Frage von bolro:
I have the tape recorder SonyTCM-939 will receive a gift, unfortunately I have no manual.
Is it possible with this Kassetttenrecorder radio broadcasts on a cassette überspielen.Es is a female "MIC plug in power" exists.
Is it because a Connection?
Thanks for your help and for your tips!
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Should go on Line.
Otherwise Klincke on RCA.
Antwort von JMS Productions:

It is worth noting that this model (according to Google) more of a voice recorder as a tape recorder. What is it about your concerns? You want to record radio broadcasts for later listening to again? Then instead of an old-fashioned analog cassette tape just your PC? Connect the RCA cable with your sound card and you have all the same digitally, either directly as an MP3 for your (if any) MP3 player, I-Pod, cell phone, etc. .. With the PC you have infinite possibilities. You can choose your radio show or something to spice it up by an equalizer that can Anmoderationen or slightly off the annoying stuff, create remixes, etc etc. How do you do if you only have cassette ne? Only freaks analog cassette tapes still hear today ...
Antwort von Bernd E.:
... had the tape recorder SonyTCM-939 ... unfortunately ... no manual .... The problem can be solved: