Frage von BlauerHimmel:
Hi folks,
now I have my Kasettendeck with a computer connected to my cassettes incorporated in the computer. So I want my cassettes digitizer. Now I hear the wonderful sound, but how do I now s.Compzter on? Who can help the individual steps and describe it? Would toll.
Antwort von peha:

Start -> Programs -> accessories - <Unterhaltungsmedien> Audio Recorder
Antwort von BlauerHimmel:

Hi Peha,
yes, wonderful, unfortunately, is only 60sec or 120sec aufgenommen.Wie can I adjust infinitely? Yes and where is the file then? synonymous Can I adjust myself? Sorry for the stupid questions, but again would be great to get an answer.
Antwort von axemurderer:

the recorder you can not make infinity.
the only thing you can do, is if the 60 sec around quickly again to click on record, so synonymous is erziehlt a undendöichschleife. s.besten always quickly click just before it stops.
gruß andreas
Antwort von beiti:

I would prefer a decent recording program, such as Audacity (freeware, somewhere on the net to find). Thus, there is no length limit.
Furthermore, it is still important to clean the sound levels (not unnecessarily silent record, but synonymous avoid clipping).
As the quality settings, I would stereo, 16 bit and 44.1 kHz propose.
After the recording is recommended, despite a good level, a normalization (ie, increase the volume to the maximum possible).
Antwort von Bernd E.:
the only thing you can do is ... quickly again to click on Record There is another possibility:
Simple, however, it would go well with another program such as Audacity.
Gruß Bernd E.
Antwort von BlauerHimmel:

've Downloaded Audacity.
Unfortunately, I get an error message.
Error when opening the Audiogerätes.Bitte check the settings for the audio device and the sampling rate set in the Project. (Sample frequency) --
Sorry, who can help?
Thanks in advance already.
Antwort von BlauerHimmel:

Hi Dear People,
I get the error. The recording runs sauber.Danke s.alle the info I gave.
Antwort von Dongball:

... and there will be someone to say that we are unfriendly and / or do not help:)
Antwort von BlauerHimmel:

I am yet again.
Now is the recording went great. Can there be synonymous again s.Computer abspielen.Klasse sound.
Yes, how do I burn this on DVD now?
RealPlayer kanns net wiedergeben.WindowsMediaPlayer either.
Are you still as synonymous ne solution for me please?!
Antwort von Dongball:

Want you make an audio CD or the file just save?
How was the synonymous, so if you want to burn it on a CD or DVD player wiedergegben can then use a burning program like Nero, WinOnCD or similar and create an audio CD, you then add the file that you've recorded , into the Project On.
Normally ubernimmt recode the program so that it is an audio CD.
As I said, no CD DVD. The in your case would have no advantage, except you just draufbekommst more minutes.
But no clue what program burns AudioDVD, have still never done.
Besides, the AudioDVD only play in DVD players.
Normal players or car radios remain silent. Also irgendwie doof:)
Antwort von Gast - 2:

I would still recommend the File with Audacity (the recording) to cut something. You've certainly s.Anfang of the cassette and s.Ende only "static" thing - so senseless noise. The mark you can (put the cursor just before the moment where the nearly flat line on a wild-and is from ... then press the left and pull the mouse to the left. But left pressed. This is all s.ANFANG was selected - and by uh, "Edit" and "Delete" I think it is gone. Do you then right again then - except that you now after the wild tangle of line, specifically the left press, draw to the right until the end. This is everything pointless after recording marks).
The whole effort has NEN advantage:
Do you want to burn normal CD ne - da go about 70 minutes or so on it. But if you have 71 minutes - Nero & Co. Dir burning refuse. Because there is too much. But it would be a shame if you left it - vll all on 2 CDs distribute must - simply because as a static thing is crap.
If this is not enough - you can the file still synonymous with Audacity to 2 parts. If this becomes necessary - please say * gg *.