Newsmeldung von slashCAM: REDS Scarlet and Epic specifications are out of ... thomas - 13 Nov 2008 14:47:00
Curious waited the film world again today to publish specifications for the new Red Scarlet and Epic Cams. The principle of surprise is the absolute modularity of the camcorder. Thus s.2009 of various lenses, Rigs, recording codecs and image sensors in the camcorder's own screw together. And that is fine: If you have more resolution, or a new video format, it must be not just buy everything new. Actually, pretty much as we are, among others, in 2005,
in folgendem Artikel
Grundsätzlich hat man die Wahl zwischen zwei Bodies (bzw wie Red sie nennt: Brains): dem RED EPIC and dem Scarlet Professional, die es jeweils in Versionen with verschiedenen Sensor-Größen, Bildraten and Mounts gibt: angefangen with einem 2/3 Inch Sensor and einer Resolutionvon 3K, 1-120 FPS and fixem Lens bzw Mini-RED, B4 oder C-Mount für 2500 Dollar über 5/6K Bodies with RED-,Nikon- oder Canon Mount and 1-100 FPS bis hin zu einem monströsen 28K/1-25 FPS Body für 55.000 Dollar. Aus diesem Grundbaustein and weiteren Modulen wie I/O-Boxen, Batteriepacks, Fernbedienungen, Aufnahmemodulen, Suchern, Mount-Adaptern and Griffen wird eine Camera ganz auf die eigenen Bedürfnisse zugeschnitten. Alle Cams sind ebenso für Video wie für Photoaufnahmen geeignet - and eine 3D Version ist synonymous schon angekündigt. Die 5K ScarletS35 ist schon fürs Frühjahr/Sommer 2009 angekündigt.
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Antwort von molch:

Since Red has so times presented an ingenious concept.
I like the idea very, very good, my own Camera "building" them.
Antwort von SixFo:

They are crazy yet, but I like the concept :-)
Antwort von dvcut:

and all have thought of Red, the big trouble ...
Antwort von virusmedia:

The whole is only at first glance look good ...
In truth, we have a big sham!
Really interesting in relation to the Scarlet, which would only be 2 / 3 inch version for 2.500 $, in combination with one or SGblade Letus adapter. Since RED knows, one has to ensure practicable a support for Canon and Nikon mounts to avoid. Say I have $ 7,000 to the dodge version, which completely coincidentally synonymous as first appears. As far as nice and good just here worth the adapter no longer on the chip size. And now we are at the jumping point. This is not Full sensor, even on the Canon 5 D MK II is already available.
If such a chip, you have to wait until Winter 2009 (probably more by mid-2010, if you ask me ...) and proud hinblättern $ 12,000 (only for the "brain" mind you!).
Here there is only so-called mystery of the monstrous sensor (whose name auträgt a little thick, I think ...).
Only where there is the added value? Until then (2010) I get the synonymous of Canon, Panasonic, Sonyand Co! A real value of this variant would be 120fps. Well, why has it not done?
Right, because you have the RED ONE will no longer sell ...
I'm pretty disappointed.
Antwort von iasi:

tja ... the ehemlige scarlet with fixed optics is unfortunately only in 2009, although the price has not yet been determined ... this is the bitter pill
slightly earlier, the 2 / 3 "appear - the 2500 $ will certainly experience some growth, until you get a rotating camera is ready.
the scarlet S35 is, of course, a delicious part - in fact with the red one to compare ... and even with this $ 7000 is not overly expensive ... Finally, the one cost $ 10k more ...
you will have to wait and how expensive is red around the pay is, because it can then go right into the money.
I look at the technical details gespannt.
until spring / summer 2009, it was not far out - the scarlet S35 is in any event, one or more synonymous gedanken worth.
The modular design is a closer look really a bit misleading packaging:
ultimately are 4 different lens mount system and then the fix-zoom.
Antwort von WoWu:

Were actually the children's diseases of the RED ONE already removed?
Antwort von Mac4ever1950:

2 / 3 "chip? The chip size is 10.1 with x5, 35mm specified. These are exactly 11,43 mm diagonal - or 0.449". So Halbzoll but more of a chip in a 2 / 3 "mount, or am I misinformed?
Antwort von iasi:

is still with the red one already extensively rotated
Antwort von iasi:

2 / 3 "... yes - with your account for sensor size, you have probably right.
But until the 2 / 3 "comes, goes for at least 1 year ... too long ...
The S35 is also very interesting (if not exactly cheap synonymous)
Antwort von WoWu:
2 / 3 "chip? The chip size is 10.1 with x5, 35mm specified. These are exactly 11,43 mm diagonal - or 0.449". So Halbzoll but more of a chip in a 2 / 3 "mount, or am I misinformed? The format has changed, the existing 2 / 3 "Chip had a diagonal of 11mm, but a larger pixel area of 58.1 sq. mm so far to 54.03 now. There is now probably the 16:9 windowing away.
In this sense, the changes are not so serious.
Synonymous question is whether the future again windowing for the viewfinder area is made ... then the calculated course of which, usable for recording pixel surface.
As long as I like now, with these "oversized" chips that work plays a minor role s.wenn my chip anyway only 2 / 3 ", the already very tight.
Antwort von Valentino:

All about 5k Absolute nonsense, and / or laser projector which can be as a pixel set date. For me nurnoch overkill. It is indeed not even in cinemas 2k and 4k is established in the German cinemas absolute rarities
Since man has a 6k camera but then so is definitely not better or more films.
Even if it somehow everyone has heard of a film with the RED has been rotated is still the largest part of the feature film productions on 16mm and 35mm and rotated a small part of it digitally and turn a small percentage on the RED One.
For this, the RED One to work properly first before new models come onto the market.
The 28k model is synonymous but nothing new, has something of a 6 times 9 Halbformat the Camera and have been around for half a century ;-)
Oh, incidentally, somehow, the cameras are already very strong or a SLR Camera Halbfromat and this was similar but the RED One even thought it?
Antwort von meister hubert:

So I think that's all quite flaky - for everyone.
achso and one more thing: you're right, STILL do not play in regular theaters 4k or more;)
But there was already synonymous Farbfilm, bervor ran in the cinema xD
Antwort von Cocoa_Magazin:

Man, why not simply sell the RED ONE favorable and FASTER?
Antwort von iasi:

