Frage von Neueinsteiger:
how can I load my CS3 to finished cut video on Youtube? How should I proceed step by step?
Antwort von Hans-Joachim:

-> Create Account
-> Register
-> Upload Video
Then do the same, as described on the page.
Antwort von Pianist:

1. Stand up
2. Clocks switch unless auto is
3. Shave
4. If necessary, take medications that are taken before a meal
5. Wash hair
6. Shower base clean, so no lime attaches
7. Dry hair can either blow dry or air s.der
8. Tighten
9. Put water for tea, tea bags hanging in Teepott
10. Times of the computer into the wall socket
11. Computer Switch
12. Pour water for tea, tea can be drawn four minutes
13. Meanwhile, grease sandwiches
14. Start editing program
15. Meanwhile, breakfast
16. Project Open Timeline export as Quicktime Reference
17. Encodingprogramm open
18. Meanwhile, look on youtube page, which file formats and resolutions to be adopted
19. Encodingprogramm in suitable settings and choose Export Movie
20. Film on Youtube upload.
Note: For uploading to Youtube and other Shooting of video platforms is an Internet connection required. Otherwise, all the zeros and ones can be synonymous but by conventional
Antwort von Hans-Joachim:

This is of course much more precise than I have put it!
However, I have a change request: I will pull the tea only 3 minutes, otherwise he will be bitter. And please use noTeebeutel but loose tea.
Antwort von Pianist:
However, I have a change request: I will pull the tea only 3 minutes, otherwise he will be bitter. And please use noTeebeutel but loose tea. The brewing time is probably synonymous of from the tea. Afternoon, I am loose tea, but in the morning I would like to have as little effort as possible, so tea bags.
Antwort von Neueinsteiger:

How can I export the timeline as a Quicktime Reference and how to do it with the encoded file (which setting?)
Antwort von Debonnaire:
how can I load my CS3 to finished cut video on Youtube? If not, you can not: Youtube is a myth that does not exist in real Internet!
12. Pour water for tea, tea can be drawn four minutes
However, I have a change request: I will pull the tea only 3 minutes, otherwise he will be bitter. Well, the brew time depends, of course synonymous extreme of the variety of tea! While tea with black tea to share about 3 minutes, threaten to become actually bitter, can draw as pure herbal or fruit tea loose for several minutes longer, so that they can develop their full flavor wonderfully!
How can I export the timeline as a Quicktime Reference and how to do it with the encoded file (which setting?)
Thanks Sequence "Export Movie ..." via s.den Adobe Media Encoder and then send the "Quick Time" with those who choose Settings, which are provided in detail on Youtube pray at the appropriate page (Oh crap ... There are so Youtube does not, you can get out there read synonymous nosettings! On other Page: Since Youtube does not exist, you MUST bring with them experience in these settings do not ... problem solved!). Done!
Drink the tea now, or he is cold!
@ All:
Young girls, Intermediate and combination being ... Watch out, otherwise you will be attacked again only that the tone was not supportive and cuddly, that her novices not all good of zero to vorbetet, but it points arrogantsüffisantzynisch to obvious and apparent, even loose-to-find tools and resources than whether one could expect of them and one thinking along their own activities, rather than simply loszuschiessen here ne Fire-and-forget-probe question that has to be answered, and universal love of us here! So, be careful, or you will you like me, who here has created a massive enemies, with his loose tongue! ;-)
Antwort von Pianist:
Well, the brew time depends, of course synonymous extreme of the variety of tea! While tea with black tea to share about 3 minutes, threaten to become actually bitter, can draw as pure herbal or fruit tea loose for several minutes longer, so that they can develop their full flavor wonderfully! This reminds me of still another problem, about which the question of origin has perhaps made noGedanken do: When the tea water quite hot pours, then the tea needs to do for a while until it cooled down enough that you can drink it. In that time I've usually eaten breakfast already and made the first telephone calls of the day, maybe I cut already s.einem movie or make a voice recording or mix. And at some point shortly before lunch, I note that there is on the table a whole pot full of cold tea. Total forgotten. Of course I drink it then, but what you take in concrete terms so that you do not something happens and you drink the tea when hot? I need as a reminder so after 10 to 15 minutes ...
Antwort von B.DeKid:

@ Newcomer
In Premiere
File> Export Media> Encoder ... choose where *. mp4 with H.264 and AAC
from output format must be progressive data throughput rate can be CBR with the number five spot on the slider
Otherwise leaves all settings like vorgeggeben.
If you created an account on YT would do about the front page top right click "Upload Video".
Then have the newly created file "MeinFilm.mp4" Select ...
During the upload the file you can change the name because YT> auto takes the file name with file format, so MeinFilm.mp4>> do you do it, "my movie"
Then you can specify a description / add>> "a short film I blablabala"
Now you can specify keywords then examined YT, daschreibst back then: My Movie Name City ski holidays surfing, etc. So keywords which describe the movie content
Then you can still register settings Options
So times GeoTagging date and whether the film is public or only private, the film category awarded as "Entertainment"
Then click below to save ... Sun is the upload does not apply to this data automatically.
About your YT account you can then via MY VIDEOS> Edit .... Change or add this information nor subtitles etc.
So that is all probably synonymous
B. DeKid
Antwort von Debonnaire:

@ Bjorn: And this is all really just not synonymous to the YouTube account of the questioner? Wow ... ;-)
The problem is that if the questioner read all this information in the YT can not, so he probably synonymous YOUR answer here can not read and understand. Somehow a deadlock, do not!
Antwort von Neueinsteiger:

Thank you for your detailed response BDeKid. I am glad to have the users pianist etc. have so much fun here! :-)
Have a nice evening!