Frage von Majvand:na people can someone tell me how to make time for rewinding videos can.
thank ever
majvand a.
Antwort von mkrawietz:
[<<] ...!
Antwort von steve:
This message has already decomposed ...
Antwort von mkrawietz:
It is more important, DVDs to be stored only rewound. Do I hear for the first time, when you stop pressing it 2 times in the dvd player starts the DVD in front of what you want to rewind it ?????
Antwort von mkrawietz:
A simulation of the effect of proof at the moment I do not synonymous. Reverse Video and increased speed is not enough.
The easiest way is to capture the reverse. If no signal is auagegeben analog capture via firewire. Emergency video on VHS dub. The effect is enhanced by appropriate sound.
Antwort von Marco:
You first apply the Reverse function (right) s.and increase the speed (eg by Velocity Envelope and Kantenziehen with or by holding down the CTRL button). Then you still lay the Effect "TV simulator on it" and thus ensuring some 'interference' (with the Filterpreset "Bad Sync has one) for a very good base.