Frage von dirk.thiele:
now have a new computer with Magix Video Deluxe (for HDV)
AMD Triple Core
3GB Ram
'm with the HD-cut quite satisfied
I realize that the memory is very important for the cut, but it would obviously help me if I have 3 GB of times purely unpack?
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Antwort von dirk.thiele:

Antwort von dirk.thiele:

Even so ... why not?
Antwort von dirk.thiele:

Because 6 GB for Windows (not 64 bit) pearls before swine are much memory would be the case anyway only marginally faster. Above 3 GB of the likely speed increases only in the 1stelligen percent area. Since g'scheite plates are much more important!
Antwort von B.DeKid:

So no, it's clear people times.
So who is not just 3D stuff, the SCSI disks do not need no full RAM slots ......
Everything pure nonsense, who is a benchmark progi times may sehn buys what, and what really brings is rapidly sehn where it goes.
Purchase prefer WD Raptor disks NEN cost you 50 more than your 3 GB and show why they create the reference are.
And before the new Ram and so jokes but rather a dedicated PC as the rendering device is placed on the LAN. So what does more.
(* The best guys are anyway, the clock rates then mix and then I arrive and so now you have 4 GB Ram *)
Especially is the correct partitions and create the paging file zuweissen important. And who as only a C on the plate - well, what can you say to that.
B. DeKid
Antwort von dirk.thiele:
Because 6 GB for Windows (not 64 bit) pearls before swine are He did not write that it is a 32bit version has ...
32bit addressed only to 3Gb.
WHAT DID YOU SINCE 32 or 64bit?
Antwort von dirk.thiele:

Antwort von dirk.thiele:

Ok, then true that you a erhögung the RAM's nothing brings.
Antwort von dirk.thiele:

oke thank you