Frage von matthew:
Hello again!
Had long wanted to add me, for those who should not have noticed ;-) that RTL (since its Easter program part, ie the big blockbuster) is now synonymous in a separate AC3 audio track transfers.
Furthermore, say finally upgraded synonymous RTL (as one of the first private radio station must have one!) With the PAL-pros, with what are now broadcast the film highlights true 16:9!
Respect, I must say, now needs only the ProSiebenSat.1 Group in this regard, stoking ;-)
So das wars mal off-topic-gently!
gruß matthew
Antwort von jens:

Hi Matthew,
yes, you're right. Was indeed synonymous slow time. Being, improves me, but I think the place only DD 2.0.
'm Eager to be broadcast when taken once synonymous with its own programs in (real) 16:9 /. Will certainly take a while yet.
Antwort von FutureStyle:

What is PAL-plus?
If the "true" 16:9 So that would be would be 1024 instead of 720 or what?
Antwort von matthew:

rubbish, of course, not really a 'real' 16:9 is an anamorphic 16:9 in the normal PAL resolution ... but better.
PAL-Pros is the device, or better, the procedure, which allows this type of widescreen transfer.
Antwort von jens:

Well just not pseudo 16:9 letterbox just more ;-)
Antwort von matthew:

quite right ;-) And I really thought that no longer occurs in private ..
certainly not of RTL, I would have expected it lol
Antwort von mint400:

Toll! Then what do you get for your money, at least if RTL will soon be encrypted broadcast ....
Antwort von matthew:

apparently, everyone will be fat then get away, then the others follow suit sender ...