I am wondering what are the different lens mount for S35 and FF35 - that simply could not fit into a modular system and seems to me also baseless.
even the scarlet 2 / 3 "but would mount with the same recording can be like the other 35x models.
only because of the "brain" interchanged.
Of the $ 3K red camera has been adopted in any case ... and just simply not kept word ...
only the most red-lcd cost ever ... 1700 $ current storage needs and then of course the camera still synonymous ... and and and ...
already finished at a rotating red one were taken from the $ 17,500 for the body fast times ¬ 30,000 ...
nevertheless, the S35 is a bit fine ... as the successor of the red one ...
Antwort von Jan-Paul:
All about 5k Absolute nonsense, and / or laser projector which can be as a pixel set date. For me nurnoch overkill. It is indeed not even in cinemas 2k and 4k is established in the German cinemas absolute rarities
Since man has a 6k camera but then so is definitely not better or more films.
Even if it somehow everyone has heard of a film with the RED has been rotated is still the largest part of the feature film productions on 16mm and 35mm and rotated a small part of it digitally and turn a small percentage on the RED One.
For this, the RED One to work properly first before new models come onto the market.
The 28k model is synonymous but nothing new, has something of a 6 times 9 Halbformat the Camera and have been around for half a century ;-)
Oh, incidentally, somehow, the cameras are already very strong or a SLR Camera Halbfromat and this was similar but the RED One even thought it? However, just for interests of Visual Effects Department, and the way back to 65mm rotated. PostPro takes hold in part simply more than the 2K or 4K, which thou hast s.Ende in movies.
The 28K model even has the same mount as some medium format cameras.
What I do not quite understand: is there not the possibility of the Model 2500 $ to take and with a Nikon mount on which, as an example. Or is the interchangeable lens mount is not quite so interchangeable.
Actually, the discussion fell anyway because: "Everything in life changes ... including our camera specs and delivery dates ..."
PS: And Stu Masch joke has been made synonymous:
Antwort von freezer:
All about 5k Absolute nonsense, and / or laser projector which can be as a pixel set date. For me nurnoch overkill. It is indeed not even in cinemas 2k and 4k is established in the German cinemas absolute rarities ?
Just because you have no idea what a higher Resolutionbenötigt, it means far that it is superfluous.
Since man has a 6k camera but then so is definitely not better or more films. And next? Is it not then 6k or 9k camera to use because you think it is pointless? If a film by S35mm better? Or 65mm? No? So it is meaningless in these formats to turn?
Even if it somehow everyone has heard of a film with the RED has been rotated is still the largest part of the feature film productions on 16mm and 35mm and rotated a small part of it digitally and turn a small percentage on the RED One. Now, the market is changing rapidly - just as with all SLRs after DSLR on the series have changed, are synonymous with the film the most change when the format of their demands.
Since I already rotated with RED I can say that they have my standards. Better is, of course, synonymous like to view.
For this, the RED One to work properly first before new models come onto the market. Oh, you know as synonymous accurate or plapperst you just what, somewhere in what you've heard of someone who knows exact synonymous nix?
What exactly does it not, so a rotation is impossible?
Antwort von WideScreen:

Prices on the topic:
Believe ye that a 4k camera with great optics for 5000 euro gets? tztztztz most probably still believe Santa Claus s.den ....
Antwort von motiongroup:

Thus, it is Santa Claus and more accurate if you read each CAM is the only with a 2 / 3 chip anymore now for a ton since those who know with DSLR Canon 5DII alla film * lol ...
Antwort von Valentino:

Oh, you know as synonymous accurate or plapperst you just what, somewhere in what you've heard of someone who knows exact synonymous nix?
What exactly does it not, so a rotation is impossible? No, it could serve as material for a two assistant Wöchingen own feature film production experience. We have time probably synonymous somewhat unlucky, but we have exchanged the camera three times and not the team we do not know of D-cinema cameras had.
The cameraman and I have already with the D20 and the Phanthom worked and had half as many problems :-)
Quite apart is the RED One, in my opinion, this is an absolute aberration, a D-Cinema Camera directly after the image converter kompromiert very strong (at 4k seen) and the signal is not even in 2K s.ein HD-SDI board weiteleitet completely unusable.
Sure, it can make films, but unfortunately do the most D-cinema cameras are not so reliable, we like: a ARRICAM Studio.
Time an issue when you have such a proud RED One owners are when coming to your first feature film in the cinema?
Oh Theme RED One and Atlattauglich, here is a small overview of what the colleagues from the BVK üder think the Camera:
Antwort von freezer:

Antwort von iasi:
On the issue prices:
Believe ye that a 4k camera with great optics for 5000 euro gets? tztztztz most probably still believe Santa Claus s.den .... red at least raised the impressive long time that there is a scarleet with $ 3k for 3k would - with fix-optics and display ... just a small rotating camera ready without much SCHNICK-Schnack ... and in the spring / summer 2009 ...
This camera will now not happen.
scarlet, the S35 is its monetary worth - after the previous (yet somewhat rough) infos to judge, she is with the red one to compare (and maybe even a little better).
$ 7000 for this are already ok.
But again: for $ 7k, it is by far not stay - because it needs a deep bag full with Euros.
Antwort von iasi:

small note to the discussion about the necessity of Auflöungen over 5k:
not one is so backward as in Germany - in the U.S., cinemas 4k already quite common - and projectors s.der next generation will have worked (and which is far more than 5k resolution Was).
The Red 28k but must first build - drawings are made quickly and changing some numbers, each in a table to write.
Even the 9k as it could be the former $ 3k Scarlet delivered.
In the Red Scarlet has in any event, not word. What is now under the name Scarlet S35 come, is more of a stripped down Epic.
Antwort von WoWu:

Is there somewhere synonymous only the slightest hint as 9k or 28k or whatever always synonymous should be saved? What kind of data reduction and how it is proprietary then the whole to be?
Is there any information about which service network behind it, if such a part breaks down times? Because the parts are indestructible but probably not. And where, if necessary, a replacement unit comes?
As long as those parts used in the home country may still all be represented, but once it goes away a bit next so we should at least have everything redundant.
Are there any more statements? Or is there just colorful images with beautiful camera parts and painted image sensors?
Antwort von iasi:

Is there any information about which service network behind it, if such a part breaks down times? Because the parts are indestructible but probably not. And where, if necessary, a replacement unit comes?
As long as those parts used in the home country may still all be represented, but once it goes away a bit next so we should at least have everything redundant.
Are there any more statements? Or is there just colorful images with beautiful camera parts and painted image sensors? the red one user previously had probably fewer problems with red, which seems to have worked very quickly, as with the duty - probably because it can happen quickly, that in spite of complicated forms again in the import statement to get that one back and then again fedex yew can be credited.
customs stories are always uncomfortable - and not cheap.
Antwort von Axel:
not one is so backward as in Germany - in the U.S., cinemas 4k already quite common - and projectors s.der next generation will have worked (and which is far more than 5k resolution Was). I would like to have a source. The fact that two or three screens in the U.S. were equipped with testing, may well be. When it comes to such a demonstrator synonymous to pay, the matter is different. It is not difficult to imagine that all films could be digitally available tomorrow - in 2k, since this format is the Digital Intermediate. In order to change these standards, the demand would have to be according to size and then, this film its viewers a brazen upscaling than 4k sale. The best is the animated logo of Sony. Viewers that do not involve a state synonymous are not ready to give a much higher ticket price to pay, and the need
significantly higher. I think the gains that today with the first movies made in the recovery will be greatly overestimated and investment (in the way, ephemeral art, both as regards the evolution of standards as synonymous affects the longevity of the hardware components) strongly underestimated.
Antwort von Reimer Reimer:

