Frage von TobiZ123:
Antwort von Markus:

Hi Tobi,
the recent info to your concern sounds like a technical gimmick. I pick up a television to watch TV. Why do not synonymous?
Antwort von TobiZ123:

Hi Mark,
habs been so operated, as I in the 'work' have not got a TV.
Use the same part only in passing GigaTV, MTV, etc. run it.
Do you see no way how I could get the part just to run?
Merci & greeting
Antwort von Markus:
... what is there for alternative software other than the above mentioned "CyberLink PowerDirector" with which I can look at an S-video input signal? Hi Tobi,
in your earlier Calculator You have used the WinTV software, and that worked out fine. Have you tried this program already on your laptop?
Antwort von Millpesetas:

Hi Mark,
I habs grad mal tried, unfortunately without success. Does an error message at startup that he does not find the TV card and therefore does not start :-(
Gibts any software which is rather like WinTV, thus actually 'only' what goes in the S-Video s.Monitor somewhere (if possible spend more scalable in size)?
Antwort von Markus:

Hi Tobi,
I am not the right person because I am primarily occupied with the DV editing. But perhaps the following will help you post next:
Video Viewer
Antwort von TobiZ123:

Hey Mark!
SUPER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That part works, even full auf'm second monitor!
Thank you & Regards,