Frage von meawk:
Low-Low-Low-Low-Budget Production
Time under 30 minutes. Now's your skin reviewers out. . .
This is really innovative - slightly modified the future of advertising clips. . . costs next to nothing? If as normal as being crazy and unprofessional comment. . .
Asking for leniency because of the wall with the two plugs and the cable salad (Tischdeko) - is just a little renovation. In terms of White Balance intentionally sloppy work, a total of what you could say a whole video. The Normalo should recognize the normality if you can not wallow.
So - you see the times a little as a request, ie, small tender to (?!). Yes - really, who dares to take the simple and super cheap (cost) of advertising clips that provide the nerve of Normalo meet. Please do not us the ordinary every day presented promotional Anyway, just real and good (and must be look like as if it were not advertising...). Take a few random products and does what. Please click Vimeo or YouTube and here are purely public. Everyone has a chance and should use them. . .
Antwort von B.DeKid:

I see no link - my browser is ens Broken?
Antwort von meawk:
I see no link - my browser is ens Broken? No - biite to be patient, there was trouble uploading - still.
Antwort von deti:

Oh and I've already thought of, because what must be able to see - such as aliens ;-)
Antwort von B.DeKid:
....- Eg aliens ;-)
"I was sure" that what was there - virtually the first thing my eyes stung ;-)
B. DeKid
Antwort von Debonnaire:

We're waiting ... So far, so only big words in the opening statement, coupled with tons of input excuses as to why the (upcoming?) Movies actually on the whole line is crap.
Now you should deliver something but, boy, because otherwise you will not read a lot more good criticism coming ...
Antwort von WideScreen:

Things the world does not need ....
Antwort von Jan Merlin:

Now I am curious synonymous!
Antwort von Debonnaire:
Now I am curious synonymous! And what? Except in the opening Blabla is nothing there!
Antwort von B.DeKid:

It should be noted, this is a good idea, then perhaps someone would post about this in the form of a separate clips quickly synonymous of bad publicity as a separate Fritzen better idea can be sold.
B. DeKid
PS: Almost synonymous would be so fast s.das money for a 5D or Redone come-P
Antwort von Debonnaire:

Ahaaa ... B. DeKid! And because this is so nasty posturing MIGHT happen, should we simply full brag what you have done WILL Tolles, but nothing like this prudent SHOW! - Yup, makes sense ... ;-)
Sorry, but I can just grossschnauziges Blabla affectation with absolutely NOTHING behind it simply does not!
Antwort von B.DeKid:

@ Debonnaire
Man times read the last paragraph of post receipt ;-)
I did find NEN bissel "strange", or.
Hence my objection, you understand.
There is the "posturing" - "what I kuckt times in 30 min with a RED made" garnicht as grafierend to see ;-)
As I said, because when times NEN pack clip comes from my webcam and synonymous mach mal was "counter-productive"
Perhaps then a film I TeeEi which moves in the pot ;-)
I think you know what I want more ;-)
B. DeKid
PS: But Bzgl show of his works - so yes you can do better but probably not in a thread should chen.
Antwort von Chezus:

Certainly not if the huge file 5 days fürn upload needs ... Lol
Antwort von Debonnaire:

@ B. DeKid:
I'm not quite 100% sure what you say because I want ...
I nerv 'me over a post that basically says nothing other than: "I have the wheel completely reinvented it and made a thousand times better, but not I tell you how, nor how it looks now, but please make it easy times their own suggestions on how one might make new wheels! " - Is it Deppenkram!
Perhaps läufts here synonymous but exactly the opposite: The guy has zero clue throws us NEN supposed teaser before and now hopes that his brilliant new ideas for advertising can be presented, which he then can ausschlachten cold ass!
Antwort von B.DeKid:

I think you have been so misunderstood ;-)
B. DeKid
Antwort von RickyMartini:

If someone is a test with a new camera and makes itself felt obliged, to make this online, I expect at least a little video that shows how the camera works in different situations, such as sharpness, color and the AF is.
At best, the whole with more or less usable camera work has been made that a non-feed from the bowels upward pushes! ;)
Perhaps show the "RED ONE" so the contents of overflowing trash and moldy leftovers in the pot like no other camera?
Antwort von Videofactory:
Low-Low-Low-Low-Budget Production So I think somehow that ^ 4-Low Budget and ne Red One will not fit together.
Antwort von RickyMartini:
Low-Low-Low-Low-Budget Production
So I think somehow that ^ 4-Low Budget and ne Red One will not fit together. He is holding a small low-lift trucks and keeps people, for example 5000 ¬ net per month available for the lower class.
Antwort von ef.multimedia:
Low-Low-Low-Low-Budget Production
So I think somehow that ^ 4-Low Budget and ne Red One will not fit together. No budget = <4 digits
Low Budget = <5 digits
So fit and Lowbudget RED One very well together. For the body you pay about 400 ¬ s.Tag
Antwort von RickyMartini:
Low-Low-Low-Low-Budget Production
So I think somehow that ^ 4-Low Budget and ne Red One will not fit together.
No budget = <4 digits
Low Budget = <5 digits
So fit and Lowbudget RED One very well together. For the body you pay about 400 ¬ s.Tag Ok, but nobody expected that this camera body for coal hergeben! ;)
We had more of a solid relationship between owner and Camera in mind. : D
Antwort von WideScreen:

* * loooooooool
Are now the distributors something like pimps? Mei sowas .... but synonymous.
It was just a fake post. Forget the just.
Hot air.