Frage von zelot:
hello love knowing
I have a s16 film of 1927th
so the total on the film with elliptical edge is visible?
Zealot [/ img]
Antwort von Debonnaire:

Because the filmmakers had screwed ne vignetting front Aperture Lens.
Because the filmmakers had filmed by an oval hole.
Because the filmmakers had installed ne elliptical coverage in the beam path.
Because the filmmakers had in developing the positive sent through an oval hole.
Because the filmmakers had on the negatives with a black wax pencil an oval painted on each Picture.
Because the emulsion layer in the unknown micro-organisms were negative elliptical eaten away from the edge.
Because this is the answer to all questions of the universe and our existence!
Ne plays role in why this is so and be able to find out wirs they ever really? Thou canst not rid of so eh!
Antwort von zelot:

Now I will not be rid of it all. I ask out of pure curiosity. for what was then a vignetted blende good? Wide angle or more sunscreens, or what?
thank you very much
Antwort von Debonnaire:

Lol ... As someone has just built at the Studio Mist! That's it!
Or was it so wished, for one to us is no longer open up reason.
But I bet on the first option.
Antwort von zelot:

can you please describe to me yet what he has done in the mist for a recording?
thank you very much.
Antwort von Debonnaire:

He probably screwed a lot to close front lens hood, are so precisely caused this Vignetting / vignetting.
Definitions for "hood", "Lens", "propeller", "vignetting", "vignetting" and "are" you'll find quite independently on the Internet.
Antwort von zelot:

Many thanks for your explanation recherche internet top right side and your prior notices.
Antwort von Debonnaire:

Very happy to be done! :-)
I would have synonymous of top s.and of themselves can draufkommen that you are familiar with the Internet as a resource for knowledge discovery unlimiterte could not. Silly me! Now we have learned something but both! ;-)
Antwort von Schleichmichel:

First of all, there were no Super16 to 1927, and for the second time we have used synonymous to shoot in our view, a rather strange picture designs, precisely synonymous, as here, a "master, or an intentionally induced vignette.
Tinted films are not synonymous fitted, where a color is tilted to the film. We have just tried things and this just fit the style of the time (to make a nice little house, perhaps even an oval frame in order to disguise the junk shops on the tourist strip - you remember that in the 20's not so much mistaken Zoom has been working with, because there were hardly any).