Viewers who found no difference?
There are very many.
Since I have a full-HD biem possess, I am demanding
become. I rarely go to movies, because I go to
often of 1-K-or 1.5-K-projections'm disappointed.
I see simply no chance of success for 4-K-cinemas. Even
if there really with 4-K would be projected, would the new
Problems with it. Even now I get at the K-2-pro -
tions much more frequently the Schärfepatzer the Focus Puller with a
I would like. 4 K would be merciless.
All the best Axel
Antwort von iasi:

Now - the question whether the different looks, but is not at all, since one hardly has a direct comparison.
I was Lawrence of Arabia in a 35mm and 70/65mm kino seen - what a difference.
and who ever lived in an IMAX theater, is synonymous of the picture quality have been impressed.
in asia and the usa are projectors zb quite widespread as this:
so much more monetary cost 4k compared to 2k do not. a 2k system also costs less than ¬ 50-60000.
and also interesting:
while in Germany hardly 3d theaters are celebrating in the usa a 3D concert film tablet records - he only really started in 3d theaters.
also been widely used in the usa and asia: hdtv.
in germany: arte, anixe, premiere ... and the synonymous still mostly hochskaliert.
while in the United States have long been produced in HD, I read recently about a sensational switch to the production of a series ard to 720p.
Antwort von iasi:

