Newsmeldung von slashCAM: Rumors video capabilities to the next iPhone condense of thomas - 3 May 2009 14:16:00 We had a berichtet) über Gerüchte, dass das nächste iPhone with umfassenden Videofähigkeien ausgestattet sein dürfte. Einem Business Week Artikel zufolge deutet inzwischen noch mehr darauf hin (was synonymous ein Artikel in
hardware register berichtet) über Gerüchte, dass das nächste iPhone with umfassenden Videofähigkeien ausgestattet sein dürfte. Einem Business Week Artikel zufolge deutet inzwischen noch mehr darauf hin (was synonymous ein Artikel in
A major point of criticism s.iPhone was always the lack of video capability. But even Apple is often late in entry markets, and then only with great success all redefine standards. Might Apple now the market cheaper revolutionize how well it is already with the iPod / iTunes, the MP3 player / online music market has done? And with the video iPod the first widespread mobile video player has started? And with the handling of the iPhone has revolutionized mobile phones?
Whether Apple succeeds, synonymous with the specifications of the integrated camera to conjure itself, remains to be seen in combination with the large display and intuitive touch screen handling, however, at least in terms of handling an interesting product.
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Antwort von Zizi:

geiler wär much but if the iphone as an external monitor for a 5D MkII and others. could use!
But such einfällle remain mostly deprived us ;-(!
Antwort von mleko:

I think I have something in the last few days (no idea where) to read.
Antwort von r.p.television:

The times had better watch that the next-generation iPhone to make calls synonymous works - and without that the club every few hours to the Charger needs.
In this context, the mobile phone has been useless, but everyone must have it.
A little less Bauchpinselei in useless things useful Klimbim spirit realm and more like a battery to change (and more capacity) would be more beneficial to the innovation as a new program for simulation of beard growth and a spirit synonymous to work in weightlessness.
And if I synonymous technical progress, I welcome graust before the videos to the world does not need - cut hands of an elite of iPhone users.
Antwort von Zizi:
The times had better watch that the next-generation iPhone to make calls synonymous works - and without that the club every few hours to the Charger needs.
In this context, the mobile phone has been useless, but everyone must have it.
A little less Bauchpinselei in useless things useful Klimbim spirit realm and more like a battery to change (and more capacity) would be more beneficial to the innovation as a new program for simulation of beard growth and a spirit synonymous to work in weightlessness.
And if I synonymous technical progress, I welcome graust before the videos to the world does not need - cut hands of an elite of iPhone users.
Kommt halt always depends on the user .. I think under normal usage, the battery exactly as long as each Other mobile phone!
The problem is only one iphone uses a lot more like a "mobile" and thus, the Battery synonymous faster flötten!
If the Battery you to be kurzlebich then simply switching the display 3G s.and Drimmer .. dan is the same length if not longer as every 0815 cell phone! That's it ..
geschnitten of hands of an elitist iPhone Users Apple usually avoids! ;-).
I think I have something in the last few days (no idea where) to read. What to read?
Antwort von Axel:

Hey, Zizi, what is happening with your Omnia?
Himself had had the Iphone .. and it made me angry every time this scheiß itunes to use and so jealous of Omnia users to look all the freeware and Cracks moved or just music or videos without any problems (itunes) on their mobile phone load!
How did you solved? That with the crack, my: the cracks?
Antwort von Zizi:

Jailbreak ..
I refer to the itunes Sch ... Transfer music with the iphone is a good thing!
Alone with the whole free Apps / podcasts ..
Antwort von r.p.television:

@ Zizi
I have no iPhone. Only my customers and friends that they constantly rant for a second mobile lug, because the iPhone constantly makes the vault. Despite the Schimpferei I get unsolicited downloads and demonstrations indispensable great tools presented.
If you give me an iPhone would be there tomorrow in the bay.
I myself have only a three-year-old SonyEriccson. Scratched and worn. But I can in my basement room cut phone (with the iPhone is not) and must be only after 8 days to the Charger, though I call very often and so sometimes Tetris (in legendary 2D graphics) games. And I have a notebook with real 3D-pen, in which I jot down my schedule. And my laptop for email traffic, I see often enough because I have not yet under way on its glass screen with my sausage fingers rumstochern ;-)
Antwort von Zizi:
I have no iPhone. Only my customers and friends that they constantly rant for a second mobile lug, because the iPhone constantly makes the vault. Despite the Schimpferei I still get unsolicited downloads and demonstrations indispensable great tools presented.
If you give me an iPhone would be there tomorrow in the bay.
I myself have only a three-year-old SonyEriccson. Scratched and worn. But I can in my cellar phone (with the iPhone is not) and must be only after 8 days to the Charger, though I call very often and so sometimes Tetris (in legendary 2D graphics) games. And I have a notebook with real 3D-pen, in which I jot down my schedule. And my laptop for email traffic, I see often enough because I have not yet under way on its glass screen with my sausage fingers rumstochern ;-)
Well each has its ..
Now I had a lot of new mobile touch but overall packet from her is the iphone for me is clearly the best!
With the updates merzt is synonymous beautiful slow the disadvantages over the others like ZBS. Copy / paste, video, etc.
Bin up to a few technical / support issues very satisfied with my ..
see here
Antwort von r.p.television:

