Frage von Torti05:
Hello. I have a video file with the following characteristics:
Size: 640x272 and 23.98 frames / sec.
This video file I would like to edit in After Effects. So I imported it and I set up a new composition: The composition has the same settings as my video, that is 640x272 and 23.98 fps.
So now I have put some effects over it and want to export the file "Ctrl + M". It renders my project, but in the German PAL DV size 720x576 and 25fps.
But I would also as a result, the size "have 640x272 and 23.98 fps. What settings should be doing here. And above all, WHERE? I thought that the video has augegebene car the size of the composition.
Would be grateful if someone could help me;)
Antwort von Jörg:

press Ctrl + M, meet in the export dialog settings as desired.
Gruß Jörg
Antwort von Tortie05:

Hi Jörg,
apparently that is exactly my problem. Maybe I'm too stupid to do so. But ...
Since there is no export dialog box.
When I click: File> Export> AVI go, for example, then I can indeed make settings and exported it to me then as synonymous, but the finished video is then always totally blurred.
I choose the option "Ctrl + M ', then I can only go on rendering, but no settings for the output.
You'd have me, perhaps even explain exactly where I need to because hindrücken, so that can open these export settings for rendering with "Ctrl + M" and edit.
Antwort von rob:

expo benefit from AE, you should always have the Renderlist. So Composition> s.The Render Queue to add.
Then you'll get down in the timeline one handle complex export dialog. Simply click on the individual settings and enter the desired new parameter and can be rendered.
Antwort von Jörg:

versuchs here
Antwort von tortie05:

Super people,
Thank you. Now I have it. This window is just outside my screen edge hides in AE 7.0. Thanks to all cases. Have weitergeholfen me a lot;)
bye bye