Frage von hotdoc:
I would like some created with PowerPoint presentations on CD or video store. This would, I *. ppt, however, certainly convert. How? Has someone an idea?
Antwort von Uli Haas:

: I would like some created with PowerPoint presentations on CD or video
: Save. This would, I *. ppt, however, certainly convert. How? Has anyone
: An idea?
: Ciao
: Hotdoc
MS can be found on the Office 97 CD program called "MS camcorder, so you can change the screen content and the processes it (ie the presentation synonymous) were," abfilmen ". It creates an AVI file. Whether the quality is sufficient, however, you .....?
Antwort von Haasidelu:

Perhaps you are trying times with ppt movie 1.0.7
this is quite simple
here is the link:
Antwort von Markus:

@ Haasidelu: Have you seen the date? ;-)
Antwort von grovel:

And I just thought to myself. "Do you use the Office 97 - cd"?
Always these Leichenschänder
SeeYa Groveler
Antwort von Jürgen F:

faces the same problem as you, ie a Powerpoint presentation as a movie via DVD run.
For my first try I simply at the presentation formats such as *. jpg or *. bmp saved. We can at once in each film will receive a corresponding file, which I Magix VDL in 2007 then one can arrange and capture (length, aperture, sound, etc.). Is everything ruckzuck.
Disadvantage: Unfortunately the picture quality - synonymous to the PC - by far not the same as in PPT itself! If I otherwise fixed objects such as photos into the storyboard prefer, I have far higher picture quality.
Is there another format under which I can save the presentation? Have all the default format of PPT offered tried, but perhaps there is still something there, or you can somehow a PPT-setting change, etc.?
Before I make the effort: Would PPTmovie solve the problem or they would only be a more complicated way and pay the same result?
Thanks for your help
Jürgen F
Antwort von jerazi:

alternative of each chart to make a screenshot
takes longer but is of the quality for a dvd
more than sufficient
gruß cj
Antwort von Eva Maier:
Antwort von Jürgen F:

Thank you.
But geräde a hanging. What you understand in this context screenshot?
Jürgen F
Antwort von jerazi:

as far as I can remember is the quality
ppt from the saved jpgs bad,
Therefore, one could alternatively in presentation mode
screenshot of each chart via record in photoshop
to dvd format and scale as a jpg / tif store.
then cut in the program to create dvd.
gruß cj
Antwort von Jürgen F:

Thanks for the tip and the link of Eva. Will try both.
Jürgen F
Antwort von Naturbambus:
Antwort von Lokke:

The professional version of the calculator goes into a scan converter, which then of a DVD recorder or any other Recordfähigen medium can be.
Be me today or tomorrow on the day time to worry how to solve the problem at home, because I can imagine the man in the ppt synonymous editing programs can integrate, or in Adobe encore as asset import me to sign these days times.
Gruss Lõkke
Antwort von anrosena:

Lõkke hello,
I stand before synonymous with the problem that I have either a CD or DVD must be in one of the menu from both the current contents of a Powerpoint presentation as synonymous videos must be able to control. Do you have something to rausgefunden whether synonymous Powerpoint into a video editing program can mount?
grüße, anrosena