I'm as synonymous admittedly a bit stale (; although I so old with 37 is not bin).
Probably I will soon but synonymous with the idea must be a multi-media mega-buy tool to have. The pressure of the society calls it as it was indeed the mobile phone. One must always and everywhere accessible.
Here I still miss the times where the phone was fixed s.der wall - with a two-meter cord not until Lokus enough. With built Verleugnungsmodus (; Mom). Those were the days ....
All I wanted then was CB radio for my Bonanza Wheel ....
Antwort von Supe:

I have a 3G iPhone and find it quite so far as well.
As, however, with the most expensive mobile phone with such a s.Markt complains ... Camera function (Stills) and without proper video function - 15 fps with purchased software, I think times for a joke! - Out a can, I marketingstrategisch somewhat untapped.
Send it looks, the haptics is a revolution, certainly. That there is no copy & paste and has no official MMS service is meant as a normal mobile phone and PC users. That one of the advanced features and the large, dense color on a daily basis to load Battery - synonymous with power saving function - must be bought, the other hand, a lit.
That one in ungebreaktem Apps own state does not restore, is classic Apple strategy. So nothing Unaudited what possibly could make trouble on the mobile phone (or on the Mac), but it's just synonymous inflexible. Likewise, the only possible collaboration only with iTunes and the Aushorcherei about it. Without iTunes does not unlock the phone.
Bluthooth is installed, but it's not even with another iPhone. Only with special hardware. Similarly, the normal interface. The only runs on Good luck. But everything will soon be released with the next FW update. Thinketh: Drin it, but we sell it you as a sensation, if we do you will soon unlock.
One feels a little different-apple-d, but at least it looks good from it.
Why some of these things until the summer with the FW 3 Now it is not already and come with the first firmware update - so long as the users moaning already - is a very eigenwilige Umternehmenshaltung. Aropos. As a company mobile phone (keyword: Exchange connectivity and remote) is the 3G iPhone is not usable. It remains for me a pure private toy.
Why only in the next version of a more or less 5MP camera is incorporated, although the SonyEricsson K750i was already an excellent 3-MP camera (with video sher useful function) and had now almost 5 MP camera phones in the standard, white you are not synonymous. 2 MP in any case were in any case been a real laugher. But yes there are probably two cameras - for Vdeoconferencing's.
Whether this is a flash? Probably not. The will be the third wahscheinlich with FW update as a new feature available ...
In this sense this: Happy Updating!
Antwort von WideScreen:

... Despite the Schimpferei I get unsolicited downloads and demonstrations indispensable tools presented fantastic ...
Yes, people suffer all the friends or acquaintances with so nem toy. Naja.
According to unconfirmed rumors, should be enough for the iPhone then synonymous a 35 mm adapter and give a quick release plate for the tripod .....
Antwort von jogol:

According to unconfirmed rumors, should be enough for the iPhone then synonymous a 35 mm adapter and give a quick release plate for the tripod ..... No, there is a Full Foveon sensor to bypass annoying Debayering and real 4K possible. In addition, new I-apps such as I-Cam with the I-Phone
the stylistic peculiarities of different cameramen tracks (; I Ballhaus, I Vandenberg, I-Doyle, etc.). Also new: I-Cut. Cutter Various styles a la Chris Rouse Thelma Schoomaker or alternatively be automatically applied to the footage.
For filmmakers, there are animal synonymous a BBC style. Magic Bullet Looks presets are provided as at the time of recording available. Redrock, Zacuto and Arri have been working s.Rigs and other accessories. Cheap compendia are already offered at eBucht Indians. Who the (; very view) Bokeh not like it, may in the App Store to download a small tool that simulates the popular cameras such as Viper, F23, Arri35, Mk2.
Filed will either (almost) uncompressed in App - Intralogistics 4:4:4:4, 16 bit (; 4Gb per second) or, alternatively, in H.264 (; 17 Mbit's) on a newly developed card app, which for
599 ¬ is offered (; 16 Gb). The only 4 seconds recording time at the highest resolution, one should, according to Apple as a call to see, sometimes to the point to come.
Other innovations are an egg Schneider (; egg-cut) and a full body shaver. (; Me-shave)
Is it only with T-Com Contract. Term 24 years, pM 499 ¬, 30 free minutes to the German fixed network, 30 Sms for free. When attempting to create a Firmwarehack aufzuspielen destroyed the I-Phone itself.
Antwort von WideScreen:

* * lautlach Na endlich mal ne Eierlegende Wollmichsau .... Put the eggs, the new phone but synonymous, oda? So I mean you can save the catering, it would be a valuable tool.
Antwort von Axel:

@ jogol. Seeeehr beautiful. Schön was synonymous follow the Simpsons on Apple, when Lisa is not
my phone could afford it and Steve Jobs, the recommends MyPhony, a dummy for 49 $.