Frage von Tobias Claren:
Can I video deluxe waveform sections manipulate?
Fummle I s.Sound rum, everything is equally silent.
If it were a loud cracking noise or a Furzartiges in it, I would Streller s.der the sound of 4 like images rotated to 0, or by replacing the noise before. Since synonymous straight talking None.
Antwort von joerg-emil:

Hi Tobias,
click on the sound track s.and degruppiere them the image of track (open chain link icon). Set s.Anfang and end of places you want to have quieter cuts, then you can adjust the volume only for the relevant body to adjust. If you want to insert noise, you such a suitable position in the sound track, continued s.Anfang and end a cut, cut, mark the object and put it with STR + C in the clipboard. Click in the timeline s.die place where it should be inserted and press STR + V, then it is inserted.
Good luck ...
Greetings from the Rhine
Antwort von Tobias Claren:

"Cuts"? I do not know yet where the differences between the opportunities are. I wanted to be behind in the Storyboard view, actually have less than three clips where one was previously.
I have "cut scene", "remove the beginning scene, scene to remove the end", and "Scene removed" and separately "film split".
No clue what it is, and where the differences are. The already confused.
Remove scene is the same as when I click on a job, a part is red and "N" ( "del") press I suppose. So a clip in the Storyboard disappear (?).
Is this really the best and most professional solution that offers the program?
I read in the Help by Alt + z we can open the WaveEditor. It is doing nothing.
Since, the Magix-drin his WaveEditor.
That would be four cuts. And if I want to insert another sound, I can not put the sound down. Otherwise, I have subsequently Tonversatz, because sound for 8 images in it.
So I really need the area clear. But then I do not know how I exactly between the two agencies can set the Ersatzton.
The whole Schnippelei be the correct solution? That seems like an after battle festival (?!?). No good "workflow":-D.
If Alt + Z would work .....
If "cutting" beduetet that the scene / clip in the storyboard separates, then it would be well behind everything back together. Is that not? No groups, but connect real as if the were never separated.
Antwort von thos-berlin:

Sorry, I do not work with Magix.
In my editing program I can separate tracks (for example, the separate audio from video track) cut, without any further clips s.der body would be affected.
The cut is in the case of the exchange by the professional version.
Otherwise you could perhaps extract the sound and with a sound program (for example: the free Audacity) to edit and paste.
Maybe you can specifically relating to a professional Magix even better and with the appropriate vocabulary Magix send tips. If not would be the approach of Jörg-Emil before rejecting at least worth a try ...
Antwort von joerg-emil:

Hi tobias,
without cuts, unfortunately, to get an average bad ;-). Guck dir mal the manual in peace, as war best overview of how the program works from the principle. It is unfortunately impossible, this short summary. Incidentally, do you cut s.besten with Str + T. The program offers a lot of that was insured for you ...
Antwort von Tobias Claren:

@ Joerg emil
It heist so synonymous "Video Editing", and I just want to edit the audio track.
Why is there somewhere this WaveEditor Magix-drin, one allegedly with Alt-Z to activate, if it does not work.
THIS Schnippelei seems to me as a stopgap measure and the synonymous only for this a simple case.
Possibly. I want to do more times, for which a WaveEditor necessary.
I have now two cuts made, the part is deleted (audio only), then cut another 4 pictures before, and the piece koiert and set up directly behind. Now I have the whole scene cut three times :-(.
Accordingly, the storyboard expanded.
Can I use two or more scenes in the storyboard (or the timeline, but the storyboard, it would be easier) to unite?
What does cut without affecting other clips?
I mockierte only that after cutting a clip (scene / clip) at once two. Especially in the storyboard can be seen.
That bothers me. Because I would like two to a zurückverbinden.
In theory, now you can hear these audio manipulation.
But only if you know it very quietly. Otherwise this is a very slight cracking. "Crack" is too harsh elected.
If I extract the sound of the normalized equal. This can not normally be that the same as manipulated. And not synonymous, the fact that, despite supposedly built Wave Editor, an external program must use.
Why with Ctrl + T cut? What is with "T", as it is in the editing menu? Ctrl + T will open the title editor :-).
Are the questions on the scenes and associations of which the individual items in the menu next to the cutting razor blade exactly mean.
Eg I do not know what the difference between the top and cutting the film is separated below.
Antwort von joerg-emil:

Hi Tobias,
the main editing window with Magix is the timeline, only here in the audio, you can make the changes that you want. Thus you have the video track you must not mitschneidest before the audio track of the video track degruppieren (as already written above). Only then will remain at the cutting will receive the video track. You have to first principles with the familiar. All videos and audios are as Magix object. Each object has different "handles" with which one eg synonymous compound cuts can undo (just right of the video editing and deleting with the lower handle of the left part of the video to the right "long pull." Nor can we with Anfassen the import, export and crossfades make. With an audio crossfade for example, you can still disturbing crackling wegmachen ....
Antwort von Tobias Claren:

