I currently film with a Canon HF100 with the synonymous as far as I'm satisfied.
My applications have somewhat expanded. Besides the üblichrn holiday celebration and videos, movies I have a lot of Modellflugzrugen and from helicopters.
I have a GoPro Heroes 5 Wide and a modifizierteCanon Ixus 80 IS. Both can only 640x480 even though the Canon for a crisp sharp picture delivers.
The HF100 is a bit bulky and heavy. Today I have the Sanyo VPC-HD2000EX discover. Weight and size would be ideal.
Stay for me, but the questions: -what is good for the (Test Reports) Can they replace the HF100 or only serve as a second device can my sony-movie program 9 deal with that?
Antwort von Shiranai:
Hmm why do you want to do so ne expensive Heli Cam on a ring? If because something goes wrong are 500 Öcken in the bucket.
Nimm doch lieber ne cheap Aiptek with HD resolution.
But times to your questions: With its HF100 can not keep up - sometimes alone, because the optical Image Stabilization missing. Test can be found here:
Antwort von Brenner:
Thanks for the link.
On another issue,
when the helicopter crashes, then the synonymous nearly 2000 ¬, is therefore of the camera is not really significant.
edit: Thus, had the report through. Power have a positive impression. I think I'll just look at Amazon, at the Heli buckle and then times the result view. Maybe I Schnall HF100 directly or with anything, then I have a Comparison.
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