Frage von Wilfried:
'm a new member of the Forum and accordingly know whether I applying the correct process, so please check back later.
Have Panasonic NV-GS35 camcorder and would now perform the following:
Videos 1.Aufgenommene dub on PC and edit it there
2.Bearbeitete videos on CD or DVD, burn with NERO 6?
I get either with the included software of Panasonic Motion DV Studio 5.3 LE for more with Pinnacle 9 Studio (new patches contain old) the files transferred to the PC. The Studio 5.3 Convert AVI to MPEG files, though, but can transfer to your PC is not. With Pin I get AVI not even opened mine, the program can not open the drive of the camcorder.
1. Who can tell me why this is? (na clear s.dem sitting in front of the screen)
2. Are there more appropriate than the above-mentioned video editing programs?
3. How do I prepare the videos for delivery with e-mail?
Harwarevoraussetzungen: Pentium 4 processor, graphics card, WINXP prof with SP2, which codecs are installed, I do not know.
Thanks for the advice
Addendum: If you are interested s.Erfahrungsaustausch in terms of creation of slideshows with dig. Pictures?
Antwort von Markus:

Hello Wilfred,
to 1 You will find all necessary information in my post
FireWire FAQ">"s.PC connect your camcorder and capture images"
To 3: You could comment, the videos with
Windows Media Encoder
Another thing about Windows XP with SP2: You could have problems when connecting your camcorder (more accurate is) synonymous in the above post.
Antwort von wolfgang:

Another basic instructions for the commute you can find synonymous here:
In addition, one should also emphasize that change is still better when the material over time and as a DV firewire transfers avi cut, and only spends the final product on mepg.
Antwort von wilfried:
Hello Wilfred,
to 1 You will find all necessary information in my post FireWire FAQ">"s.PC connect your camcorder and capture images"
To 3: You could compress your videos with Windows the Media Encoder. Windows Media files can be played on virtually any Windows PC.
Another thing about Windows XP with SP2: You could have problems when connecting your camcorder (more accurate is) synonymous in the above post. Hello,
Thanks for the quick response. I have now probably identified the main source of error, the camera was set incorrectly, namely to play instead of recording (yes, it Saan,) the nerdish Beginners. Therefore, the program could not access the camera.
Furthermore, I had s.PC s.der 1394 connector strip (2 Connections) a run external hard drive, next to the camera. After I had logged out the hard drive that worked the access.
Now I have another idea: I want me to take home a recording of an external enclosure for the harddrive, install a 200 GB hard drive and subsequently, to use this drive solely for video editing and storage of videos. Background of thought is that I want to take my equipment with traveling, and since only a notebook is available.
What do you think of the idea, it is feasible?
Antwort von Markus:

Hello Wilfred,
Of course that is feasible. Many who are working to cut on a notebook (or s.mehreren computers), with external hard disks.
Antwort von Wilfried:
Another basic instructions for the commute you can find synonymous here:
In addition, one should also emphasize that change is still better when the material over time and as a DV firewire transfers avi cut, and only spends the final product on mepg. Hello Wolfgang,
Thanks for the quick and informative answer.
Especially your link is very revealing. Here are a few questions:
1. I have available as a video editing software Pinnacle Studio 9 with the latest patches. Is this software suitable for beginners or not?
2. Between you of the recommended software and Pin. are priced a few hundred euros. Extrapolating this? I must be interested s.einer necessarily easy to use software, I'm often on the road and then not have the ability to make myself as comfortable as at home "too clever". Your opinion has great interest for me.
Thank you,
Antwort von wolfgang:

So no I do not see the point with the price difference:
- Ulead Media Studio 7: around 100 euros
- Sony Vegas Movie Studio + DVD: about U.S. $ 100
- Premiere Elements: around 100 euros
But I just noticed that I have there's a better link for you - where do you find these Programs synonymous recommended:
At Pinnacle Studio: So there are people who love this software, mainly because of the very simple interface. And there are people who curse it - because many errors occur. Probably depends on the specific PC, together with environment. Personally, I think this software rather overpriced compared with the above products.