Frage von islaender:
We are looking for 1-2 people with the Cam own a house party (around 2500 people and 20 artists (animators and musicians) add).
The party is s.Pfingstsonntag 23 May 2010th Video recordings should start the clock by 23 and 4 against the clock in the morning.
Please would sending an offer (including all costs such as travel, possibly overnight, etc.) s.goldnest @
The party will take place in Saarbrücken. All information on the event:
Technical requirements: It should be either very bright or cameras with a strong head light (LED Pannel one I can make myself available). The video clips will later be used as a promotional video for the series of events online.
We may want to synonymous s.eine scene of confidence about 7-13 minutes of the fully produced us (Music as synonymous vocals). Those who already has experience with video recordings, if their requirements are sufficient that it be aired on music channels can be us in this regard like to make an additional offer synonymous yet!
Any questions contact us by email or synonymous to find in Facebook or Skype:
bülent coksari
Antwort von koolbeta:

I have just sent them an e-mail!