Frage von eis_mann:
Hallo erstmal s.alle user, I'm new here in this forum :-)!
And now to my question:
Until now I have almost exclusively with DV or SD 4:3 rotated and worked. (SonyTRV 900) but in the future for me is the gradual transition to HDV productions planned and with Final Cut Pro, I am there "Postmäßig" certainly in no way bad.
Now is when I finally announced a new Camera and I need help in reaching decisions.
Are actually available at the moment only the SonyHDR FX 1 and the Canon XH A1, since both my basic requirements and corresponding price segment. After rolling of various test reports, the Canon slowly but surely Sony s.der past, not least because of the XLR Connections.
With the FX, I could ever play around a little and they liked me a lot of good handling and manipulation, the XH I had not yet in hand.
1.Wer has to do with both and can be held Conclusion enter?
2. Since the switch to HDV when I gradually done, I will be in the initial phase is often 4:3 or turn old and new material must be mixed. With the FX 1 as with the XH A 1 can be so synonymous in 4:3 DV mode. For the FX, I have read, the quality is poor? And what about when the Canon XH A1? Has someone experiences or a link?
Thanks eis_mann
Antwort von usul:

With an expensive HDV camera in 4:3 SD to film I find really pointless.
If you must do something, then you can place the synonymous in the post production done by using the Picture and the left and then right off the Resolutionrunterrechnest.
An SD recording later you will get no more HD-Auflsöung, is reversed (with some computing power) is not a problem.
Antwort von Andreas_Kiel:

Why so complicated in the PostPro? The FX1 is the material synonymous with SD, if they are politely asked Muhammad, but only 16:9. This includes the continued HDV tape "for later".
If you want to rotate in 4:3, the only recording in DV -> output in DV.
Antwort von usul:
The FX1 is the material synonymous with SD, if they are politely asked Muhammad, but only 16:9. And that is why I would spend as HDV and then in the PostPro cropping to 4:3.
Antwort von eis_mann:

Oky me it attracts synonymous shoes off when I use the HDV DV images with the pictures and really wants to see me no more IR photos, but I'm forced to me and is quite clear where the hare hinläuft, I first recorded in SD I can no longer back to HDV, reversed it.
While I generally record in HDV and then in Final Cut Pro to convert DV 4:3 (because then the quality should be better than 4:3 in the DV record as saying it to me synonymous), since to me but sometimes only a G4 Powerbook is available, is not synonymous grad lame, but at the volumes of data, should always be a longer calculation. And if the end result will always be 4:3 DV, I would just like to record, so because of the workflow and so what do you ;-)
The question here is how much synonymous to moderate quality in SD mode of HDV cams on a three-chip DV of the last generation is so blatant, or only a little worse? Will say this difference remembers my "film industry clientele" and that this image of the familiar is different.
Since I am still a long time in the DV standard will have to do until I completely convert to HDV and my old DV cam from the last hole whistles, I would eventually "New" prefer the easier it. So, the XH A1, or the FX 1st
That is when the decision is certainly not the poodle core, but for me and my specific situation is an interesting point.
Antwort von PowerMac:

Cutting in native HDV. That should be your PowerBook grad still create. If you ever have too much money (so ne thousands) würd me to purchase a Macbook. Approximately three to four times as fast as your current.
Arithmetic, you can download directly in Final Cut Pro or so:
Or you use MPEG Streamclip to almost as good and for free download to convert.
Antwort von eis_mann:

Thank you for PowerMac really helpful Ulis link to a detailed report about the conversion of HDV to SD in Final Cut Pro or After effect. (a Macbook is at the top of the wish list "lechz", unfortunately I have to first take care of a new cam because my old mind to give up)
Thanks synonymous s.usul and Andreas. So now I'm already a full next step.
But apart of sense or nonsense of the recording in SD mode with an HDV camera and the possibilities in the post I would be still my original question I would like to find new formolieren interested in:
Which of the two cameras to get better conversion from 4:3 in SD, the Canon XH 1 or SonyHDR FX 1? Or, are here with the same "bad"?
So if anyone here experience or has a link ....
Grüsse eis_mann (aka iceland in Final Cut Pro Forum)
Antwort von jw:

I stand just before the same problem as you ice-mann, FX1, or A1, what have you learned about this new? Have you already decided for a?
Grüß jw
Antwort von wolfgang:

Which of the two cameras to get better conversion from 4:3 in SD, the Canon XH 1 or SonyHDR FX 1? Or, are here with the same "bad"?
I do not know any of this would have been presumptuous - as the only sensible thing. Personally, I think that the conversion of the FX1 is sufficient good - if synonymous often been said that the conversion of the subsequently published HC1 was better. From the Canon A1, I know it not.
It is for 2 things:
-the FX1 can occur during the conversion to 4:3 is not just left and right trim the Picture, as the professional version - the Z1 - can. This completes the conversion of HDV to 4:3 from a FX1 out does not make sense anyway possible. Whether the A1 Pruning can, I do not know.
- It is usually the case anyway usually follow the workflow that you as HDV filming captured and cuts - and only then from the NLE to convert to SD. Just because the film is then synonymous with HD equal cut has available.
Antwort von Nachtelfe:

