Frage von levideonen:
hi my name is Marco, sorry about my bad english
i wont buy a new camera panasonic AG-HMC151E. AVCHD format
i will use it with SONY VEGAS 8 PER it's full compatibly?
it work fine?
any people here use this camera or AVCHD format video with Edius 5??
i s.waiting your reply
thanks a lot marco
bye bye
Thank you
by marco of milan
Antwort von wolfgang:

As far sI know from other users, the actual Vegas Pro 8 version seems to crash with Panasonic 151 footage - I assume you would have to wait for a new version.
I s.not sure if Edius supports that footage by now.
Antwort von Marco:

I think it's worth testing the Vegas Pro 8.0c demo version. Panasonic HMC151 files work well on my Vegas system. No crash yet.
Antwort von levideonen:
I think it's worth testing the Vegas Pro 8.0c demo version. Panasonic HMC151 files work well on my Vegas system. No crash yet.
Marco hi marco thanks a lot for your reply.
you are happy with your panasonic 151?
The panasonic 151 work better a similar HDV camcorder (sony fx1000 sample)
you insert native video clip directly to sony vegas or before convert it with sw transcorder AVCHD?
where you have buy it?
what's' is your final video work?
rssolution standard dvd or blu ray hd or another format?
bye and thank
marcoroma of milan
Antwort von Marco:

I do not own a HMC151, just got the files delivered from others. Do not know if the files were imported by the Panasonic import tool. But if so - this does not mean a conversion process such s.rendering but it's only a merging and renaming of files
The Panasonic files which are offered via the website Wolfang mentioned in the other post work well too (just put them into the timeline).
Antwort von levideonen:

The Panasonic files which are offered via the website Wolfang mentioned in the other post work well too (just put them into the timeline).
i think the panasonic 151 camera is s.great!
The image quality is best of the HDV format.
bye marco
Antwort von nachtspion:

Hello marco, i have just downloaded some 151 files and tryed it with the Vegas Pro 8 trial version, just to make clear that my system can handle the AVCHD files.
I s.working on s.Intel Quad 9550 PC with 4 GB Ram Win XP, and it runs very smooth.
Got different results on Canopus Edius 5, which runs very bad with these files.
So i think Sonymade the better software for this!
Antwort von wolfgang:

Marco is right - I have now tested the import of those 151 files, both the 1080i and the 720p files by myself too. And both files can be imported into Vegas Pro 8c without any issue and run fine on my Quad Q6600 PC. And if you adjust the project properties to 1920x1080 50i in Vegas, BOTH the 1080 50i native files of the 151 but also the Canopus HQ converted files run fine with 25 fps.
There must be another issue on their PC's maybe why some users have reported issues about to import those files into Vegas.
By the way, if you use Canopus Edius for editing AVCHD files, you SHOULD always convert to the Canopus HQ codec - since Edius has never been very good to edit native AVCHD files. But I see no quality difference if you use the Canopus HQ codec, compared with the native AVCHD files - that can be used in both Edius and then Vegas.
So the good news are that you can use both Vegas Pro 8c Edius but also to edit the footage 151.