I have degruppiert, this is simple.
But after the action, I had yet more clips in the storyboard (which is not a "lay version, which has made each their authorization). Therefore I am now looking everywhere for the info as you have two scenes in the storyboard together.
What should I delete a video:-O? And with the "Long Drag" and "Sock" is very suspicious to me.
There is an impression as if it were a manipulation s.Material. Slower or faster.
Why else take long? The timeline is extended but not synonymous (?). The proportions go but flutes (???): O.
I opened up the meaning, not easy.
Yes I will now make no change. Reiner cutting and sorting without crossfades.
The result should be like Rohmatieral, just not so confused.
The actual manipulative DV editing including transitions may follow later.
I searched for this distance the noise is now a scene more.
Strangely, two cuts in the audio part, but only one in the video section.
Both times I had used regular cutting.
Since I no longer can be undone (not synonymous on the undo function to backup and restart), one can only make everything again :-(. Rauskriegen Or whether you can make cuts disappear.
Antwort von A380:

Moin Moin from Bremen,
there are several ways more elegant than the cutting.
One would be these:
Click with the right mouse button on the audio track
Selectie "volume curve" (Alt-X)
Now a visible red line.
There is now something "Fummel "..... go with the mouse on the exact tip red line s.der you like the sound will decrease. Pay attention to the modification of the mouse pointer.
Click there doopelt. A very small square is visible.
Do the same s.einer elsewhere.
These squares, you can now move horizontally and vertically.
Playing a bit with it. Create your other points on this line. You can now all positions in the O-sound effect
mfg A380
EDIT: That you need to make the timeline!
Antwort von A380:

Moin again from Bremen,
Cuts reversed. It is simpler than you think. Remove all the parts right from the first cut.
Fasse the right page of the remaining part with the mouse s.and drag while holding down the mouse button again to this part right.
And lo and behold ... everything will return ..... uncut.
This is synonymous with the video track so closely.
Remember, a cut will not really cut. Your original file remains unchanged. VDL defines only pointer to what s.welcher job done. With the above action are thus the pointer to the original file umorganisirt.
mfg A380
EDIT: That you need to make the timeline!
Antwort von thos-berlin:
There is an impression as if it were a manipulation s.Material Recent editing programs do not manipulate the original material. Even if you have a 20x cut scene, the original file remains untouched.
Therefore, these activities like the "drag" anything that affects the material.
Editing programs nowadays manage only "references" on media files and "action description", and put them together with aussagekäftigen images (icons) in a project database.
A380 was faster .... ;-)
You have to Theroretisch the "superfluous scene in the storyboard can delete and by" long pull "of the original version of a joint return can produce.
As for the "my" Liquid goes, I know how that goes with Magix, you should read the Manual or a Magix experts ask.
Antwort von Tobias Claren:

That with the "Delete" Timeline Of Parts raise vopn and other remains illogical.
I am clear that the synonymous AVIs unchanged. I think as synonymous with Wave editors.
"Manual" = F1?
I do not know if I can replace it, or just described as the sound frequencies.
In practice, this means absolute silence so s.der job for 4 images.
Is not that noticeable as the repetition of the sound for 4 images (4/24tel).
Also should I use for this kind of once again lowering the original material again sort.
! ===>
Why is it so difficult to remove with illogical one, and "Long Pull" of another part?
I predict the order of the scenes changed!
Not that I am by this "long pull" parts only bring to light behind the times behind them beaten!
It would seem logical to me!
This is perhaps a bit too high for the experts here ;-).
I have not chronologically recorded on the tapes, but changed in between. Also the first time after the second re-inserted. That made sense back then. Therefore, I had only synonymous times the sequence correct. Once as "Grobschnitt" for me before I cut it times, but especially to a DV file with the correct temporal sequence as template editing (synonymous even want to cut) to be able to pass.
The many exclamation points were necessary precisely because it could be the problem.
Why not just combine of two or more parts (if they are together) in the storyboard.
Gladly synonymous> also <in the timeline, but for something like the storyboard would be more appropriate.
Just two (or more) highlight scenes, and at a press Verbindenknopf. Finished to a scene connected.
Jeetzt I have a different noise removal. But without all the others to remove what is heard.
In WaveEditor I would have already done, but here I find no noise analysis and removal VDL in the 2008th
Also, the chirp drinbleiben, although it is actually done in seconds could be if the function it is / would be.