[quote = "Axel"]
It is not difficult to imagine that all films could be digitally available tomorrow - in 2k, since this format is the Digital Intermediate. how do you react?
on the one hand are still the most kinofilme on good and very high-resolution film material rotated.
and this material can easily be transposed into 4k scan.
on the other hand, are now synonymous, most digital cinema productions in 4k rotated.
and last but not least, there are the cartoons, the high resolution and the 3d option andthe gutt particularly easy to exploit. Not for nothing are now almost exclusively in 3d animations out (though for digital-cinema-developing countries such as Germany synonymous 2d and analog versions are offered.).
Antwort von Axel:
... I was Lawrence of Arabia in a 35mm and 70/65mm kino seen - what a difference.
and who ever lived in an IMAX theater, is synonymous of the picture quality have been impressed. Both good examples. 70mm? IMAX? Without ANY doubt, the better quality compared to 35mm, since you know how many decades? What significance do they have today? Neither economically nor of any of her spread. A mere matter of prestige.
... in asia and the usa are projectors zb quite widespread as this: That it is the projector, I know. What movies has he
bought? Which regular * (* current films in the usual application switching) digital content that runs in
4k? I am not a showreel of Sony, which can only show once, and not synonymous for the Money. The new Bond of course (synonymous of Sony). But more often Sonyhat already tried on the films to promote its own technology. So are Sony movies until now synonymous in SDDS, in my opinion the best digital format, although it is due to the introduction of very expensive decoder today almost no movies are that it will play. The race was known Dolby (technically the worst, but most practical and cheapest format).
... so much more monetary cost 4k compared to 2k do not. a 2k system also costs less than ¬ 50-60000. It costs the movie being almost nothing, no movie can justify such an investment, because no more tickets sold than before. Modern cinemas, which are among the so-called
early adopters are, usually have an analog picture, the quality is comparable, and the audience are surprised already that backstage engines still rattle. For the customer, there is really no added value. That allows the movies to digital projectors in everyday use to test, it takes a few disadvantages in Purchase (one room due to an unfavorable exchange capacity, for example, is not possible, not all movies are already available digitally, etc.) and pay only a symbolic " leasing fee "s.den provider (which never covers its costs). If someone says to you, you can test the RED, you can not too much to start as, say, film exhibition, but you
must use them, that would be roughly comparable.
... and also interesting:
while in Germany hardly 3d theaters are celebrating in the usa a 3D concert film tablet records - he only really started in 3d theaters. The revenue records of those reported, reported production and rental company, not the cinema. 3d digital s.2009 it is synonymous in some German cinemas give. Wait times we, as the assumed. My estimate: "Avatar" in 2d costs seven euro per ticket, in the next movie in 3d nine euro. As people have previously been a movie in 3d view, they know that you only sit in the middle of may, they know that they are all the time must wear glasses. I bet they would pay the higher price to the film normal in 2d to be allowed to see. But perhaps I am mistaken ... (the water ebbt already back as before a tsunami: Everything is waiting for the "Hobbit" - 3d, of course.)
It is not difficult to imagine that all films could be digitally available tomorrow - in 2k, since this format is the Digital Intermediate.
how do you react? How are you on something else? Source? Link?
... on the one hand are still the most kinofilme on good and very high-resolution film materia
Antwort von iasi:
now ... even if 2k-theaters, the cinema operator 1 euro more, without that elusive visitor - example: nuremberg.
animation films are the ones who fund it - especially now skims Madagascar 2 as true ab - synonymous in IMAX theaters ...
Incidentally - on 3d:
In the U.S. there are already some theaters 4k more than in germany ...
wait in Germany once again all on the state, ie from the medium of film ... new financing approaches are knitted, all with a proper share of the cake include tax.
strange that the movie industry always so happy to provide tax screams.
but what should we expect even more synonymous - even the new tarantino film is with German taxpayers' money to promote.
Nevertheless - in asia and the usa there are, the 4k-synonymous 4k theaters and movies ...
Of course you can turn a blind eye to developments sealed, only they can stop you is not.
who ever 4k material of the red eye had one before, which will s.zeiten remember when he pal times the first 720p footage to see.
Antwort von Axel:
... Of course you can turn a blind eye to developments sealed, only they can stop you is not.
You're right, and I was wrong. The cinemas are 4k (or more?) Install projectors, and cartoons are for a decade steadily declining visitor numbers back into old skyrocket. 3d is the default, and the excellent original "Journey to the center of the earth" of the classics of a new era. All this is done within the next ten years.
Antwort von iasi:
please "Beowulf" is not forgotten!
actually ran the synonymous only in 3D cinemas really good - what affects the number of visitors (not the quality)
but seriously - of the oh-so-slow pace of development in Germany should not be close to all the country ...
The 3D concert film "Hannah Montana / Miley Cyrus: Best of Both Worlds" ran in relatively few theaters and has yet s.der top of the Box Office.
and subject to 4k:
Two articles from the year 2005:,20858,1120067,00.html
and the synonymous I found:
Sony Pictures has already released the summer blockbuster "Hancock" in 4K, with the motion picture grossing more than $ 600 million s.the worldwide box office to date. Movies released in 4K can play in theaters with either 4K or 2K projectors. Among the next motion pictures to be digitally ImageDIG in 4K by Sony Pictures, and available for 4K distribution, are expected to be "2012," "Salt," and "The Green Hornet," with more titles to be announced.
in germany know unfortunately even the big distributors are not quite sure what to do with digital. the disk of the distributors are only rented and therefore synonymous quickly removed. when a movie A FILM 3 months after nationwide start again to play it, then by the distributors, we have no more copies, but ask it in the cinema times in XXXXX whether a copy on their server. (really happened).
Antwort von iasi:
please "Beowulf" is not forgotten!
actually ran the synonymous only in 3D cinemas really good - what affects the number of visitors (not the quality)
but seriously - of the oh-so-slow pace of development in Germany should not be close to all the country ...
The 3D concert film "Hannah Montana / Miley Cyrus: Best of Both Worlds" ran in relatively few theaters and has yet s.der top of the Box Office.
and subject to 4k:
Two articles from the year 2005:,20858,1120067,00.html
and the synonymous I found:
Sony Pictures has already released the summer blockbuster "Hancock" in 4K, with the motion picture grossing more than $ 600 million s.the worldwide box office to date. Movies released in 4K can play in theaters with either 4K or 2K projectors. Among the next motion pictures to be digitally ImageDIG in 4K by Sony Pictures, and available for 4K distribution, are expected to be "2012," "Salt," and "The Green Hornet," with more titles to be announced.
in germany know unfortunately even the big distributors are not quite sure what to do with digital. the disk of the distributors are only rented and therefore synonymous quickly removed. when a movie A FILM 3 months after nationwide start again to play it, then by the distributors, we have no more copies, but ask it in the cinema times in XXXXX whether a copy on their server. (really happened).
Antwort von Axel:
I know such "announcements" since the year 2000, when the revival of Disney's Fantasia was made digitally. The tell the participants of the collaboration at a press conference and give a brochure about the journalists who are of the demonstration were impressed, but the background of zero nod and understand in their articles almost identical quote. Only s.Rande noticed that in the list Sonyfehlt whose entire project in direct competition on this. The world's most successful is the cooperation of Texas Instruments, which is a DLP-head ( "beamer") deliver to the houses with light and Manufacturer of various servers (if the latter is back with a Dolby ultrakompatiblen and cheap server included) is used. Here is the longest development time and most know-how behind it. The vast majority of the world are currently about 7000 digital systems therefore comes. And here is still no talk of 4k.
Nevertheless, you're right, it is a European and a German phenomenon synonymous, that these things drag on so. But it is different approach, more reasonable. Because in the past 8 years there have been several new developments, each of which superseded the existing systems. How quickly can not be a movie so high investments depreciate, it is a financing and leasing model with continuous support from the provider, tax rebates and promoting the lender the only thing that is future proof. Long will it take no more, and Germany, virtually by decree, fully digital.
If 3d ignite and not only in the short term, as a new gimmick, but the long term synonymous, as a new way to experience movies, I think synonymous that 4k in a few years has a chance.
The topic is complex, it is still synonymous with the cinema crisis into which only a very loose sense as a technique called crisis could, of course, Consumer HD, HD panels, piracy, video on demand and the Internet is synonymous factors.
On the thread topic back: You erbst ¬ 50,000 and buy you a RED (with the necessary Drumrum, hence the price). They are synonymous with "announcement" very large. Do you think the camera (or the "brain") is good for something for TV or film image? I've got nothing against me I will not always synonymous accused, I stuck s.alten plaits, I can pretty well staged only imagine how you would try to use RED profitably. A main job with a tax card and health insurance would not be bad. This world is a business-on-demand world. The Big Mac may not be long in coming, and the quality must be so, as the customer expects.
Antwort von iasi:
On the thread topic back: You erbst ¬ 50,000 and buy you a RED (with the necessary Drumrum, hence the price). They are synonymous with "announcement" very large. Do you think the camera (or the "brain") is good for something for TV or film image? I've got nothing against me I will not always synonymous accused, I stuck s.alten plaits, I can pretty well staged only imagine how you would try to use RED profitably. A main job with a tax card and health insurance would not be bad. This world is a business-on-demand world. The Big Mac may not be long in coming, and the quality must be so, as the customer expects.
da geb ich dir fully and completely right - only for that reason I have not ordered the red one (and as it anyway until 2009 had been delivered).
with ¬ 30,000 would have been with it - but would not synonymous 30,000 lucrative investment-been.
who is a long term project so wishes, he will probably buy the superior ...
even with hd reaps when one customer is still all too often shrug.
the original scarlet therefore I would have been enough.
So now there is the new 2 / 3 "if the whole around is not prohibitively expensive.
I would even leave a S35 ravish, it would at least 3k in 50/60fps offer - even cropped so that they would have a proper sensor area (the resolution is to me less).
a quick rough calculation on the sensor surface:
5k in 30x15mm
3k from 18x9mm
2k from 12x6mm
the 2 / 3 "has 10.1 x5, 35mm
However, the S35 offers only
1-30fps at 5k and
1-60fps at 2k
wait times, which the others, which make red compete in next time on the market.
Antwort von PeterM:
Again and again why it is surprising to RED so much religious wars there.
The question who is 5K and 9K needs. ne answer here.
Just come of an event of a German car manufacturer. new car
Screen 25m * 5m.
Building 4 * 2K projectors Softedge (Watchout) makes net around 6K horizobtale resolution. Full size, only 6K scanned Mittlelformatdias (Hasselblatt) may be used. All films (F 23) could only be in the window (10m * 5m) run as the Resolutionzu low. Once you have a 6 K canvas has seen, is simply to ask no more.
Whether Indibereich sowas in movies or in need may be moot point.
But one thing is clear there are applications.
Antwort von iasi:
Once you have a 6 K canvas has seen, is simply to ask no more.
for each resolution, there is an application area synonymous ...
The IMAX theaters flaunt finally synonymous with great resolution ... up to IMAX with 48fps HD and 71 mm x 52 mm image area ...
just tell me and nobody, he would make no difference to imax normal 35mm theaters recognize.
Antwort von Bernd E.:
... IMAX theaters flaunt finally synonymous with great resolution ... to IMAX HD with 48fps and 71 mm x 52 mm image area ...
Technically it's impressive, but IMAX is just not so good example: IMAX HD was not selected, the successor has also not enforced - which is only a single enabled to IMAX movies synonymous no wonder. Synonymous, since the history of the German IMAX cinemas now, unfortunately, rather a list of closures has fallen, remains as the Conclusion of the always well until higher resolution times only: Not everything that is technically feasible, is synonymous equal an economic benefit.
Gruß Bernd E.
Antwort von iasi:
Now I'm confused - closing IMAX theaters?
I escaped because what?
oh well - unfortunately, we get the IMAX versions of movies like "Dark Knight" in Germany can not see what a reason for this could be.
may well be that (especially the absence of material) the imax hds extinct, but the 3D version running.
synonymous, but one thing is clear:
when the theaters are not upgraded, then they are unlikely to experience better times, once synonymous in germany hdtv finally arrived.
all talk of pirate, the cinematic landscape destroy - fakt, however, is that a movie playing after 4 weeks has pretty much played out ... and after 3 months, there is then synonymous already on dvd and BluRay.
missed a movie in the cinema, then it is just on the flat screen at - s.besten in fullhd to 42 "or larger.
the large umbrellas sell zz in any case perfectly.
this is the development.
many also know that 2k resolution offers little more than the home-fullhd.
Antwort von Bernd E.:
... closing IMAX theaters ... because what I missed ...
Maybe I always synonymous only s.den gone wrong places ;-) At any rate, Würzburg is a widely IMAX ruins visible on the lawn, and Bremen has just closed down as Munich, Dusseldorf or Frankfurt s.Main.
Gruß Bernd E.
Antwort von Axel:
IMAX is synonymous where there is (still) running, synonymous in the U.S., a lucrative technology, but for the prestige of large houses s.Leben will get.
There are a lot of reasons that the movies in the crisis, and the Introduction of 4k may no longer be seen. The reason is that inflationary films by application of so-called "blockbusters" and too primitive recipes every success for their originality and have lost value. The technical upgrade is needed, but is not enough, since the establishment of the multiplexes only in single digit percentage range from cancer leaving permanently increase.
Antwort von iasi:
sooner was the ratio of good to be - shall we say - less good film not unlike today.
whether it really s.der quality of the films lies?
synonymous, I do not know whether it makes the movie industry really so poor - but who is not innovative, remains just on the track.
Who really can be springs, these are the theaters that do not start getting copies - and even those that their visitors do not offer a certain standard.
that is synonymous with no funding can convert and synonymous with good business makes shows for example the cinema operator in Nuremberg.
given the high visitor numbers in 3D cinemas in comparison to 2d, then now really is worth the upgrade - especially as the investment in an existing digital system is not very high.
incomprehensible that zb in stuttgart (or more accurately in the general area of Stuttgart) just a 3d cinema exists and is just one more to be opened.
2009, more than a dozen top-out title in 3d - who since the first one in 3d business can make the thick reibach.
Antwort von Axel:
sooner was the ratio of good to be - shall we say - less good film not unlike today.
Of course. I've written "so that originality and value." The films, which are now creating movies to be crafted (mostly) perfect. But they are not inclined movie experience more. I do not know how old you are, but his best times in the movies was a place of entertainment and intellectual stimulation, such as a library (but synonymous whose Stündlein has beaten).
... whether it really s.der quality of the films lies?
Definitely. To not take as long to stay Off Topic: cameras like the RED (but synonymous already smaller Cams) and digital movies offer an option, films with so little money to produce, that neither in Germany leveling film acting nor the funding for the squinting Block bookings ( "success") of the original idea must wear something. Movies must again be subversive and content of moderate thinking and feeling fly in order to be hip again.
... synonymous, I do not know whether it makes the movie industry really so poor - but who is not innovative, remains just on the track.