So, I hold myself short times, the Canon XH A1 can be everything that the FX1 is synonymous just better and much more.
Antwort von eis_mann:

Yesterday I used the test in the computer video on Comparison of 1 and XH SonyHVR V1 read.
Among many positives for the XH 1 gives it synonymous to read that the XH has a firmware bug and the leads to a warped blur in 4:3 mode. Cause this is the parameter detail Corning is programmed incorrectly. Whether Canon is now at its newly delivered Cams regulated in I do not know, just as long as this is not the case, it should not synonymous Comparison between the 4:3 mode of a Canon of Sony.
Although, the testers have the Canon but then outwitted in which they detail the Corning to -9 and thus have its own preset 4:3 draw, so it was 4:3 then sharp Picture.
The extent to which this 4:3 Picture Picture s.das but then an SD camera can reach the last generation, however, they have no information given.
Antwort von eis_mann:

[quote = "wolfgang"]
Which of the two cameras to get better conversion from 4:3 in SD, the Canon XH 1 or SonyHDR FX 1? Or, are here with the same "bad"?
-the FX1 can occur during the conversion to 4:3 is not just left and right trim the Picture, as the professional version - the Z1 - can. This completes the conversion of HDV to 4:3 from a FX1 out does not make sense anyway possible. Whether the A1 Pruning can, I do not know.
Hello Wolfgang, I do not understand the whole, the HDV picture is in 16:9 and 4:3 in the conversion must be so right and left to be trimmed to obtain 4:3, otherwise there would be a contradiction in itself because yes otherwise upon conversion ledilich the Resolutionvon HDV in SD would happen, but not the format? There was no change in 4:3 SD or merely in degree, I sit on the line?
Antwort von wolfgang:

Well as long as with the FX1 is an HDV -16:9 material (there eh no other) to SD widescreen converts, there are no problems. If you want to convert to 4:3, you can with the FX1 either side of the Picture, or but a letterboxed version get. Both not very useful.
Therefore, in reality, the FX1 only the variant that to SD-16: 9 turns, and then the picture just in Postpro cuts, if you need 4:3. When you are shooting sticks but perhaps equally ideal as Tixostreifen on the LC, to the limits.
Alternatively you can of course in SD 4:3 directly to film, but it is holding with an HDV device, not the yellow from the egg.
Antwort von eis_mann:

Everything clear now ;-) Thanks Wolfgang
Antwort von Bergfilmer:

Hello Ice-man
with the problem, I have been synonymous. The Canon A1 is of HDV but only to convert 16:9 DV or SD in letterbox. The SonyHVR Z1 can be a genuine convert 4:3 SD and cuts the left and right just from what. When Rotate markers that can be adjusted. My experience is that when Sonydas converted 16:9 Picture iund brilliant sharper than when recorded in DV was. In my opinion, can record 16:9 but only because it's 16:9 chips. With the Canon I had the impression that the image quality after Downkonvertieren was worse. In the last issue of the Video Active was a Canon G1 tested and synonymous here criticized the poor quality of the converted images. The quality of data directly into aufgenommennen images of the current Spitzenkaeras in this area is supposed to not be reached. Synonymous'm still interested s.Ergebnissen it. Unfortunately, this criterion of the testers are not with in the direct comparison of scoring.
Antwort von voge42:

@ Wolfgang
Hello Wolfgang,
Since you offesnichtlich at FX1 bescheid so well know how wi do you think is true because in the FX7?
Had also the problem that my client tolles 16:9 material on a simple 4:3 computer monitor plays, and now top and bottom of the well-known black bar has ;-).
my idea: All master (ca 11minuten) again in the FX7 to capture, and then ilinkconvert, ie 4:3, into the PC to play.
I also do not get reasonable results, the sch .. monitor the customer exactly once it plays right through (pan & scan), then again, I have letter boxes. is only half as tragic kunde synonymous so pleased, but I would be interested in it anyway.
lg spidertom
Antwort von voge42:

I can not tell you how it is in the FX7 - which I did not, but the returns like any HDV device 16:9.
So either it cuts the material left and right of the editing program, halt, or have black top and bottom bars - if the pruning is not the FX7 at the output it can be. Show times halt in the instructions, or from probiers halt.
Antwort von Dominique:

Thank you,
but the manual is only holding it converts 4:3, no more and no less. So wolfgang has claimed that this is the single cams resolved differently, hence my request.
the problem will never again employ me because it is simply absurd with a HDV of 16:9 to 4:3 to convert hätts interested me anyway.
lg spidertom
Antwort von wolfgang:

There are different holding devices with different capabilities. The FX1 does the trimming left and right not, but the Picture staucht only together - or adds the top and bottom black stripes one (letterboxed). The Z1, however, is the 16:9 picture left and right trim. Like the FX7 does now, I can not say.
And true - a -16:9 HDV material do I convert a maximum of synonymous to SD-16: 9 down, and probably only in rare exceptions to 4:3. And then gehts halt with pan-crop from the NLE.
Antwort von ---:

What is the when one with such a camera as a biker films. Does the HD is good or because the switch to SD better? Endmedium would be the case in a DVD.