Frage von Jominator:Hi everyone,
have dealt extensively with the last days of the SD909. I have not risen at last to me because it is recorded here at Slashcam including synonymous with 1080/25p.
This mode is only with some Enschränkungen enjoy. The largest Enschränkung is the loss of focus. I suspect that just every other 50i-picture is used.
Curiously synonymous change under identical conditions, the gray balance in AWB mode.
See for yourself The films are 100% crops.
Antwort von NikonUser:
So I have the SD600 and a try each day to set up around a little.
25p mode is only possible with restriction (cinema mode)
If you use a shutter speed of 1 / 25, it is possible that individual pictures are lost. (Is synonymous in the Instructions)
At best, ensure good lighting conditions and film in 50p. Disadvantage if the Calculator is not strong enough postprocess hard.