Quite right. However, if the movie stays on the track - and the trend is that - would need another media after move, and God grace us when it will be HDTV. You realize, I'm talking here not of a technical quality of the representation, but of the subject.
... incomprehensible that zb in stuttgart (or more accurately in the general area of Stuttgart) just a 3d cinema exists and is just one more to be opened.
2009, more than a dozen top-out title in 3d - who since the first one in 3d business can make the thick reibach.
Vacation. This could be a milkmaid invoice. I have in the movies, in which I work, a 3D Roadshow seen, and I must say I was extremely bored. Since I'm not wearing glasses, I am sick of wearing the shutter glasses (because too expensive and too difficult, we shall now return to a variant polarizer) to, and I got a headache. The pictures were beautiful, but with visual dramaturgy nothing to do. The same was true for T-Rex and Manhattan in IMAX 3D. I quote from the top of my next linked text:
"If the ultimate end goal of cinema is to visually replicate the real world, then very high requirements result. (...) There is also s.element which states that a visual story telling medium will break down if it fully models the real world, and that there needs to be a gap for the imagination to fill. "
Imagination is the key. Not only the big studios that do not seduce the viewer, with his imagination to participate, but try to overpower, with ever greater technical effort and inszenatorischem overkill.
A RED hernehmen and wonder what if?
(I am not now, what if the Indiana Jones Crystal Skull shitty fall leaves.)
What if we all completely by FX Films stupefaction, and any hero wakes up? Neo the zombie pack.
Antwort von iasi:
my memories are quite far enough back to confirm that it is much earlier shadowy light and relatively little in relation to the content and erzähweise of the film existed.
there are now synonymous always impressive films in the cinema to see - including (as previously synonymous), the blockbuster mostly not - but they are there.
and these films are subversive it is, the red of a benefit.
The digital technology also allows the small but productions ever to come into the cinema ...
subsidizing approaches for the digital cinema conversion had hindered the access again, as the cinema operator-a usage for movies that are not involved in financing s.der distributors come, would have to pay.
many independent filmmakers are now synonymous of red a little disappointed, because they have a 3000 $ camera had hoped.
they dreamed of changing optics, 35mm and 4k sensor, after the red of the wild speculation had been misled.
of course, all for 3000 $.
seem synonymous to me that the red-leute now with the spirit, they cried as some will have problems.
I'm pretty disappointed in any case of red.
its communication policy, which is always praised, is annoying, since intimations hingeworfene and detail pieces are not just a convincing information policy.
"this is the revolutionary scarlet - 3k for 3k $" - "everything is different" - "$ 2,500 for the brain" ...
First it was the beginning of 2009, then spring / summer 2009 - of course, in sufficient quantities - and there are now for the 2 / 3 "with fixobjektiv not yet have a price.
redraw in Adobe Premiere ... in september 08, it should already be possible ... then a week has been postponed ... then again a week ... it was tricky problems of the talking ... and it is now with the next generation CS4 possible.
something I call: the mouth too full taken.
in any case, the red-announcements to quite lost all credibility.
if another vendor A camera on the market, my wish is synonymous only somewhat, I will probably have access and can not wait for a red, the vaguely announced.
Antwort von WideScreen:
Hm apparently are just movie producers and Webefilmmacher online.
So if you read what people claim to have, I'm surprised that it entered the German market as few good films there.
I think rather a film with its HDV rotated as a RED subject have in the cupboard. Get too much and too little theorist "maker ".....
Antwort von iasi:
aha ... So just to make ... as if the camera technology was the biggest problem ...
2 weeks when you turn, the catering costs alone more than leihmiete for a red one.
Antwort von Valentino:
2 weeks when you turn, the catering costs alone more than leihmiete for a red one.
... or not halt synonymous if, for example, the RED due to a faulty fan or any other problem in a tight Buget a failure of half a day caused. Just the two minutes the need for highly RED to drive in the Time has a good wizard every X-belibige (yes yes for Aaton Minima you need more) 16 and 35mm Camera loaded.
Oh theme catering to us today, there was steak with fried potatoes and vegetables to hmm it was yummy. But as good catering, there is only rotated when film is shooting in RED there is always the remains of yesterday ;-)
And if we ever are, what does it cost s.Tag anything more than the rent for a RED with a set of optics. As a Basics 1.7 Mil. Production with 26 days of filming.
Geny-the light and the whole equipment
the 250-Tools
-the rent for the 500m ² studio with Bühnenbau
The extra-KFZs and trucks
The Gage, a famous German actor, or generally, any wage
Transport and accommodation for the team and s.Set
Since then the production manager no preference whether the cameraman on 16mm or on the RED One wants to rotate. The cameraman is probably for a very simple reason for 16mm decide:
Thus, he has been 10 years and his assistants are all synonymous with film grew up and want to garnicht usually synonymous with all the digital stuff to contend with.
Antwort von iasi:
Oh theme catering to us today, there was steak with fried potatoes and vegetables to hmm it was yummy. But as good catering, there is only rotated when film is shooting in RED there is always the remains of yesterday ;-)
Since then the production manager no preference whether the cameraman on 16mm or on the RED One wants to rotate. The cameraman is probably for a very simple reason for 16mm decide:
Thus, he has been 10 years and his assistants are all synonymous with film grew up and want to garnicht usually synonymous with all the digital stuff to contend with.
yes - the red one is often used for low-budget productions used, where hd is too shabby.
more prestige has such a red-turning already ...
and red but still has quite a lot of synonymous ones sold - Arri while the sales figures had fallen to ... So, it seems, except a few sheiks, the same ones a dozen times bought synonymous kamera men and women must be given to the new digital s.das vehicle approached dare.
and what the red one when booting s.zeit loses, but then she just imagine s.anderer again synonymous herein.
Antwort von raymaker:
[quote = "Valentino"]
Since then the production manager no preference whether the cameraman on 16mm or on the RED One wants to rotate. The cameraman is probably for a very simple reason for 16mm decide:
Thus, he has been 10 years and his assistants are all synonymous with film grew up and want to garnicht usually synonymous with all the digital stuff to contend with.
Sweet, a Red-hater. This argument is simply irrelevant, as untrue.
Antwort von domain:
Find these religious wars, partly in the sience-fiction field, synonymous nearly so entertaining as the Windows-to-wild cat fights, which we have been delight.
Meanwhile, I have a few hours in the restoration of my Super-8 projectors invested, but with only modest success.
In the subsequent projection bothered me less the quality of the films rather than the chatter of ausgeleierten picture theaters with gripper mechanism.
But, since what was important and poignant to see that my children in a very tender age, without any sharp synonymous hair and my grandparents and parents leibten and how they lived.
Antwort von Valentino:
Sweet, a Red-hater. This argument is simply irrelevant, as untrue.
Hmm, I do not really, I did not mention that I hate the RED or would despise.
That is synonymous garkeine argument of me, but it is only what I have of various materials and assistants Focupullern repeatedly on the topic of digital cinema to hear.
This wizard of the talking now because I have all been well over 10 years in the film industry and have worked with so many great movie cooperated.
There are synonymous enough, the camera men and they felt great fear with the digital tech nick and then have dochh dear you are familiar with the medium of film work.
That speaks but rather against those persons as against the RED.
What should now ask the opinions s.diesen be untrue?
I am also very happy to work with D-cinema cameras and have been of D21 on Phanthom RED One HD and with some work.
This is to say that the workflow of RED One is clearly the circumstances of all. Especially in the Post Production annoy Render times already enormous.
Ne question time "raymaker" what are you doing so professionally?
Antwort von iasi:
Sweet, a Red-hater. This argument is simply irrelevant, as untrue.
No - the argument is aptly
the red-spinning is not without its quirks - and synonymous to the workflow does not run super trouble-free
you must not like devout niederknien red before the company like it in the red-forum so many do
Antwort von jogol:
iasi wrote:
you must not like devout niederknien red before the company like it in the red-forum so many do
As the Fähnlein on the towers, that can rotate in the wind and storm ...
schöne Grüße
Antwort von WideScreen:
aha ... So just to make ... as if the camera technology was the biggest problem ...
But this is not the answer to my contribution oda? So somehow, the least of my statement with nothing to do .... Just wanted to say a lot of theoretical discussion, but not what revolves. Whether or not RED RED is secondary. Chatterbox chatterbox chatterbox and s.Ende nix, but Theo Ritsch know it with its "and of the camera would have been better. Everyone is talking of tztztz 3K 4K 6K 8K but most have not even ne camera in his hand held. Mann mann mann ...
Antwort von iasi:
Everyone is talking of 3K 4K 6K 8K but most have not even ne camera in his hand held. Mann mann mann ...
because you have absolutely right, because 6k and 8k cameras are not very many.
But seriously:
who is not just for the movie revolves, really needs no more than 3k.
and if cinema, then, the camera technology eh, only a small part of their budgets.
only is one synonymous clear:
possession of a camera to make a film, it is a much, much further away than just times out.
Antwort von domain:
This way you can express so synonymous that the> 2-K Resolutionfür the majority of people, especially for the female part of our humanity is almost no role plays and certainly not in 3-D cinema.
In the more tolerant of our species is mostly about love, or in other words about feelings and whether the now purely visually exact in 1920 or even longer to be displayed be doubted.
If but a story grabs and fortträgt, then the producers have already obtained and which has a lot more with the script and the story and the dialogues and the image-making and the cameraman to do than with the pixels per picture.
Beautifully sad that the ignorant attitude in various technical forums and talked up as being acceptable.
The pixel count much, but much more the idea of the history, the movement, the imagination, the unusual behind .........
Sowas movie could be something beautiful, but with the erbsigen H.264 Pixelzählerei he is demoted to the Technical and many believe it with sharp edges at the same time synonymous artistic recognition in the area could reap.
Antwort von WideScreen:
one of the least understood me:))
Antwort von iasi:
now it's here now, but look around the camera ... and a crew is not just directors, but synonymous from people who in their area the best want to get out.
David Lean and Akira Kurosawa and Orson Welles put on quite synonymous worth cinema technology and the best possible image quality.
So it is synonymous to the number of pixels.
Wim Wenders' "Paris Texas" or "The State of Things" now live times of the images.
what makes me now HD, it was not possible with PAL ... and then something with the creative opportunities to do so.
the red one zb offers opportunities on the one side, but quite synonymous restrictions on the other side - compared to 35mm film.
who with his film does not go in the direction of cinema, the other does not synonymous with the effort 4k, 5k or more to operate.
but makes it quite different, whether I now HDV or 50p at 3k turn.
ok ok ... 3k still says nothing about the ultimate picture quality, as with many other factors play into it ...
... I've already received synonymous of seen a red one, which looked like the sister of my vacation videos.
but more potential than a HDV cam, the red one undisputed.
the scarlet 2 / 3 "I would the HD camcorder of sony, canon and co before the draw - it would be announced as coming in the foreseeable time.
... because they told me the (most) design offers opportunities that are important to me.
Antwort von WideScreen:
Good, if you film for movies or doing so, it is synonymous OK.
Had the impression that here are many who have never made a movie. Did not know this David Lean and Akira Kurosawa and Orson Welles discussions here. Klaro. Now I understand the synonymous better.
For which films come because of you? "Das Leben der Anderen", or did you "Krabat" rotated?
Antwort von iasi:
but you already synonymous is clear that an epic is a camera, the film focuses on ...
just to set the subject to recall ...
are ¬ 50,000 for a camera to invest will thus hardly cooking programs for rtl want to rotate.
bought mostly eh the share of distributors and Arab sheiks.
it remains to ask:
scarlet 2 / 3 "or maybe like the scarlet S35?
... and the answer to this question depends but most of all of the final resolution from.
because you have to tend to ask whether the 4500 $ extra charge is worth it.
because what really speaks for the S35?
1. Earlier availability. (at least we can perhaps have the advantage of summer 09)
2. larger pixel sizes (thus probably higher sensitivity)
3. large sensor
4. objective - if you have good photographic lenses, you can already save a lot of money ...
and the advantages of the 2 / 3 "?
1. 1-120fps
2. if you have 16mm lenses (unfortunately I sold my Angenieux).
3. 3k at 50fps at 50fps opposite 2k of S35
4. resolution at 50fps little smaller sensor area than the S35
and compared to other Camcoder the price class to say 5000 ¬?
1. raw format
2. 50fps
Antwort von WideScreen:
Again the question of what movies you want because that rotate when you thought:
.... there remains the question:
scarlet 2 / 3 "or maybe like the scarlet S35?
There has been an order or an idea you want to implement, otherwise it is not about what you buy! Or?
Antwort von iasi:
So not in the direction of exploitation cinema.
hd must be - 3k red raw and offers sufficient reserves for the cut and the future.
full manual control and progressive store should bring the camera synonymous.
an important aspect for me is synonymous to light sensitivity.
... were it not for some significant restrictions, would I even tomorrow 5dmarkII buy canon. the 1080p are not an impediment.
to need much light, can be quite expensive - and I use very much available light. to the group "first and then everything dim light make" I'm not.
Incidentally: I have a HDV-3chip sony, with which I am actually quite happy - but but but ...
practically speaking, it is beneficial in the archives of raw material in high resolution to have - a lot better today than tomorrow, too little.
zb years before I even rotated sd - and now I struggle to find this material into a hd-project shall be documented.
Antwort von iasi:
and the still red raw:
I am a supporter of the zone system (after Ansel adam) ... raw and red offers complete manual control of exposure but a wonderful basis for this.
ikonoskop offers the a-cam the DNG raw format. synonymous good.
I've synonymous of the gama-profile example of panasonic 500 pretty good read, but is the raw approach is still next.
the canon 5d markII DSRL dislike me because of the h.264--formats and mainly due to the lack of manual control - a pity.
I could be with the 38MB / s in h264 still live - but not with the automatic-diktat.
6400iso with an F1.4 would have been objectively schnuckelig.
Antwort von Bernd E.:
... am a supporter of the zone system (after Ansel adam) ...
Credit where credit is due: The man was Ansel Adams ;-)
Antwort von iasi:
right - Ansel Adams - thank you - with content, I's sorry more than with names.
Antwort von iasi:
nochmal an addendum to the theme 3d:
Number of 3D cinemas:
Germany 22
just usa 1400
Antwort von WoWu:
... am a supporter of the zone system (after Ansel adam) ...
Credit where credit is due: The man was Ansel Adams ;-)
.... and also is the zone system of Fred Archer ... Adams has just described in his books ... but it is not of him.
Honor to whom honor is due.
Antwort von iasi:
synonymous of them I read.
who is the father of all things, may I not fathom.
a book of Ansel Adams had me decades ago near the zone system - and that's what I like about.
and it is entirely to digital technology transferable - and allows a broad control ...
but as soon as AF subjects: many of worth to the automatic ...
I might even prefer the schärfebereich set (it is not just a question of a sharp object to, but the depth of field to conduct ...)
AF has in some recording situations without its merits - synonymous for him if I do not need.
Antwort von WoWu:
and it is entirely to digital technology transferable ...
.. and will be true as long as selective aperture in CMOS systems practiced synonymous auto ... and far better than the zone system .... (and colorful) :-)
Antwort von iasi:
and how do I now, what dark and bright areas have yet to sign, if I leave the automatic?
Antwort von Axel:
