Frage von PowerMac:
Strictly your damned brain s.and that even some research!
Antwort von moe2:

Damn brain again ...
Now the question immediately arises as what to call this statement. Unqualified? Illogical? Ne I have it! "Stupid" is probably the best word.
Anyone who wants to be able to reply to me like my question remains. I would (me of an answer, to my question) very happy.
Antwort von alexanderdergrosse:
Strictly your damned brain s.and that even some research! Do not be surprised if by constant insults from a camp, people do not even want to discuss more and just leave.
Antwort von Schleichmichel:
Damn brain again ...
Now the question immediately arises as what to call this statement. Unqualified? Illogical? Ne I have it! "Stupid" is probably the best word.
Anyone who wants to be able to reply to me like my question remains. I would (me of an answer, to my question) is very pleased Thus moe2, right on time. With 4-5 clicks, I found out the answer yourself, so get along the Vegas version. So far as relating to "stupidity". Also I will not tell you now, so once you see how easy and can be effectively own research.
Antwort von Schleichmichel:
Do not be surprised if by constant insults from a camp, people do not even want to discuss more and just leave. The discussion is not synonymous when one asks questions such as "whether camera X or Y has a microphone input or support XDCAM xy Vegas version or not. Why have corporate web sites?
Antwort von B.DeKid:
If one makes the twilight effect in the post, then that looks somewhat real?
With permission, I guess it will not be the big problem. Forest, there are still enough, and until then is so synonymous still a bit out;)
...... Depends, it has already used the night off in the film looks like it. For me it is already almost a NoGo too.
YES forest exists because people like to spend your free time I get to Him and maintain. Thanks to destroy it - Hides / Futtergrippen - reviled as a murderer, etc.
Ask because after that I'd write a display to you when you were here filming without permission. Especially when several people to shrug and generator, with no eyelid.
Strictly your damned brain s.and that even some research! Do not be surprised if by constant insults from a camp, people do not even want to discuss more and just leave. Well, Yes - I can Powermacs "insults to understand" some good. Even if I'm too polite to my way of answering, "I have some questions synonymous with the feeling we once had with the head to bang on the keyboard.
Sure, each time is stupid questions, I definitely persistent, but as WHO. "Big Question" camera for more professional film "takes as the thread topic and then clearly shows the degree of knowledge is missing, the user, such as anger. Powermac immensely. Furthermore, it casts a bad light himself on top of a
Who calls htmlTOC.html eg can quickly see what the version is able to do / Edit. This had only briefly Vegas Movie Studio will eingetipt in Google.
......................................... here you will find regarding day to night nen tutorial, because you think you should familiarize times.
B. DeKid
I wanted with my statement regarding the "insult" only show the times I'm not the Meihnung that some users here are responsible for the transition away some people. So please do not hype draus now - thank you.
Antwort von Alikali:
How is it with programs like? I've currently Vegas Movie Studio Platinum 8d. If I could order the material to edit from two cameras? Or do I need special codec or another program? One must wonder already. Surely you could find out yourself? Most Programs have a help function. Or instructions. Or home pages, where long and widely touted the benefits of each program will be.
So before you ask such questions in a forum, you should have all this time checking out himself. Otherwise they are held to be lazy or stupid.
And you do not want, right? ;-)
Antwort von Schleichmichel:

Custom, he no longer, because thanks to a spoilsport, he now has to get the information ...
Antwort von alexanderdergrosse:

Spoilsport by simply helping?
I am surprised, however, that every 2nd thread is so concerned that it is a better camera, it would not easy to look at forum quick for it? Several Slashcam contributions and Forum already provides enough information for a selected camera.
It is a typical forum life:
One is looking for help, what will this big and himself has little idea, and then the consultants, each with its own cameras anpreissen as well and make the other poor, and finally in the 3rd phase is someone who is in a bad mood, or the fun of the Start making thread down. The cheese is ready, Flame, blablabla.
In all 3 groups are involved:
1: the author researched the little, little knowledge but wants to have the best technique
2: Consultant fight each other, because each course has the best camera, etc. and knows everything better
3: Then someone who is angry, mobbing is a joke
well, actually a funny thing that I watched for a long time ;-)
Antwort von Alikali:

Yes, very funny.
Do you know which camera I have?
Because I need none. Depending on the project (;!) Is lent the right. It is usually the case that we get stuck in the back of s.The thing. (; Jajaja ....) So, what is to come out where it should be shown?
Under this framework can then possibly synonymous times a cheap one-Chipper MiniDV be sufficient.
Decide for me, where will be shown first and then pick from the camera - if it will not completely anyway wump is.
This total technical overkill with 70 new models every two weeks is utter nonsense, but it brings many people to be tearing each other in fierce faith Discusssion to.
I had my time listening to a hot debate on AVCHD and HDV.
I interjected: "wars, we loaded into our AVID? finished the entire then ... ;-)
Antwort von B.DeKid:
...... Spoilsport ... Well I call it my dear times' carrot and stick ";-) but it is fairer than him only to say that he should use Google.
B. DeKid
Antwort von alexanderdergrosse:
Because I need none. Depending on the project (;!) Is lent the right. Yes, that's really the best tactic at all.
Antwort von moe2:

I know the state of the two here in the forum exactly. Unfortunately most of the people who have nothing to report in the world, it would prefer. This pent-up energy to such people then, for example on message boards or other platforms, where they let out to anyone sitting directly opposite. But this sound of the two estates, most seem to be here already accustomed to. I will therefore take care in future, not next question.
I want you creep Michel's say that you can be happy here that I do not now take apart before the assembled troops. For that is usually the only method for such stubborn narrow-thinkers like you. But I want no trouble here synonymous with the forum operators.
For next senseless Articles s.meine turn away please e-mail address doerner.m (; aet)
I would not like that this forum next littered with such posts is petty.
Ok, I would of course be able googln, I admit, yes. But that would then be able to express synonymous something more elegant. Here I think some users still need a course for a respectful relationship with other people. Because this phrase is anything but respectful.
@ Surreptitious Michel and PowerMac
You two would certainly synonymous an unsuspecting tourist who is looking for a street to say: "Hey you stupid idiot, there is around the corner, a city map. Lock your eyes at times! "
Only expressions relating to strangers.
I will continue to post my questions in this forum. Thus it is equally clear. For, as I see there is still plenty of users that can not cut down those certain persons or intimidated. For me it is as wrong in any case s.der address.
So the had to get out easily.
I ask the forum host this thread now, please close or delete them. My question is cleared up and I do not want that story still degenerate. I will, stay out off-topic or not, in any case under this topic. So who wants to insult me now next, will run in this thread s.The wall. I will not concern myself with it.
I would politely point out the operators in the future be a little more to the tone that works in other fora, including synonymous. Thank s.alle the question I have reasonable answers.
Antwort von PowerMac:

You're really sweet.
Antwort von Alikali:
Ok, I would of course be able googln, I admit, yes. But that would then be able to express synonymous something more elegant. Here I think some users still need a course for a respectful relationship with other people. But unfortunately, the door swings both ways.
It is really very kind of you to admit that you can try yourself you'd synonymous. Unfortunately, it is both disrespectful and bordering s.Unverschämtheit think of you that just as well, the forum users to do simple research work for you.
So if you einforderst respect, then we can demand the synonymous to the same degree of you.
And while respect for the time and the effort and the intellectual achievements of others who you s.besten without moving your own ass to the information presented in bite-sized pieces.
Antwort von alexanderdergrosse:
and relating to "making films". I do not need anyone to prove that, just for myself, and I recommend to anyone. What do you mean with your statement, Nic? You do not need university to be good, and as I said, I do not need anyone to prove that neither you, my relatives, or any boss.
Mainly I do it the way I think that is right and that only I alone know.
Find anyone can, but if you ask for "experience with the Kam-owner, you can still ask here or? Otherwise I would have
never asked
before. And finally, not for nothing, some users go completely away. Because certain people will try here to make one down too. I ask about the meaning.
Would not it be better to simply ignore this thread if a bad mood you?, Others who can help that would come and would have helped, but I do not understand why people who have bad mood, they come here and make bullying.
Do not ignore the simple, ready, why so much effort and stress?
Well, I will understand people in my study, perhaps in 100 years, but one thing is, everywhere BULLYING is pure.
Antwort von slashCAM:

Note: In the Forum made several questions. Some of them may be relatively easy to answer with a little research, but this is still no reason to be snotty.
Powermac, Schleich Michel and whom else it may concern still, Will not answer your question from no preference for any reason, then let it be and simply write nothing.