Infoseite // Rendering with ENTER button off

Frage von king_lijaone:


In Prem 6.5 I was able to in the preferences a "real-time preview 'set the ENTER key in the timeline with audio, effects, etc. WITHOUT had previously played to render.

In PPro 2.0 I find this setting anywhere.

The power of habit makes me press ENTER and rendering starts (annoying way).

I must now always with the mouse in the monitor the Start - button press and a "real-time preview 'to have.

Can not this rendering process, or what exactly is the meaning of the (interim) rendering before exporting the finished project?



Antwort von muco:

handbuch - Keyboard Commands - ....

how about with the space (if necessary with the previous actuation pos1-key)?

gruss rob


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