Frage von cissisfreestuff:![](
After installation and reboot the PC I get when trying
Premiere Pro to start the following error:
"It could not be found valid edit. Install new Adobe Premiere Pro, and try again."
What am I doing wrong please?
Antwort von Markus:
Hello cissisfreestuff,
after the launch of Premiere, a Choice s.Bearbeitungsmodi (DV PAL, DV, NTSC, 16:9, etc.). If these templates do not exist, will result of the error message you specified.
Do what you like the message says: Install new Adobe Premiere Pro and it should work. Perhaps it is synonymous with custom installation possible, just the missing modes nachzuinstallieren.
Many greetings
Antwort von Mit Adobe Premiere Pro.ex:
: After installation and reboot the PC I get when trying
: Premiere Pro to start the following error message: "There was no valid
: Edit to be found. Install new Adobe Premiere Pro, and
: Try again. "
What am I doing wrong please?
: Mfg
: Cissisfreestuff
Before you try again Neuinstallierst following: Double-click the Adobe Premiere Pro.exe (C:, Programs, Adobe, Adobe Premiere Pro ...). If it works do a new link to this one. Exe on the desktop.
Antwort von derGott-EiK:
: After installation and reboot the PC I get when trying
: Premiere Pro to start the following error message: "There was no valid
: Edit to be found. Install new Adobe Premiere Pro, and
: Try again. "
What am I doing wrong please?
: Mfg
: Cissisfreestuff
ok ok
Now what's really helpful.
the problem lies with a codec!
a codec solves these errors can be made as long as install and uninstall premiere. I have tried many premiere pro 7 and Premiere Pro 1.5 installiren uninstall the same with Premiere Elements always the same message.
s.besten uninstall all the codec you PACK and you'll see that it is.
s.häufigsten there are problems with the Nimo codec pack with ffdshow or (newer versions with audio filter) install and uninstall these codecs and filters separately disable the ffdshow audio filter s.besten the zimlich sure they are the culprits
Antwort von etch:
After installation and reboot the PC I get when trying
Premiere Pro to start the following error:
"It could not be found valid edit. Install new Adobe Premiere Pro, and try again."
What am I doing wrong please?
cissisfreestuff I've often tried Adobe Premiere Pro re-install ... I've made synonymous aba it always comes back the same error message ...