Newsmeldung von slashCAM: Remixer - now synonymous with editing of YouTube heidi - 19 Jun 2007 15:59:00 For some days it is synonymous uploaded on Youtube post material online editing (only the even Uploaded goes, Google already has enough trouble with copyright claims). Already in March had
PhotobucketJumpcut PhotobucketEven Youtube is the "remixer" said Flash application from Adobe's home, which - under the banner contained to judge - in this way new customers for its entry-level program Premiere Elements wants to win. Indeed, although many functions are in principle included in the remix, so can trim clips, ie. the In - and Out points set aperture or a few transfers, but real DV Editing naturally feels differently. All the clips are of course only in Webauflösung before, synonymous and the window is not exactly generous. Rather, the tool is so s.jene, on holiday with some of the scenes have the mobile phone and the internet cafe a few cuts set (and perhaps add speech bubbles) want.
The remixer is "powered by Premiere Express," about the network, at least in so far only had to know that on the new Adobe Flex !" software and Issues. Initial confusion with distinguished element on the user page, but from :-)
A current Flash Player is required.
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Antwort von volkmar:

a question, not directly with the remixer, but with YouTube has to do: How can I get a maximum quality of a video on YouTube to reach? Suppose that the source material is DV and astrein irritates you the max. allowable size of - what are the parameters that you used for conversion: codec, bitrate, frame rate, resolution, audio etc.. If you look at YouTube s.die set of stops, it seems you do not necessarily reach the maximum ... especially
* 320x240 resolution
* 30 frames per second
not PAL compatible ... any tips?
Until now I have 2-pass XviD, 25fps, bitrate so that I have the 100MB ausreize, 1 / 4 PAL (360x288) and mono MP3 @ 64kbps audio used. Results, as I said not so great, despite the highly charged AVI faultless.