Frage von woodmann:
Have the time of a project where I s.Start is emerging ideas
The render settings I can not go bekommme
They are pretending:
I-frame-only -
only I-frames, no "group of pictures (GOP), a GOP-Value =
(Which GOP settings when Adobe encoder?)
Resolutionist 720x576
-The delivery format must be 16:9 (1.77:1) be
(I do not get out in After Effects - it may be that additional plugins are required)
Thanks in advance
PS: Is ne TV Production
the precise requirements:
MPEG2 50 Mbit / s I-frame-only 4:2:2 P @ ML
(Carried 4:2:2 profile level s.main).
Profile @ Level 422P @ ML
Resolution (px) 720 × 576
Frame rate (Hz) 25
Chromaformat 4:2:2
only I-frames, not a "Group of Pictures (GOP), GOP-value = 1
the delivery format must be (16:9 1.77:1) be
The aspect ratio for television is 1.33:1 (4:3), or in a contractual agreement 1.78:1 (16:9 full frame).
16:9 TV for RTL II are in principle in 1.78:1 letterbox format (4:3 compatible) and 16:9 (zeitkomprimiert / anamorphic) record
The Picture should as far as I understand it to be synonymous compressed (egghead) when the transmitter is then transmitted properly.
Antwort von Jörg:

Fits this?
Where the PAR is unclear to me ...
Antwort von woodmann:

First of thanks for the hiring proposal
I did in After Effects 720x568 Square Pixels
With your encoder settings are the black bars
left and right all at once
What setting are required in After Effects?