Frage von matte:
Afx Boah drives me today again in the madness:
I have a project without any problems yesterday rausgerechnet, and today I just have not corrected text layer, it wanted to render the video again and always breaks Fool s.der same place s.with expresses the helpful error message: "An unknown error occurred (1 ) ". Here I have nothing changed composition s.den settings! Weiß jemand Rat?
Antwort von r.p.television:

Had problems often synonymous with good After Effects, synonymous with Premiere 2.0.
My suspicion!
After a long work s.größeren projects müllt the memory and to the temporary storage. Especially after system crashes creep as any bugs that are due to this error message.
Try the timeline from an automatic memory earlier version of your project rauszurechnen. Often certain s.einer stored an error saved version, which will then no longer be undone. Sometimes not work more traces, etc.
Council is the only one I can give you.
I do not think that plugin updates you've done, because such errors can occur synonymous.
Liebe Grüße
Antwort von mets:

1. have you tried to render the frame where the error occurs and then a 2nd film s.dem error frame? then both movies together ...
2. hast du mal only error + / - 10 frames rendered - same problem?
3. Is your swap file on / off?
4. Is Diskchache on / off?
I would first try ... more synonymous, I can not say I had this problem under 6.5 is often synonymous
grüße, mets