be better to rotate in simple scenes with the right light, as something to combine lachhafterweise by keying on. The blue background, table top, "Micro" and Notebook Prop: the scenery is already there. A few Advertisement round out the cause. Sorry, but I do not understand what you mean. Could you tell it again some time?
Antwort von philadou:

So I understand * g *
He said that the news programs in the public service broadcasters are producing far less expensive, as with the private broadcasters. That is, the intro and the scenery is quite simply produced with few resources, so you can easily reconstruct it.
For info. I rented me now ne 4x5 meter blue screen wall in a studio for about 1 hour. It costs almost nothing and for the shooting of 20 seconds should be enough, synonymous time.
Thanks again for your many responses.
Antwort von fabriquez:

we will soon turn a green screen scene, with a presenter, but the budget allows perfect technique, unfortunately not. I want to achieve with the available the best possible result. Following structure: Green Molton, 5 Baustrahler 500W (2 with diff on presenter, 2 with diff on green screen), Cam: DVX100.
Now the question is, as I continue in the postpro. On the PC with Premiere and Canopus 6.5Pro DVStorm card or s.Mac with Final Cut and Aja Kona LH. Since we only record in miniDV, I can surely synonymous "just continue" with or Premiere?
Has anyone even hints that we should pay attention to in order to get better results? Thx:) Oh yes ... I read almost all posts from this forum with regard Keyen, was much more useful here, really great.
Antwort von Axel:

If you have a very clean screen, it is s.schnellsten with the NLE Farbkeyern, at least in FinalCut. Usually this is not the case. The plugin
Keylight is I know as part of Shake, but it works the same in other applications. Instead of pontificating about long, look
this EDIT: At the moment seem to have the Creative Cow problems with your server. I see a mixture of at least three related tutorials. Still worth seeing.
Antwort von fabriquez:

Schoen Oh great, thanks. The tutorial is echt klasse ...
Antwort von Alpinist:
He said that the news programs in the public service broadcasters are producing far less expensive, as with the private broadcasters. That is, the intro and the scenery is quite simply produced with little means ... <OffTopic>
Lack of content will be replaced *** Tit stop by ;-)
IMHO is a simple Optics in television news, however, clearly agitated pleasantly as a permanent background animations, and so the less effort bedeudet I can not imagine synonymous. When Tagesschau Intro of today and I see at least no deficits RTL2, n-tv, Pro7 & co
</ OffTopic>
Antwort von annebenz:
"Only a DV camcorder" s.Camcordern does not refer to the quantity, but on the type of camcorder. DV is the shit keyen. But as little clue as you have, as is unfortunately nothing you Read correctly Greenscreen book. Also do you need something better than Premiere 6.5. Everything else brings bad results. I've never read ANY of your contribution, where you do not someone anpöbelst! what have you got against beginners who have zero idea? is doch ned bad!
Antwort von PowerMac:

Dear Guest,
if the Lord himself admits, have no idea, then it becomes a crime when I repeat it? It has nothing to do with mob when the say. Rather, it is a value-free, realistic proposition.
Who nunmal has no idea, clue or it will be getting nothing. Especially with "green screen" there are no easy tips, either you have the necessary basic knowledge or it is nothing. Basta. If you seem to "know" have to be strong wertgebunden.
Antwort von fabriquez:

Hello again,
Today, we have made the green screen shots, with whom keyer Of AE6.5 Pro I get the best results? I have read of Keylight in 7.0 Pro, but this I do not have unfortunately.