Frage von Tekkion:
Hello dear community,
So I use Adobe Premiere Pro and ne SonyCam. I have the following problem I have some movies of the Cam fetched quite normal, she wanted to arrange in a row still have some videos to black fade purely made and then have attempted this with its cross-connect Aperture. Works wonderfully s.alles only if I export the movie and watch jez staucht me every time Resolutiondes the film at the side panels. When the aperture is over, the film again a normal resolution. I haba no idea what's wrong, I hope you can help me.
Tekki mfg
Antwort von Tekkion:

Hello dear community,
So I use Adobe Premiere Pro and ne SonyCam. I have the following problem I have some movies of the Cam fetched quite normal, she wanted to arrange in a row still have some videos to black fade purely made and then have attempted this with its cross-connect Aperture. Works wonderfully s.alles only if I export the movie and watch jez staucht me every time Resolutiondes the film at the side panels. When the aperture is over, the film again a normal resolution. I haba no idea what's wrong, I hope you can help me.
Tekki mfg
Antwort von Axel:
... still few black videos to fade purely made and then have attempted this with its cross-connect Aperture ... What do you want? Hide> Unhide? This is done with the change in the opacity. Simple cross aperture? Right click on the interface (requires machining edge ahead): crossfade. Sounds as if the "black video" not the right size, apart from that you need so they do not.
Antwort von VolkerS:

It would actually suffice if its on "Reply" button, then there would not be quite so many threads emerge.
Antwort von AblenaMe:

Sorry wrong forum bidde delete.
Antwort von Tekkion:

@ Axel I write the answer to your question in the Adobe Premiere forum then you can delete it here would be nice if you could answer me since.
Antwort von AblenaMe:
... still few black videos to fade purely made and then have attempted this with its cross-connect Aperture ...
What do you want? Hide> Unhide? This is done with the change in the opacity. Simple cross aperture? Right click on the interface (requires machining edge ahead): crossfade. Sounds as if the "black video" not the right size, apart from that you need so they do not. So I start s.with nem black Picture / Video and then wants the apertures in the film have the English version so I can only tell you that I have a-Apertures Dissolve want to use. So as 1st I have PS CS2 adobe NEN Picture with the same size then nochma in Premiere Pro just NEN schwarzes video created for both the same problem. But you could explain to me what you ma with "you need not" mean. Oh yes and I have had with its very different version of Premiere and it is starting s.schon again 6 years ago so I'm a little rusty and needs me in Pro erstma find.
Tekki mfg
Antwort von Axel:

And I have seldom to do with APP and working with Final Cut Pro. Most procedures can be translated.
1 "Black" is the digital void, if a picture of an opacity "0" has. You need not to tinker with in Photoshop (with square pixels seem, then let side of the transition, apart from that there must be a default setting for automatically adjusting size of s.die sequence, apart from that, there are generators for colors and patterns in synonymous APP) but really only the timeline s.der point blank to leave, and so the gap is not slipping, they are with (Final Cut Pro), right click> Fill with Slug.
2. Fade out, fade in, then, is a transition, with the reduction of the opacity ( "opacity") to "0%" in the first and with the increase to 100% in the second clip is done. This can be done directly with keyframes in the timeline or something complicated by the typical Windows context menus.
3. A crossfade (Crossfade), would normally constitute a fade out on the top video track and a fade in at the lower, while the two overlap. It's simple. You insert the clips are quite normal in a row and then add the aperture. The program performs the above operation, with an identifiable by length. It is important that you right from the first and second clip from the left still have enough material that is not the Out-point of the first clip at the same time, the end of the recording was.
Antwort von Tekkion:

So if I jez a picture, video or whether I am the space between the individual videos can help with any nix everything I got a compression.