Frage von Gregott:
Hi, I'm looking for grad inconclusive on the net! I want to buy me the Redrock DSLR Cinema bundle, but can not find a store in Germany sells it. Anybody know any? Or perhaps another store which specializes in such things? Yes, unfortunately I've had to get everything completed in a shop ... 5d mark II Rig Lenses Lighting Cases and background system! If a store but there are so ... I would probably burst before joy;)
Antwort von lxRox:
I recently purchased grad ... bit more expensive than direct, but no two inches and less porto - which I think of ....
Antwort von Corpse:

Chrosziel are from Germany
Antwort von Gregott:

Wow:) Thanks for the links! The day is saved! How gorgeous is this ... Chrosziel is ja Manufacturer and near of Munich): fahr morning I've already made immediately by nen date:):):)