Frage von mago8:
am new to the subject and have a question for securing a follow focus.
Let's use this model:
Antwort von schibbe:

to need a rod system.
But I think that there is already some that you can attach directly s.Gewinde synonymous.
Antwort von mago8:

And what exactly would it be an appropriate rod system?
I can attach the camera along with the follow focus and the rod system will still have a slide?
sorry for the stupid question ... but I'm fairly new to this area.
Antwort von Pianist:
sorry for the stupid question ... but I'm fairly new to this area. It could well prove to be advantageous if you betray the values Mitleserschaft times about which camera is it in your case. Then we might rather say that fixing possibilities offer themselves.
Antwort von mago8:

It is a 5d mark second
My goal is to really work to have a follow focus (and of the shoot 35 I've read a lot of good) and the follow focus, together with use of a slider.