Newsmeldung von slashCAM:Hier geht es zur Newsmeldung: Red Scarlet News
Antwort von Bernd E.:
... Compared to other DSLRs ... Who came up with the idea that the Scarlet is a DSLR?
Antwort von rudi:

I now have the word "other" rausgenommen from the text that was meant, of course, that the Scarlet s.ehesten well with DSLRs in competition is high and many users are likely to fluctuate in the purchase between these alternatives.
Antwort von rk-film:

I think, is in the short article all the essentials in it. Anyone who wants to can indeed lose to the Scarlet-user forum.
Antwort von fourCCrider:

hmmm ... RED reminds me about a blog entry of hieramts probably synonymous not completely unknown eugenia loli-queru type:
mind you, she doubts not s.der quality of RED, but it has rarely been wrong - and they sit in California very close s.der gerüchteküche ...
Antwort von Valentino:
Drawback is the small sensor size, however, the car just does not provide for the desired film-look bokeh
I just do not understand what you are always with your "film" you blur, 2 / 3 inch cameras are sufficient for a scenic production.
A large part of U.S. are the American series with F23, or F900R rotated (all 2 / 3 "), such as Eureka, Dexter and many more.
In Europe, the same stop just a little film with load Tiger S16, but the map size and the uncertainty is just the sameness.
In this country, even the larger share of RED TV productions only in the 2K mode, rotated, it will be like for example in "Little Man" was the case.
Stromberg is even a good old DigiBeta out with and see the picture for SD in part, from real good.
Since I've seen worse 16mm blowups in the movies.
Antwort von rk-film:

Film and TV-style look are not the same!
Subconsciously we register the zap in a split second whether it is for watching movies (= 35mm) or TV (2 / 3 ").
So now all the world to block Bokeh!
But I'll give you right to the extent that not many films fail s.Bokeh. Time once again to think about content
Antwort von Chezus:

What the customers screaming and what is sufficient for all these customers who are 2 pair of shoes
Also it is more beautiful s.5D and 7D: You can use the Lenses that have been purchased several years ago
Buy or mini Primes!
Like I said, the filmmakers want the world at the moment the merits of the Scarlet DSLRs AND the RED! 2 / 3 "at the moment hardly anyone interested in the spoils of the full frame of 35mm is synonymous or similar APS-C sensor
What the Scarlet then everything can fall only on the 2nd synonymous View
(sounds s.wie FULL HD calling card in the mini-cams with the sensor size, I know ...)
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Bokeh is overrated!
euch doch mal nemmt a movie and stop with ner stopwatch how many minutes, a film of depth of field is too small!
Bokeh comes from the field of photography and is the only place and only the eye of the beholder to a certain object or a feature. It can also serve an object / person - in light of that, what is not free.
If I find the excessive use of bokeh as störrend!
Valentino's right, any camera with a long focal can conjure a bokeh! Even my XL1s cameras can!
All just a question of
Distance to destination - Focal and Aperture - (Pros nen little light)
B. DeKid
Antwort von Director:

Sorry, but this is nonsense. A Teligen setting has a completely different effect than a 35mm lens in Aperture <2 where the motive of the camera is just 1m away.
One thing is true: Bokeh is used in the amateur league too often, but the aesthetics for direct use is offset with absolutely nothing.
And of course it comes from photography, movies, photography is!
Antwort von alwin:

Hello, can explain to me one time how it is with the depth of a lens with one 85mm and two 35mm Lens with Aperture 1.4 behaves like the depth of field?
Antwort von jogol:
Hello, can explain to me one time how it is with the depth of a lens with one 85mm and two 35mm Lens with Aperture 1.4 behaves like the depth of field?
Antwort von domain:

The shorter the focal of the lens, the larger is the natural depth of field.
For spectacular DOF effects so you need a longer focal lengths.
Antwort von alwin:

not this calculator to check, I never
but if I book now with the 35mm closer to go there again I've more or DOF?
want hot at the same bildausschnitt nem 35er, I'm still with less dof than with nem 85er right?
Antwort von WoWu:
The shorter the focal of the lens, the larger is the natural depth of field.
For spectacular DOF effects so you need a longer focal lengths. This is true only for small magnification.
For larger magnifications, the curves run increasingly konguent.
The depth of focus is on large magnifications, regardless of the Focal.
Antwort von alwin:

Suppose I'll ne ne hablbtotale and the comparative recording medium closeup of ner person, when I (I call it once) beautiful dof, the more beautiful blur?
or the difference of 85mm to 35mm in the two settings? "I reiterate my beautiful machts the 35er, the 85er in the other.
And as it is again in close up view ner?
emotionally because I'd rather take the tele.
Antwort von WoWu:

If the object (object size 1-1.5 m) is presented in both full frame lenses (which approximately corresponds to a magnification of 1: 0,015-0,02), which is about the same DoF.
For smaller magnifications dahingegen) (houses, trees and other large objects, plays the used and their influence on the focal depth was a much more visible role.
If you ask about the "beautiful" idea, which is not of the "quantity" of the blur depends. We speak to describe the impression of sharpness and resolution from behind the focal plane, from the "bokeh" of a lens. It is with this concept is not the strength of the blur, but about what those areas.
Plays in the shape of the aperture, but that synonymous tangential and sagittal values are identical in presentation.
Antwort von alwin:

ok with the thank the bokeh is clear to me.
I ask this only because some still swear on a 85mm objective, as synonymous with a portrait lens to photograph it comes to the procession, but some think again a 35er would look much more like cinema.
Antwort von WoWu:

The bokeh is purely a matter of taste, at least as well as "looks like movies."
Images are formed either in the camera, still on the retina.
They originate in the brain.
Antwort von alwin:

So I can always synonymous with nem 50s film in almost every situation.
Antwort von WoWu:

@ alwin
At small magnifications long lenses are better and give a different "set" DoF. You must not look better than a short focal DoF.
This affects only a small magnification.
Is your 1-1,50 m object already displayed full frame, it comes only on the Bokeh of your lens.
The focal then plays no role anymore.
The Objektiveinsatz is always determined by the application.
I can give you only a rough direction, and hopefully the realization that
not long focal = "mad" is
DoF. We put in our productions over the bokeh as the "hellish" blur because objects can be much more organic crop when human vision is modeled, and if you once with their eyes on something fokussierst, you'll quickly discover that the "rest of the field" not so blurred, and no "gray" area is, but it certainly can be differentiated yet.
We respect synonymous with the point of focus very carefully on how we (the blur ratio, front / rear, to distribute).
We, therefore, the impression, like the DoF looks much more important than "hellish" blur. That's for amateurs who have just discovered their full sensor and come out of the camcorder corner.
Antwort von Valentino:
Film and TV-style look are not the same!
Subconsciously we register the zap in a split second whether it is for watching movies (= 35mm) or TV (2 / 3 ").
So now all the world to block Bokeh! This is absolute fallacy, called the TV look has precious little to do with the sensor size of the camera too. As the oft-mentioned edge enhancement would be the sender and may vary by item, usually to be even stronger colors on RTL and Co than the public.
But here just once a counterexample (Hot off with Denis Scheck) the synonymous a 35mm adapter on a Steadicam not necessarily casts cinema feeling. I would watch the show without all this technical synonymous Schnikschnack because Mr. Scheck is simply class.
And here is a very good example of the synonymous one 1 / 3 "sensor, the DVX100 can deliver a cinema look. Das Filmkorn der Bilder kommt daher weil sie sehr wahrscheinlich vom der 35mm Vorführkopie eingescannt wurden.
Schau dir einfach mal Kinofilm wie "Sin City", "Cloverfield", "Miami Vice" "Bejamin Button" oder gar "Slumdog millionär" s.and versuche dir danach dann mal zu erklären warum der Film trotz des 2/3" Chips einfach klasse war and du nicht das Gefühl hattest Tagesschau zu gucken ;-)
Klar es gibt synonymous ein paar Negativ Beispiel für solche D-Cinema Produktionen, wie z.B. die neuen Starwars Filme, sowie "Pbulic Enemies".
Das Lustige s.der Sache, wenn du es nicht weisst with welchem Format/Camera rotated wurde dann störst du dich synonymous nicht daran.
Nur with einem sehr geschultem Auge kann man dann einen Unterschied zwischen 35mm and D-Cinema Kameras ausfindig machen.
Schau dir einfach mal den "Trailer 2 "of 2012 s.and sag mir ob es sich um 35mm oder um eine digitale Recording handelt. In my opinion, this is synonymous Digital Look quickly recognized in the minds of the young people of those Assessing and then synonymous as a "state of the art".
The same has evolved so many years in the entire digital cameras in the direction of smaller imager.
Where 15 years ago was an absolute must-35mm Camera, submit today a 1 / 2 "chips from the client completely and only a small percentage actually puts more emphasis on a large sensor.
Antwort von domain:

but if I book now with the 35mm closer to go there again I've more or DOF?
want hot at the same bildausschnitt nem 35er, I'm still with less dof than with nem 85er right? Yes
the more you are approaching it with a 35-all the more clearly the object is again the DOF.
But it is important that you understand the effect of the image angle. Even if the main object at different focal lengths further fills the frame pictured always exactly the same as the background is very different. Time you have a lot of them pretty sharp on it (short focal time) very little at the same time beautiful blur.
The effect, however, depends very of the aperture, the aperture shape and other characteristics of the lens off.