nochmal an addendum to the theme 3d:
Number of 3D cinemas:
Germany 22
just usa 1400
Have you recently because times a movie in 3D views? It is not so, that really is the natural 3D stereoscopic vision depicts to us merely an information on the distance of an object and returns only in extreme cases (free fall from the 10th floor) adds a sensual sensation. The view over the roof edge is synonymous staggering enough in 2D, since both eyes focused on infinity, not a very different perspective.
My fellow has an astigmatism (Away-squint, parallax) and is not able to see stereoscopically. He can still estimate distances well, well enough to drive and table tennis (!) To play, as object positions in three-dimensional space almost entirely on the relative size of these objects can be calculated (this fact made CGI animation as realistic).
If you are with your eyes spire in the distance your fingers and look into the "Picture" do see you with two fingers. Conversely, see you with two bell towers blurry, if you fix the finger. Your perception ignores this, but for a movie these images would be extremely irritating. Therefore, both Lenses ( "eyes") of the 3D camera moved relative to each other, not just the angle, as with real eyes, the synonymous distance), what every "real" 3D Studio extremely cumbersome and the achievements of recent decades (the sensual experience of the area by unleashed Camera> Steadicam) is reversed.
Aware of this issue, you can watch 3D movies. It is notable that the 3D effect is very weak, if
s.die canvas is no longer greater than the visual field (rear seats, here is a clear advantage IMAX)
b) one side of the screen looks, then it goes to zero and produces headache in a few minutes.
It is therefore no wonder that both the demo movies as synonymous Langstrasse features distort the proportions (Beowulf), and which you probably will soon weary of.
Maybe you're right anyway, and the movie is experiencing a renaissance. After missing the movies today exactly what it once was attractive, cheap fun fair, the Kintopp. Come and have great stories about the bill could rise. Avatar of Cameron would have the potential (in search of an alternative planet humanity finds one, but this is unfortunately inhabited ...).
Good, if you film for movies or doing so, it is synonymous OK.
Had the impression that here are many who have never made a movie. Did not know this David Lean and Akira Kurosawa and Orson Welles discussions here. Klaro. Now I understand the synonymous better.
Yes, I know what you mean. But it can not hurt their horizons not only to s.dem based on what we ourselves could implement immediately.
Antwort von iasi:
it is true that in some techniques, the angle dependency and synonymous to the head rotation 3d effekt disturb ... it currently exsistieren probably 4 or 5 different techniques ... There was a fairly informative article in the journal ct
I was last in an IMAX cinema 3d enjoyed - and that the effect is very impressive, demonstrated the many hands, according to the scanned, the seemingly right in front of them was.
many of the new 3d movies in 2d are synonymous out - if they have no good 2d then 3d is synonymous not much you can save (3d beowulf was synonymous only just bearable).
other good movies can be quite a bit of 3d win ... and above all the cinema owners to attract as 3d per copy to the cinema much more than pouring in 2d.
we must also see the relations synonymous: Of the more than 10 films, which s.13.11. started in the cinemas, I was like not a single interested ... So when I film of 14 just one in the movie wants to see, this is nothing unusual.
at the 14 3d filming the start to the end of 2009, it is still ever so that 3 or 4 interesting sound - 3d ducrhaus plays a role.
Antwort von WideScreen:
Yes, I know what you mean. But it can not hurt their horizons not only to s.dem based on what we ourselves could implement immediately.
Da hast du schon recht. Only when I read it, then I think this talk is about 8k, and how important it is and from the fundamental and must indeed be synonymous, because Kinoausbelichtung and 4k is scrap anyway, and then the user leaves the Forum hohlt his Konsumerkamera and turns out his wife at the winding of the child, and more, he has never eh rotated. Since then, I wonder whether it was worth about 8k hours to discuss.
And please ... always, exceptions prove the rule:)
Antwort von domain:
Speeches can be seen above.
The only question is whether it is about as accurate as possible picture of reality (8K), or whose growth.
For cinemas interesting is probably the latter.
I have seen in Orlando, the 4D movie. The fourth dimension is that the rows of seats as in a flight simulator by hydraulic been moved.
But while the impressive demonstration, I have the movie in the spirit umkonstruiert: it lacked a wind generator and a wonderful aroma and also I would have every viewer in the seat shell shaped as a membrane of a huge bass speaker set for the body near infra-sound experience. And then I would have hoped for a brief demo wanted: earthquakes in the pigsty.
Strange was the only relief after leaving the cinema. The reality is just no substitute.
Antwort von iasi:
now I have even been a cinema and operated uch 35mm projector copies argames the hunted.
apart of the quality copy, many things play a role when it comes to the result goes on the canvas - the canvas begins with the quality that goes beyond the quality of the objective and ends with the sharpen the skills demonstration.
I was in stuttgart LoA in 65/70mm seen (unfortunately, there is the cinema-now no more) and then as a 35mm copy in our cinema fetched ... an impressive difference - synonymous in effect on the viewers.
during the desert crossing in 70mm really attacked several viewers after their drinks ... this effect, I could at the 35mm version is not found.
the earth from space as I had in Munich when imax movie "the blue planet" never seen again - a fun, synonymous with no wackelnden armchairs.
the restrictions on 35mm and stirring but ultimately 24fps material from her effort - a 2h movie copy it still fits on a wind tower and is still synonymous with the gegend to balance.
150min for most coils the limit - is only 70mm with flat plates and very ordinary expenses.
The digital technology makes connection with this very Practical limitations - and provides exactly synonymous with the great 70mm resolution (at least in the future).
and above all, is synonymous with poor financial and ausgenudelten copies ... or poor building stood ... or ... or ... or ...
synonymous yes ... and in the usa is now synonymous increasingly the IMAX version of the current blockbusters made (of which we get in germany of course nothing to see.)
Antwort von domain:
The neverending story.
How to actually experience in our head?
The richness s.vorgestellten pictures as a child to read later, I have never had.
Some freedom for the imagination but it was still synonymous with reduced representations, such as SW or even silent.
What does PowerMac again: People, it depends on the story, it tells stories.
If a pack is that the technical precision actually quite secondarily, on the contrary I personally like it better, for example, when I still allowed themselves to dense.
Antwort von iasi:
book and film
it is not to compare
where I was in the book a dark menacing castle and get described it as synonymous in my presentation, since I see in this film is synonymous s.tage closed and therefore less menacing.
where I was in the book the feelings and thoughts can describe, I have to help me imagine film.
concepts --
the outer world and the inner world
narrative it also makes a significant difference if I have a pal 4:3 image or a 16:9-hd-image did.
nevertheless, it is quite synonymous with the film on the visual content of - in other words to what I see in the image / recognize.
Antwort von messiah00:
I'm glad that soon a Red Scarlet S35-making ....
Redone to me would be too expensive ...
... and the "Scarlet really has me because of the fixed lens is not irritated ...
and I have already thought of me then, hopefully, bring red soon between ding ....
Antwort von iasi:
I'm glad that soon a Red Scarlet S35-making ....
Redone to me would be too expensive ...
it is feared that the scarlet S35 is not so much cheaper ... in the 17500 $ of the ONE is still quite a bit more tuned ...
to add $ 7000 for the S35 nor the I / O module, the recording module, which redmote ...
unlikely that these modules, which are synonymous for the expensive "brains" who are really cheap on the table go.
already scarlet with the 2 / 3 "is getting ready to rotate very quickly ... ¬ 5-digit course ...
red is happy times $ 500 for a better cf card reader, 550 $ for an accu-charger, $ 300 for a hole plate or 180 $ for a monitor cable.
but that's just in the profit-world ... may be synonymous because a few simple screws 9 $ cost.
and clearly is the RED PRO LCD (7 in) its worth 2500 $ ...