Frage von Stav:
I have the app with VirtualDub OTR (avi.mpg) files cut, however, is the cut file is larger than the original,
is this normal? I have the "Video" Direct-to-Stream Copy mode and "Save AVI" record ...
Have 20 minutes reduced to 10 and have 80 MB of 130 MB enlarged augf ... just want to know whether is this normal?
Or can someone with me which program I can cut better, so that the files will be less synonymous ...
Antwort von jason:

If you choose no video compression, it will stop more ...
Antwort von Stav:

... I have now again of the VirtualDub downloaded somewhere else and it works, cut the files are small ...
Antwort von przy:

Importantly, "Direct stream copy" set, then just cut and zusamengefügt, but not new compressed (which is bad for the image is)
Antwort von Markus:
... but the cut file is larger than the original, is it normal? When cutting (the subsequent save) the video with a higher data rate or in a different compression format, you can file a magnifying hand. This may vary depending on setting and editing functionality of a program that is quite normal.
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Size on DVDs
Antwort von Markus:
Doppelpostings vereint. *grummel*
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