Frage von ambrus:
DVD ripping, there's a lot of little problems and Programs
but so far was `s complicated features an SVCD to rip
a way with Nero vision over the import villeicht ask other DVD authoring tools so synonymous?
s: video -Tipp/SVCD% 20oder% 20DVD% 20Rippen% 20mit% 20Nero% 20Vision.html
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Ah yes, the times' nen Ding. * * Schmunzel
I think you're here in the wrong forum ;-)
Also I think you really do not SVCDs to DVD and copy must be when synonymous but not so:-D.
Several SVCDs to DVD without converting to XVID, yes this could be a way sein.Seiner to her collection.
And who actually uses vision rather than classical view in Nero? Is not actually circumstances?
B. DeKid