Frage von UlmsSkyliner:
Next week, the filming of my first music videos instead.
It is rotated days S.2 and S.4-5 different locations.
Now my question is, will the rapper for each location a different clothing?
Or just s.anderen day?
MfG Chris
Edit from Mod: Thread in the category "Filmmaking" postponed.
Antwort von nico:

In any case, the hourly underwear and move every 10 minutes for teeth cleaning.
Antwort von stepi1974:
In any case, the hourly underwear and move every 10 minutes for teeth cleaning. As we learn that strunzdumme answers - contrary to the opinion of some here - not the privilege are undeclared.
In the music video would be the type I always miss the same clothes. Otherwise it seems to be leaps and bounds.
Antwort von Markus:
In the music video would be the type I always miss the same clothes. Otherwise it seems to be leaps and bounds. * CONSENT *
Antwort von stepi1974:
In the music video would be the type I always miss the same clothes. Otherwise it seems to be leaps and bounds.
* CONSENT * nu times slowly coming synonymous drauf s.welche clothes. So s.welche did you think?
Antwort von High_Tension:
In the music video would be the type I always miss the same clothes. Otherwise it seems to be leaps and bounds.
* CONSENT * Kommt drauf s.würde I say. It can be very tempting, to change clothes. However, the dramaturgically somehow justified. For example, he could s.Pool with 40 half-dressed women in Pimpstyle, while he on the street rather ghettömäßig looks (yeah, I know, stereotypes). This change must be related to the text but synonymous transport, otherwise it is actually set up.
Antwort von UlmsSkyliner:

Is it because in this music video of Kleiderwechesel dramaturgically justified?
Antwort von Axel:
Is it because in this music video of Kleiderwechesel dramaturgically justified?
Well? The singer wears a woolen as protection against the rain, logical. Especially his right eye slightly shoes because it is made of glass. He pulls the cap question about something, and it is like it if someone finds affig. It was not all s.Stück rotated. In between, he had to get rid of the wet clothes and posing in the shirt. The director was recorded during the short eingenickt and has the connection error only when editing notes. He has become angry. But on an after turning, he had no desire.
Antwort von DWUA:

@ UlmsSkyliner
Did you perhaps better examples of change of clothes?
(Except for
"music videos, the world does not need") ;)
Antwort von Kanalratte:
Is it because in this music video of Kleiderwechesel dramaturgically justified?
Well? Surely he is das
The poor boy would be otherwise with the wet shirt s.einer pneumonia die, instead of a knife in the back.
That would not be appropriate for a true gangsta rapper.
Antwort von High_Tension:
@ UlmsSkyliner
Did you perhaps better examples of change of clothes?
(Except for "music videos, the world does not need")
;) It is questionable whether
video of the world is needed, however, I find the clothes here do not change dramatically but logical. Obs textual transported is for the standard German texts in English anyway no preference. Mainly it looks good. And if the music is quiet and is concentrating on the pictures bother changing the clothes here (in my eyes) but not supporting the scene change.
Antwort von Axel:
It is questionable whether
video of the world is needed, however, I find the clothes here do not change dramatically but logical. Logical. The Snoopy is probably a good product placement for the clothes. And not only for how
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Hi times a question / comment .... (thought it was about in this thread)
Can or how far it is the brands (logos) of the clothes show?
Sieht man ja s.and to the emblems taken from the video (about) is.
-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------
The change of clothes do I personally times for relatively, because it could so synonymous of art as a means to understand his .......
(Since the singer runs through the streets and he or passers around him constantly wear different clothes - See Scanner Darkly the Scramble Suit)
Antwort von PowerMac:

What a stupid question. For this question there is the director. The knows that this man must make decisions. There is no blanket answer.
Antwort von dirk.thiele:

hey walrus times not to ulmsskyliner
of making a music video for the first time and asks that he not fail to do!
Antwort von dirk.thiele:
Is it because in this music video of Kleiderwechesel dramaturgically justified?
The singer wears a woolen as protection against the rain, logical. Especially his right eye slightly shoes because it is made of glass. He pulls the cap question about something, and it is like it if someone finds affig. It was not all s.Stück rotated. In between, he had to get rid of the wet clothes and posing in the shirt. The director was recorded during the short eingenickt and has the connection error only when editing notes. He has become angry. But on an after turning, he had no desire. in this case it was katja, lol! you know stories, axel! ;)
Antwort von Debonnaire:
In any case, the hourly underwear and move every 10 minutes for teeth cleaning.
As we learn that strunzdumme answers - contrary to the opinion of some here - not the privilege are undeclared.
In the music video would be the type I always miss the same clothes. Otherwise it seems to be leaps and bounds. I find absolutely no "answer strunzdumme"! Ne is rather quite strange question of the original poster!
Or do you think seriously that music to rotate an exact science is, when there is only ONE correct and accurate so that method is implemented?
Nicos answer was probably a little brash, admittedly, but at the same time, she was especially ironic / sarcastic and has probably meant exactly what I have just outlined, to be expressed.
If the rotation of music videos in all facets and clearly would be regulated, there would probably already have an After Effects plug-in "CC Make Into Music Video" which from any movie at the perfect mouse-click, all your rules Absolutely sufficient Musikvideo would expect! ;-)
PS: So because of no answer to be logged ... Look who's talking!
Antwort von UlmsSkyliner:

I have not asked people, Answers relating to write to me no help.
If you read the question as a stupid feeling, then you do but get out of the discussion. Then press your arguments, when calling about this feeling.
Is rotated:
before my bluescreen
before a castle
a walk-in
to the Cathedral
in the City
On Tuesday at the 3 obengennaten locations rotated.
On Thursday in the other 2nd
So the question arises whether the protagonist s.beiden days, the same shall be
Antwort von Debonnaire:

Man, man, man! Überleg look a little bit (with activated brain), rather than rumzuzicken!
Why, in God's name, because we should know what is in your bluescreen video, and rotated so many days, CONTENT and artistic sense to make what your clothing Sprechzuckhuepfsingers concerned?
You can find the people here "INVITE Answers relating to write" until you black and you'll get nothing usable back if you do not first consider what invited because need to know to help you! How ichs already have written, there are times no universal formula for the "good music"!
YOUR CALL comes across something like this:
"I am shooting a film. Gaaanz On many days, and yet almost gaaanz more places (one of which is MY Blue Screen) and now - it is my aaallererster film, yes yes - quite urgent to know whether I am the hero once or twice on a Horse riding can be. Come on, I urge you to take me so kindly and promptly respond to that, help me! would most likely my argumentative nature of the expression gefallen! Hopp, hopp! waaagt And it is not something to write the I DO NOT HELPING! At the keypad, squire! "
Oh the way: In a rhythmic Abgehaktsprechfilmchen comes kaeumlich a "protagonist", but no more than one fingerverwerfender Huefthuepfwackler. Jou! Piiiss!
Sorry, my now relatively enervierter tone, but so ne bottomless arrogance, combined with zero or substantive verbal intelligence, brings my pot to boil over!
Antwort von B.DeKid:

As for the now with the logos of the brands? Can you show? Is it a legitimate question when it comes to clothes go?
Otherwise, much has already been said and nothing to take someone so ...... of a plan for "marks and logos clothes" .... or is the same as the last of the Mercedes or supermarket logo out? Then yes ok ..... just wanted Bzgl times. Know how the clothing looks like, if this is already more than 'clothing goes.
Thank you
B. DeKid
Antwort von Debonnaire:

Where should a problem, with logos on clothes and such? Each manufacturer would be grateful to you from heart Click if you are so willing to free advertising with its products do! The same is true for other brands synonymous Panels and Similar!
As long as you have a logo / product is not detectable in a totally negative or even illegal context and publish, no problem!
Most media producers take a huge burden on itself to the logos and (slow-) advertising in their publications to avoid. Not because for them it would be a disadvantage, but because they may not get paid to be for others to make free advertising!
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Aha see the times I wanted to know .... Thanks
Antwort von PowerMac:

What should I eat for dinner? Can I use twice in a row to eat noodles?
Antwort von dirk.thiele:
hey walrus times not to ulmsskyliner Completely futile admonition. The Schnauzer is the Rumzecken genetically determined. See the rest of comments in this thread ... oh what I say in this forum.
Related Links: You can show the logos. If you blickfangmäßig herausstellst but they could have (for a commercial production) the surreptitious question. In this "event" are the ARD-(order-) synonymous productions have slipped ... when cars are not "as in life," but "as in the advertisement" will be shown.
Antwort von Thore Rehbach:
As for the now with the logos of the brands? Can you show? Is it a legitimate question when it comes to clothes go?
Otherwise, much has already been said and nothing to take someone so ...... of a plan for "marks and logos clothes" .... or is the same as the last of the Mercedes or supermarket logo out? Then yes ok ..... just wanted Bzgl times. Know how the clothing looks like, if this is already more than 'clothing goes.
Thank you
B. DeKid Sometimes it is synonymous possible that an artist with one or the other brand has a contract with a rotation, but just another label contributed. It is then synonymous afterwards retouched. Or do not want a brand with the image of a particular artist to be associated. There will be a synonymous and synonymous called defacing enforced. Basically you have to do bad cards in the use of logos and emblems. If the brand owner wants it, he can always proceed on the other hand *.
* which does not mean that she is now constantly, but nowadays you can not simply something absolutely exclusive.
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Thank you so thought I already synonymous to me. Wanted to inquire again.
B. DeKid