Frage von Snake301085:
I am going to make a game video with Adobe Premiere and wanted to only increase the size of the output image because the video I've rausbekommen at Premiere is very small and hardly can see what on it:)
So I wanted to after rendering with Premiere With the Indeo codec 5:10 round again with the DivX Codec 6 with Virtual Dub on rendering and thus alter the size.
Now tell me, but Virtual Dub when I want to save the *. avi file:
"Video compression error: The source image format is not acceptable. (Error code -2)"
My question is: What can I do with the rendering with DivX 6 will work?
Or does anybody know how I can make the picture bigger on Premiere at last a little?
Direct rendering with DivX in Adobe Premiere, I have been trying synonymous only then will the multi-gigabyte file size:)
For any help I would be very grateful.
Antwort von Stefan:

You are beginning to build the horse wrong. Attempts rauszubekommen what is wrong with Adobe Premiere to produce rather than with new errors in VirtualDub.
First question: What do you have video footage and video footage which you want?
Good luck
The fat Stefan
Antwort von Snake301085:

Well, the video file I was Ready for Premiere again anyway with Virutal Dub nachrendern because of the size so I would need DivX again anyway so I stopped and needed help as I run to bring DivX:)
And to the question:
I recorded the clips with Fraps and then cut with Virtual Dub as I want her in the video, then I have used them stop at Premiere wants to stop and render the files are *. avi files I'm still here. Otherwise let me exactly what time do you have with Videomatieral if the net nu answered your question:)
Antwort von Stefan:

Well somehow stop something that describes the image size and frame rate. At the moment, reads your question, "what I did, I decided nipple, then I scale it up here and what does not work." ;-)
DivX you have to compress multiple profiles for Choice, and you need to deliver the source data so that they fit these profiles. This affects framerate, image size and color depth. In the image dimensions, the maximum image size is (depending on the profile) and consider the divisible by 4 (8?, 16?) To.
Good luck
The fat Stefan
Antwort von Snake301085:

ahh n.verstanden ^ ^
So when I have to spend the file in Premiere are the settings in the Indeo codec, as follows:
Depth: 16.7 million colors
Framgröße: 1024X768
Framerate: 30.00 fps
Pxelseitenverhältniss: D1 / DV NTSC (0.9)
Soooo darfs sein else? :)
Antwort von Stefan:

I can not anymore. That's when your Premiere too small and we can no longer recognize them? Well ...
In any case, such image sizes, you can only with the DivX unconstrained profile or the profile encode high definition (go up to 1920x1080). In normal DivX standalone players which should run no longer.
Good luck
The fat Stefan
Antwort von Snake301085:

yes there is 1024X768 but that can indeed front and rear do not match because it would theoretically yes my screen resolution ^ ^
the picture is genuine bissel little larger than this text field where I grade this text reinschreiben ^ ^
edit: 1920x1080 and goes some way in the DivX 6 is not only 1280x720
Antwort von Stefan:

Then check what is really there s.Bildgrösse.
1 / With VirtualDub you can retrieve information from the AVI file. Somewhere under the File menu ... 'm just not in video machine range.
2 / with the free GSpot tool you can retrieve information from the AVI file
3 / premiere with you you can leave the project settings as an overview show.
Good luck and good night
The fat Stefan
Antwort von Snake301085:

As Picture size is there really such 1280X1024 but the picture remains small
Antwort von Stefan:

File-> Open Video File The video game (not the premiere video invite) in VirtualDub.
Video -> Filters-View> Add ...-> resize the magnification filter. In the settings above, the desired image size (for example, is adding double-Size) and) a good rule of calculation
(Lanczos3. Then select under
Video -> Compression ... the desire compressor (DivX6) Set and. For larger image sizes 720x576 to choose the appropriate profile (unconstrained or high definition), or the Home Theater profile.
Video saved with
File-> Save As AVI .... Good luck
The fat Stefan
Antwort von Snake301085:

still remains small, I just do not understand it.
especially when I want the divx codec configurator, I can not have the resolution and the Keep it as nothing is ever mentioned the error I have a "Custom resizing of max. 1280X720 higher gehts not have to make
Antwort von Stefan:

And if you change the custom size of max. 1280x720 in resize filter pay attention on what happens then?
When the picture is small? Does it resize in VirtualDub at all (input and output windows are the same size), or does the film but the picture is after saving with DivX too small?
How / where can you look at the film - with the Windows Media Player in the View-> Zoom 100%, or somehow zoomed?
Mach mal a screenshot of the DivX Einstellerei and depended on the s.deine answer. The Picture you can at store.
Good luck
The fat Stefan
Antwort von Snake301085:

So here are the screens,
but somehow I think that that only the black frame around it grows. The picture itself is not, well you can look at times even then see the screens ...
htt *: / /
htt *: / /
htt *: / /
sry can net the link goes directly to the page and not the side of the server you somehow do not funzt.
Simply remove the "*" against nen "p" exchange that's it then:)
Antwort von Stefan:

Ah, yes. All Clear.
Where does the black frame? The drum was synonymous in the game, or has been placed before the premiere by your experiments at the Picture?
Whatever you do not want to enlarge the framework, but the picture from the game. Therefore: the frame must be gone!
So to capture the
video game without a frame or cut the frame in VirtualDub by Null Transform filter + cropping on the left, right, bottom and top, before the resize is done.
You had to decide where you do it enlarge. At the moment you do that with my Zoom Tip in VirtualDub, and also synonymous still DivXPro codec.
So either leave the Virtualdub resize or click on DivXPro codec "Resolutionbeibehalten.
Good luck
The fat Stefan
Antwort von Snake301085:

Can I remove the border synonymous with premiere?
Antwort von Snake301085:

So that with the Resolutionbebehalten but not quite works out that I get each and nu iss the Picture views properly. :)
Lovely! Thank you! :)
Antwort von Snake301085:

Well iss nu Quali net so dolle, but this must go so somehow synonymous
Antwort von

hm I've now read through the Case nich complete,
but need to set your output format so that it is a multiple of 16 is usually comes your divx nich so clear
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