Newsmeldung von slashCAM:Rumor: 2011 Full-sensor camcorder of Sony - Alpha 1000 of rudi - 18 Aug 2009 09:45:00 Canon camcorder that s.einer-35mm sensor was working with novelty, yes even circulated of different sides. Well we did not synonymous nor heard that (Sonyspätestens 2011 with a new 35mm full-frame DSLR with interchangeable lens concept, code-named "Alpha united 1000") Stillimage-and video capabilities will, as never before (; holla) a front Manufacturer has made. Open the question remains whether the "never" refers to 2009 or 2011. In any case, it has always Sonyschon the product designation 1000 for repeal certain milestones in the development, which is why we remain, of course, very excited ääh look ahead.
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Antwort von Zizi:

How to 35mm full frame?
Full Frame (; Small) there is in an EOS 5D and has a diameter of ~ 64mm?
35mm is even more likely to indicate APS?
Heat but at least a film area of motion picture film!
Is high time for such models .. Sensors of the baby XH A1 & co .. at least since the video DSLRs are no longer Contemporary ..
Antwort von Cocoa_Magazin:

2011?? It's much too late.
PS.: 35mm is 35mm. What do you think is Super35mm in the film industry and this corresponds to approximately the APS-C sensor.
Antwort von Bernd E.:
35mm full format ... How? (... Full frame; Small) there is in an EOS 5D and has a diameter of ~ 64mm? ... Yes 35mm is more likely to indicate APS? ... 35mm full frame (and anyway with an image circle diameter of about 43mm, not 64mm) is in fact exactly what is in a synonymous 5D: With the APS or 35mm film format has nothing to do.
... Is high time for such models .. Sensors of the baby XH A1 & co .. at least since the video DSLRs are no longer Contemporary ... Similarly, you could say that 100 horsepower cars are no longer appropriate, because it already has with the 300 hp. It all depends on your particular job.
Antwort von Zizi:
Similarly, you could say that 100 horsepower cars are no longer appropriate, because it already has with the 300 hp. It all depends on your particular job. Well a matter of opinion .. For me, the XH A1 sensors hardly bring much more power as a good consumer! It would be possible to use it apart from the handling for the same purposes, and it will save you some ¬ 1000!
I already think that the sensors in the currently used HDV Poliden quiet 2x should be as great for the price!
But naja again wanders too far into the distance .. we stay on topic.
Antwort von NEEL:

PS.: 35mm is 35mm. What do you think is Super35mm in the film industry and this corresponds to approximately the APS-C sensor. Pleasant it would ... I personally think the 5D MK II completely oversized for what the chip size, and so far as the small focus range. Not only that it applied cinematically - - is much too difficult to draw the focus to the picture seems to me very unnatural, and the barrel distortion of the lens is seeing far too much IMHO. I have made with the 5D MKII test recordings and am ruefully returned to an old 1 / 3''solution. Cam with a conventional one Letusvorsatz has created for me in every way the more beautiful picture. A 5D shows the technically feasible, is a beautiful picture of her in any case an APS-C Cam with his chip format.
Antwort von idolum:

Hui, finally moving in the market.
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Zizi you have to remember what had dared the XH A1 is a step SEVERAL years ago when they comb on the market!
Tell Sonykann much of 2011 ... soon come out Alpha 850 scored synonymous no video function, which clearly shows the Sonyda has overslept .... If it was now time the trend .... Alpha is almost a 900 with a new name.
"I think Canon will come with APS-C chips next year and Sonydann 2011, contrary to the hype trying to make.
Not to mention that by then probably already have the new RED Models s.Markt and since Nikon and Canon can learn Sonyhalt erstmal.
An announcement of a super duper top unit of Sonyim 2011, in my eyes is a sort of pathetic excuse of Sony, not more.
Sonyhat just slept the last 2 years and not really bothered drum.
So all the thumbs down high for Sony and Panasonic and Canon are all thumbs .... the moment the company had put the really new (; Panasonic AG-HPX 301 E and Canon 5D Mark II).
B. DeKid
By 2011, much water runs down the Rhine until then there will be dozens of new things - SonyIhr disappointed me.
Antwort von Zizi:
beautiful picture of her in any case, a cam with APS-C chip size to be ...
I personally think the 5D MK II completely oversized for what the chip size, and so far as the small focus range. There you have certainly not entirely wrong!
Nevertheless, the image size is closer s.IMAX ran than any other digital movie camera that I know!
This has an advantage synonymous .. Intensity and WW!
A GSP in a FX1000 I'd prefer to shoot on jedenfall synonymous and of course hardly have been worse!
Distortion of the lens is seeing far too much IMHO Socket for Canon lenses, there are 100s of .. Maybe it recorded 10%! We must not buy the KIT which I incidentally find faint and far too expensive for the Camera!
Antwort von PowerMac:
(, ...) Is high time for such models .. Sensors of the baby XH A1 & co .. at least since the video DSLRs are no longer Contemporary .. Are you nuts? That depends on the application. Cameras with large chips, first create a new aesthetic, which may be contrary to the aesthetics in some recent (; TV-) genre, on the other hand, they require a different type of camera movement with regards to costs. For example, the sharpness at 35mm has lead to an entirely different category than an XH A1. A camera like the XH-A1 will remain for most applications much more practical and versatile. It is less about the ergonomics, for the filming will unravel the cameras already, rather than the demanding production conditions, which are rarely (if all applications, hidden camera, small productions, fast work synonymous) can only partially met. Say you have an ergonomically unsound camera whose picture s.sich gorgeous, which, however, robust rotary conditions are not met a lot of effort and which requires (; Schärfezug), which (for longer rotational assignments, reportage, EB) is not acceptable. Or: Not everyone makes theatrical film. Or: The end film camera is far too fiddly and difficult of the sharpness. Understood?
Antwort von Zizi:
Are you nuts? That depends on the application. Cameras with large chips, first create a new aesthetic, which may be contrary to the aesthetics in some recent (; TV-) genre, on the other hand, they require a different type of camera movement with regards to costs. For example, the sharpness at 35mm has lead to an entirely different category than an XH A1. A camera like the XH-A1 will remain for most applications much more practical and versatile. It is less about the ergonomics, for the filming will unravel the cameras already, rather than the demanding production conditions, which are rarely (if all applications, hidden camera, small productions, fast work synonymous) can only partially met. Say you have an ergonomically unsound camera whose picture s.sich gorgeous, which, however, robust rotary conditions are not met a lot of effort and which requires (; Schärfezug), which (for longer rotational assignments, reportage, EB) is not acceptable. Or: Not everyone makes theatrical film. Understood? Yes because you can tell me anything new ..
I said yes but not twice as large 35mm sensors as the XH A1 has (; are then synonymous still small), but nevertheless far-noise and better! .. since one needs still no Fokuspuller .. otherwise, any Digibeta would no longer cope alone!
2 / 3 inch chip cameras should be at 3500 ¬ already inside! all others are found by now in Sanyo Cams!
Aja .. No. I do not spin!