Frage von Tobias Claren:
Do you have recommendations for an HDTV-capable camcorder?
Times I look for my parents / mother.
The only desire is "small".
I think HDTV today but it should already be.
This is synonymous significantly better on the HD-TV (tube) as an old PAL Recording.
I do not know what it is today for all storage facilities or even combinations are (stated in a report such as optical memory stick plus view).
It should not be expensive as the media is concerned. Is it a rewritable (should it be), it depends on the ratio.
If travel can not be regularly recorded somewhere else secure.
The image quality is, I think the main thing.
Equipment is irrelevant.
Of course it would be nice if such times a Echtkopfmikro devices would be attached.
No OMC for several hundred euros, this is not technically s.High-end microcapsules bound.
Are there any test with multiple devices?
A par EInzeltsts I have found.
Clare Tobias
Antwort von Jan:

it should be the first HD system to be clarified. I make it short times, because the questions come here every day.
HDV --
Canon HV 10 & 20
SonyHC 5 & 7
- Base cheaper & better equipment than comparable AVCHD cams and much easier to process s.PC (for the moment). But hold on the tapes Principle - theoretically better picture quality - for the current AVCHD models, but no longer visible
- On memory card: SonyCX 6 & Panasonic SD 1 & 5
- Extremely compact for many, many filmmakers unfortunately quite expensive (4GB = 40 min best quality) - probably the most promising system because there is no drive.
hard drive: SonySR 5.7 & 8 Canon HG 10 - currently the most popular and best-selling system for filmmakers, but less operated in high altitudes or in extreme movement of the camera - much shooting for little money (SR 7 = 7-8 h in best quality).
DVD: SonyUX series, Pana DX 1 & 5, Canon HR 10 - only well usable for users with Blue Ray player, or rather less to recommend because of short duration and the possibility None blanks in a normal DVD player & recorder play.